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Destiny Is Like If Warframe And Halo Had A Child.


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Seriously. Its like Warframe and Halo had a child, with some rpg elements thrown in. Its awesome.


Ive been playing the Destiny beta, and it is a ton of fun. Its got warframe and Halo (two games I greatly enjoy) mixed into it.


I think you guys at DE should look into Destiny and how they do some things. It has some good stuff that would no doubt improve warframe.


Oh and if anyone else out there is playing the destiny beta, add me on psn: Dtexas44.

Edited by Dtexas
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I saw some gameplay and I'll be honest feels a lot slower than warframe and voice acting is kinda bad....Not capcom bad but bad,  It looks nice but for some reason I can't help but see it and think why don't they add rocket jumps and free running to make the pace a bit better same with weapons they feel a tad generic to be honest.


Edit: PS4 only atm Sam also love your corpus stuffs

Edited by Zero.No.Hikari
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Destiny does not have wall running spinning sliding hammer/sword/whip wielding folks who are leveled up via a deck of collectable cards.  Destiny isn't procedurally generated and isn't 3rd person for 95% of the time.  Warframe has no skill trees and destiny doesn't have its weapons accessed via crafting from grinding resources.


So maybe 80% halo/Borderlands and %20 Warframe if that?


Maybe he meant the look and feel, style, etc cuz gameplay is not close.


No offense I just don't see the correlation myself.

Edited by Toztman
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I feel in love with Destiny's soundtrack... it just suits the game so well. A pity it's not coming to PC (goddamnit, Bungie!). Not sure it's gonna be F2P, more like a monthly subscription like in WoW.

Actually, it was posted on the Destiny Forums that Activision is looking into having a PC version set up and sent out around March 2015.


Considering how all of the menus and the gameplay works, I would say it would be an easy PC port.

Edited by HiddenKharma
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Flatmate was playing the beta for the past 2 days, i sat and watched it. It just looks like borderlands online with some character customization thrown in, the loading screens are really really long though. It's 3rd person in town and first person during the missions. I was actually expecting something more from all the hype, but it's just a polished planetside 2 with bells and whistles.


It's the best thing to hit ps4 so far though.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Actually, it was posted on the Destiny Forums that Activision is looking into having a PC version set up and sent out around March 2015.


Considering how all of the menus and the gameplay works, I would say it would be an easy PC port.

I heard somewhere that while it would certainly not come to PC on release, it could certainly (and likely will at some point) be ported.

And knowing Bungie, it would at least be a decent port.


So yeah.

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Actually, it was posted on the Destiny Forums that Activision is looking into having a PC version set up and sent out around March 2015.


Considering how all of the menus and the gameplay works, I would say it would be an easy PC port.

What. So there is hope, still. You just made me a very happy gamer.


Also, take into consideration, this is an online game that is being developed in PCs as well...

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And knowing Bungie, it would at least be a decent port.

Bungie hasn't released a PC game or port since Oni in 2001. Halo and Halo 2 were ported by Gearbox and Hired Gun, respectively.


Not to say it would be bad, but Destiny's port will likely be handled by a separate company and we have no idea what the quality of Bungie releasing a port would be anymore.

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Bungie hasn't released a PC game or port since Oni in 2001. Halo and Halo 2 were ported by Gearbox and Hired Gun, respectively.


Not to say it would be bad, but Destiny's port will likely be handled by a separate company and we have no idea what the quality of Bungie releasing a port would be anymore.


Well then.

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Doesn't feel even slightly like anything Warframe-y in terms of the core gameply stylings at all.  The only similarities present is the fact that "there's space magic" but to draw the Warframe connection from that alone is too much of a stretch for me.


Honestly it feels like I'm playing Halo 3 again for the most part but now with the ability to aim down the sites + customizability & leveling.  The RPG-esque elements feel closer to Borderlands in terms of style as opposed to how they're handled in Warframe as well.  Built in motion tracker thingie (though it's in the wrong corner) like the good ol' days and all.


In terms of level design/atmosphere/sound it's absolutely nothing like Warframe at all as well.  Not even going to try to explain this.


So no, nothing like Warframe at all.  That's neither bad nor good mind you, each game fits its own niche I'd say as Warframe feels closer to the pacing of UT.

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Destiny was in development for 5 years.


Wildstar was in development for 8.


Warframe has only been in beta for 1 1/2, but it still feels really solid, and U14 is a huge step towards a finished game.


Give it 3 years and we'll have a next-gen contender indeed.

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Destiny was in development for 5 years.


Wildstar was in development for 8.


Warframe has only been in beta for 1 1/2, but it still feels really solid, and U14 is a huge step towards a finished game.


Give it 3 years and we'll have a next-gen contender indeed.

I don't know if Warframe will last three more years, to be honest. Remember, the PWE debacle is still left in the open, and if DE does get into a partnership with them, the game won't last one year, let alone three.

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