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Xp Gain Reduced By Nearly 75%? Why?


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I've only noticed a difference in Affinity Gain with Eximus/Leader Units. Otherwise everything else feels the same, at least from what I have experienced.

i dont know, i went into Sechura with a rank13 Dera, rank 25 Seer (which is very close to leveling), rank30 Ash and a rank2 sunika kubrow. I did the whole thing solo and nothing gained a single level.

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Are you serious? You can't level items with Plat. If this was intentional then it was to further length out the needless grinding. This is a bad move.

Are you high? How can anyone be any more clear about being sarcastic. I even used the :^) emoticon, sheesh

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i dont know, i went into Sechura with a rank13 Dera, rank 25 Seer (which is very close to leveling), rank30 Ash and a rank2 sunika kubrow. I did the whole thing solo and nothing gained a single level.


Maybe your XP gain went down by 75% because the amount of members in the squad you were supposed to have for good XP gain was 75% too low.


Get a full squad, maybe get the guts to go past wave 5, then you'll see those numbers at the end of mission screen fly up.

Edited by nintega
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Maybe your XP gain went down by 75% because the amount of members in the squad you were supposed to have for good XP gain was 75% too low.


Get a full squad, maybe get the guts to go past wave 5, then you'll see those numbers at the end of mission screen fly up.


I've been leveling my Vauban in Sechura/ODD till wave 20-30. I can tell you that the XP numbers don't 'fly up'. You're lucky to get a level and a half.

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Maybe your XP gain went down by 75% because the amount of members in the squad you were supposed to have for good XP gain was 75% too low.


Get a full squad, maybe get the guts to go past wave 5, then you'll see those numbers at the end of mission screen fly up.

i do solo to wave 5 all the time, i usually get loads more xp than i got these past couple times, i would expect my rank 2 kubrow to at least gain 1 more level, but it didnt

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So DE really wants me to quit or something? I won't buy EXP Boosters, even if I can get plat with no money, that guy who says it is about progression and how DE would need to rush new content if we progress too fast, so this is a Beta or not? if it is a beta then we stop complaining the lack of content, if is a beta then why would I they need to slow down progress?


Feedback Preserved


Edited by VanFanel1980mx
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Personally, I think buffing any faction and nerfing its rewards is ludicrous.

If you add challenge to something, you should also add more rewards: why bother fighting infested at this point otherwise? Why bother in keeping dark sectors as a clan/ alliance? To farm resources? Good way to devalue dark sectors... from arenas to test your prowess and builds to farms (and we all know we have already too much grind in Warframe...thanks, but no thanks.)

At least, with the infested in Sechura (one single map!) the chore of leveling up weapons/frame and applying forma was less frustrating and bothersome (try and level up a boltor prime/soma with a full complement of forma or a desecrator Nekros now... tell me if it's worth the time and the hassle).

Infested are so much stronger and dangerous than before (harpoons, the bugged ospray are back and so on) and I'm ok with this changes: finally we have to play the game instead of afking with pentas... but why should I fight them if they are so unrewarding and sometimes even bugged?

Edited by Zuijin
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Personally, I think buffing any faction and nerfing its rewards is ludicrous.

If you add challenge to something, you should also add more rewards: why bother fighting infested at this point otherwise? Why bother in keeping dark sectors as a clan/ alliance? To farm resources? Good way to devalue dark sectors... from arenas to test your prowess and builds to farms (and we all know we have already too much grind in Warframe...thanks, but no thanks.)

At least, with the infested in Sechura (one single map!) the chore of leveling up weapons/frame and applying forma was less frustrating and bothersome (try and level up a boltor prime/soma with a full complement of forma or a desecrator Nekros now... tell me if it's worth the time and the hassle).

Infested are so much stronger and dangerous than before (harpoons, the bugged ospray are back and so on) and I'm ok with this changes: finally we have to play the game instead of afking with pentas... but why should I fight them if they are so unrewarding and sometimes even bugged?

Because we are supposed to buy boosters unless we want DE to go bankrupt, remember, we don't need money to get platinum, or so the loyal fanbase says.

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Because we are supposed to buy boosters unless we want DE to go bankrupt, remember, we don't need money to get platinum, or so the loyal fanbase says.


If DE is really in such a pinch, and is really risking bankrupt, I would prefer something more direct and clean to this money grabbing and milking.

For Instance... I dunno how about:


"The Second Founding Event"

Hey player, you, that's right: YOU! Warframe is a great game, our great game, yadda yadda. But sadly, wishes and dreams aren't money (insert the true justification why the first founding event wasn't enough explained clearly). We haven't enough real life $ to keep it afloat at the moment: would you like to help us keep this game free from evil corporation like the Corpus and enjoyable? We garantee less grind and RNG walls too (read: less milking) if the founding will allow us to keep the game and our lives go, and you will receive ONE of the founders items for every founding package you will give us (maybe not the excalibur prime, because... reasons).

Insert a clear number of $ De needs to complete the above objective and why that number."


Warframe is in beta since 2013: it's about time to see if DE has earned the trust of the players and reap something in return.

I'm afraid adding even more grind is at this point like watering a soup: cheap and unfair.

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Here's a quick solo exp test I had after I decided to start grinding a bit again.


To get the gun to max level, you need 450 K exp. (warframe, 900k. If you spam 4 only, double the exp gained

This is via Affinity quest also completed.

Use only that weapon for it

No booster.


5 minutes Pluto DS (for secondary weapon grinding)




Exp gained : 25 k. Needs about 18 runs to max level. Assumin about 7 minutes to get in and leave at 5 minutes, it takes 126 or 2 hours and 6 minutes without booster to get to max. (Note : this comes with 360k credit)


30 minutes T1 Survival (for any weapon)




EXp gained : 163 k. Needs about 3 runs to max level so about 93 minutes (in-out 3 times).


Assuming some time wasted in apollo and random stage to get weapon to lv 10ish so you can mod it, it takes about 15 minutes at most so for quick solo grind, it takes about 108 minutes - 141 minutes to reach the max level for one weapon.


For warframe, spam 4 only = 108 - 141 minutes as well, probably less because of the huge range. If grinding another weapon at the same time, it takes 216 - 282 minutes to get both the frame and 2 weapon to max level.


So yeah, even with the eximus nerf, it doesn't really take long to grind. The only thing really removed was "AFK leech" method. If you have a team of 4, the rate is even faster since the spawn is 3-4x more. Get a good group, go T1 survival run and enjoy getting stuffs maxed in 2 30-minute runs.

Edited by Zeitzbach
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They gotta drag out the time till 30 on a frame somehow?

How else are they gonna sell it to PWE as a content filled game?


Most of its player base has all the frames to 30 anyways. Just desperately bandaiding the dwindling list of things for those players to do. 


Quick solo test guy?


Doing it with people means that gain is nearly 25% of what you reported.

As often you are going to be gaining exp passively from other player kills. 

Edited by Nariala
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They gotta drag out the time till 30 on a frame somehow?

How else are they gonna sell it to PWE as a content filled game?


Most of its player base has all the frames to 30 anyways. Just desperately bandaiding the dwindling list of things for those players to do. 


Quick solo test guy?


Doing it with people means that gain is nearly 25% of what you reported.

As often you are going to be gaining exp passively from other player kills. 

Youll get more EXP overall because youre more easily able to wipe out larger amounts of enemies at once and have security for longer runs enabling you to get to exp you wouldnt have had access to in the first place

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Here's a quick solo exp test I had after I decided to start grinding a bit again.


To get the gun to max level, you need 450 K exp. (warframe, 900k. If you spam 4 only, double the exp gained

This is via Affinity quest also completed.

Use only that weapon for it

No booster.


5 minutes Pluto DS (for secondary weapon grinding)




Exp gained : 25 k. Needs about 18 runs to max level. Assumin about 7 minutes to get in and leave at 5 minutes, it takes 126 or 2 hours and 6 minutes without booster to get to max. (Note : this comes with 360k credit)


30 minutes T1 Survival (for any weapon)




EXp gained : 163 k. Needs about 3 runs to max level so about 93 minutes (in-out 3 times).


Assuming some time wasted in apollo and random stage to get weapon to lv 10ish so you can mod it, it takes about 15 minutes at most so for quick solo grind, it takes about 108 minutes - 141 minutes to reach the max level for one weapon.


For warframe, spam 4 only = 108 - 141 minutes as well, probably less because of the huge range. If grinding another weapon at the same time, it takes 216 - 282 minutes to get both the frame and 2 weapon to max level.


So yeah, even with the eximus nerf, it doesn't really take long to grind. The only thing really removed was "AFK leech" method. If you have a team of 4, the rate is even faster since the spawn is 3-4x more. Get a good group, go T1 survival run and enjoy getting stuffs maxed in 2 30-minute runs.


Was this after the hotfix? I did a couple of Sechura runs in Pluto and I noticed slightly increased XP gains (volatile runners & chargers 80xp -> 102xp or so). Eximus units seemed to give around 450-500xp.

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Was this after the hotfix? I did a couple of Sechura runs in Pluto and I noticed slightly increased XP gains (volatile runners & chargers 80xp -> 102xp or so). Eximus units seemed to give around 450-500xp.


The exp gain is the current version (the one before this Mirage hall of Mirror hotfix currently being deployed).


Sechura will give 100 exp if you kill it with a Rifle. Hiera will give 100 exp if you use Pistol. It's the specific weapon DS bonus.


Eximus still give crap exp. 1200 exp if you use specific weapon bonus.


did a quick run just before fix in Saturn, Cassini to level my forma'd Brakk. 20 minutes, about 70-80k exp. 30 minutes will give even more than T1 void because you have 3 750+ exp heavies to work with (Bombard, Napalm and gunners). Great for those without keys.

Edited by Zeitzbach
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Maybe there's a bug or nerf having to do with Teammate kills?


Pretty much all the stuff I was doing was with a friend. Maybe they nerfed the amount of XP you gain from teammates' kills?


I managed to get 12k out of a Derelict Exterminate (!), but then after the mission I noted it said I did 91% of the damage (said friend just claimed his sword and board and was just tagging along for the vault).


I got 90-some kills, he got 18. My Soma (the weapon I used for pretty much the whole map) got 12k.


The thing is... the other two weapons only got 2k.


And that's WITH me fulfilling a 5000 affinity challenge (Rifle Kills IIRC).


So... 18 of his kills ONLY gave me 800xp?

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The post-patch XP rates aren't as fun for me as they were before, and they discourage me from playing. If I push really hard and obsess over XP, maybe I can get half of what I could get before the patch by doing Tower Survival or even Kappa like in the old days before Forma and when the Gorgon was a good weapon. Maybe Sechura and others can be OK, but in practice I think they give maybe 40% of the affinity that they used to. It's not just one change; it's the 33% flat nerf, plus the 75% eximus nerf, plus the difficulty increase to infested (I actually like the infested difficulty increase, but since they're harder and you won't get to as deep waves, wouldn't that justify a slight experience increase, or at least not nerfing the experience?).


What's kept me playing the game and spending platinum has been buying, leveling and formaing all kinds of weapons, frames and sentinels. Most of my platinum goes to weapon slots, catalysts and forma hoarding all the things. This XP nerf pushes the grind far enough that continuing to do that just isn't worth it for me.


With Forma in the game, reasonably fast leveling at a high mastery rank in endgame content just makes sense. Also, I really hope this isn't part of a plan to sell boosters. I've bought formas, catalysts, instant weapons/frames, cosmetic items -- all of those are fun to put money into -- but boosters encourage burnout pace grinding to get your "money's worth" from the booster, and that is the definition of anti-fun and I just won't buy them out of principle for that reason. I've never tried 1-weapon "leeching", and I imagine that still works, but I'm not really fond of the idea.


I will be taking a break and watching the forums, maybe crafting some weapons and stuff, and when they make leveling less time consuming, jump back in and start playing a lot more again.

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