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Pretty Bad "pet" System.


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Punishing player for spending all that time and effort to get a pet with as flawed AI as any other npc has in the game is kinda ridiculous. All the ways that doge can die and there's nothing you can do about and then it dares to lose loyalty because of it, ungrateful doge is ungrateful

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my lvl 23 kubrow has over 1k armor and over 1k health + the pack leader, I don't see how my kubrow can die easily. FYI those armor/life link mod aren't even maxed yet. With that being said I'm not worry about loyalty meter, and the DNA stabilizer is like feeding it once a day.

I think you could feed it every other day since the wiki says it restores about 40%?

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I agree with most of what is said in this thread.


I think the mods are good from what I've seen/heard but the fact we are punished so heavily for having a kubrow over a sentinel doesn't make much sense considering how much easier it is to acquire sentinels.

Another thing I would like to add, given all these unfun factors with the kubrow, the worst of it all is you can't even pick which kubrow you are crafting, you have to rely completely on RNG. This wouldn't bug me if the Kubrow themselves were more rewarding and more fun to play with but as it is I've traded my floating tank of death for a running pet that I have to babysit because if it dies I am royally screwed. Not to mention it is much less efficient to have a pet that walks instead of floats so they are even less reliable in that regard.



Don't get me wrong though, I love Kubrow, I love the concept, I just think the system needs to be thought out a bit more. I understand they are living creatures so there has to be some player attention to their health but losing loyalty because they died in a mission and only being able to charge that 60% a day is a bit ridiculous.

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100k is a joke to make. Hit up Dark Sectors for maybe half an hour and you've got it.

half an hour of my life is a lot more valuable for me than 100000 imaginary credits... i guess i'll stasis my kubrow and take my carrier out as i usually do, off course it's easy to get credits, and that IS NOT the question, the thing is that those 100k are required, are mandatory, to maintain the kubrow, in real life mandatory is quite normal, but in video games i prefer freedom of choice. Again, you are right, it's easy to get the creds, but the problem is that you are forced to do it.

Edited by Orbister
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Punishing player for spending all that time and effort to get a pet with as flawed AI as any other npc has in the game is kinda ridiculous. All the ways that doge can die and there's nothing you can do about and then it dares to lose loyalty because of it, ungrateful doge is ungrateful

My biggest beef with the AI is the feral ones actually have a better AI than the ones we have. The gene splicing apparently made them dumber. Edited by Zaresin
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my lvl 23 kubrow has over 1k armor and over 1k health + the pack leader, I don't see how my kubrow can die easily. FYI those armor/life link mod aren't even maxed yet. With that being said I'm not worry about loyalty meter, and the DNA stabilizer is like feeding it once a day.

Pretty much. Once you actually get it leveled and start putting some decent mods on it, they're incredibly tough to kill.

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This. DE can't go on with this any longer. They need to remove the Loyalty system and find something new or fix it now, this is by far one (one of the) worst implementations this game has seen.

The more complaints they get, they'll fix. <-- how updates works

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This. DE can't go on with this any longer. They need to remove the Loyalty system and find something new or fix it now, this is by far one (one of the) worst implementations this game has seen.

I don't know.....I've seen some doozies.

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This. DE can't go on with this any longer. They need to remove the Loyalty system and find something new or fix it now, this is by far one (one of the) worst implementations this game has seen.

Still haven't had my kubrow die once, and I've taken it along to several high-level missions now.


I'm not seeing the issue.

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I just had a clanmate bring his Kubrow into T4S. It survived the entire time and revived him at least once while we fought Vor.


I fail to see your issue.


Yes, Kubrows are somewhat expensive pets. Considering the reoccuring costs, it seems to me that they are intended for players that have unlocked a good chunk of the solar map/know where to farm. Personally, I can farm up 100k pretty quickly in most dark sectors. Sechura literally takes four 5-wave defenses to gain that much. While I understand that players who are not as far in the game cannot do this, it is pretty damn clear that Kubrows are not intended for players who are new to the game. After all, it takes Argon Crystals to incubate the egg!

Edited by Yhonix
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Health goes down if you don't eat some "food" every couple of days, you say.  How strange.  Surely, that is not based on anything in reality, which the pets are meant to emulate.

But this is a game.  Something people play to have fun, not stress out about pixels and code that becomes useless overtime.

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All this Tamagotchi BS that they've crammed into the Kubrow make them very uninteresting for me.


I have real pets that aren't so damned needy.  Sure, they won't tear a Grineer Bombard's throat out, but I've never really needed a pet to tear throats out for me ever.



Chalking Kubrows up to "Swing-and-a-Miss" at the moment.  Hoping they become a lot less fussy sooner than later.


Still love ya, DE.  Wish you'd cut the crap, though.

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You're pretty much right about everything. The Kubrows are very punishing to the players to an unneeded level and there are too many things going on with them. DE basically tried to create "Kubrow Simulator 2014" inside of Warframe and it really isn't working too well with the rest of the game.


I leveled mine to 30 then promptly switched back to Carrier. I'm sorry but a melee only pet that has a stupid AI is just not my cup of tea.

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Fun is subjective. Micromanaging a virtual pet is something many people find fun, even if you, personally, do not.  Tamagotchi, and virtual pets in general, became popular for a reason.

I don't know what Tamawtf is and I don't give two S#&amp;&#036;s about it.


Fact of the matter is, mandatory upkeep like this makes no sense.  It's 100% pointless.  It's only here so that you will login to take care of your pixels and code just in case you decide to play tomorrow, or sunday, or next week.  


And FFS, Warframe shouldn't be about micromanaging something that should be on par with Sentinels.  Warframe is not supposed to be an every gamer's game, micromanaging has no place here.

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You post a 9 minute video why? Just say what you're going to say.  


Who does this feature appeal to exactly?  Tell me, why is it here.  What purpose does it legitimately serve. 

It serves the same purpose as a tamagotchi and appeals to people that enjoy that.  It also appeals to people that want more immersion from their games and non-casual gamers that want to earn their rewards and a sense of accomplishment. 


For those that dislike the virtual pet angle, Sentinels still exist and are the better choice if you want pure utility, min-maxing, and no need to care for a virtual pet. Since sentinels exist, there is no reason that Kubros should be casualized for you as well.  You can pick the type you want so both crowds can be happy.

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I have heard some ideas and i must say I agree with saying you should be rewarded with checking in daily on your pet rather than punished.


A system like your pet degrades by 20% if u do not log in and interact with it. Basically it makes sense you have not put it in stasis and its sitting there alone for 24 hours. degrading a little might make sense.

But if u log in daily you can avoid that 20% degrading, dare I suggest you can even gain 20% from just logging in daily and the pack of 6 injections are only a method of speeding up the process for those that want its pet to perform now.


Could implement a feed function that gives 20% DNA only to able to use once daily that costs you nothing?


Anyone agree?


Edit: (what i did with my Kubrow, as soon as i saw it loses DNA daily i stuffed it into stasis as soon as its adult and now i'm simply waiting for a better system to come out, not going to use it and I am patiently going to farm 1 of each type and put them all in stasis till this issue becomes realistic.)

Edited by Scraye
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