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Whom To Trust, The Lotus Or The Stalker?


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Trust Stalker? Why the hek would I trust a guy who is trying to kill me every time we meet? And for some absurd reasons like killing thousands year old infested meatbag?

Hell no.


And yes, I trust Lotus.

Why would she betray us? We're the most powerful force in the solar system. She knows that the moment she betrays us, thousands of relentless killers will go after her.

So no, Lotus won't do this to us. Therefore I trust her.

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Seeing how many people want a new person to lead them DE could possibly do a revolution event *BIG HINT*.

But the question is, who will us tenno go to when we are no longer under lotus control. 

We wont be in control by another being, by then we would have rebuilt our order outselves and worked as a family. We would come when the plea of others is heard, our choices and our actions would be the determination of our own rather than the choices we must follow.

Edited by Blk_Mage
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Murdering Kubrow, destroying armies, taking down merchants?


>Murdering Kubrow.

It was a choice. You didn't have to do it, but you chose to do it to get an egg.

The Lotus took it as an intention that "Every Tenno deserves a pet."


>Destroying Armies.

Gets us one step closer to the boss. Take down the boss, then you are guaranteed to make the solar system stay at least another day!


>Taking down Merchants.

Hey, that's their fault for getting their hands on stuff, then sell it not caringly. The only merchant we trust should be Darvo. Darvo loves the Tenno, and gives us good discounts. :D

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And yes, I trust Lotus.

Why would she betray us? We're the most powerful force in the solar system. She knows that the moment she betrays us, thousands of relentless killers will go after her.

So no, Lotus won't do this to us. Therefore I trust her.

There are times when I anticipate that the Lotus might screw us over in some way later on....kind of a cliche trope of sorts, but still something to think about..  But, for now, I trust Lotus.  As for whatever plot-devices will happen in the future, only time will tell.


The only thing I don't like about the Lotus is how she nags us over things we already know, like if there is fire damage on a ship in a location we've been to thousands of times already. xD

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I trust Lotus because she isn't so cruel like The Stalker.and if she is totally? We as Tenno are ignorant to it for the moment anyway.


Stalker caused me some mind numbing frustrations before I finally killed him.
Stalker also didn't drop the Despair blueprint in my first encounter with him after buying the What Stalker? Bundle just because I wanted Despair!

And of course I'm secretly in luff with Rebecca...secretly!




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Stalker isnt a tenno he was apart of a group called the low guardians(who i really hope show up as a faction of mini bosses) and he referred to the tenno as a separate group in his lore and he is very very ticked off at us not that we can blame him but if my hunch abut the sentients is right he might ally with us against them after hopefully a quest centered around him. Lotus being evil i think i read somewhere was dismissed by DE for some reason but they could be lying. My personnel thought on the lotus goal would be to unite the solar system once again to face the sentients whatever they maybe and the grineer and corpus are in the way of that. But speculation aside at the moment i trust the person not trying to kill me for killing monsters, bloodthirsty cyborgs and war machines

Edited by warpath514
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Well considering that Lotus helped me out when Vor was planning to do experiments on me, alerts me on paying missions, and is confirmed by DE to be "good" while A****** Stalker appears and attacks my low level frames I'm gonna have to go with Lotus for now.


Of course if Stalker ever decides to come out to talk and "use words" instead of attempting to dispell and instagib me with Dread then I'll hear him out.  

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Trust Stalker? Why the hek would I trust a guy who is trying to kill me every time we meet? And for some absurd reasons like killing thousands year old infested meatbag?

Hell no.


And yes, I trust Lotus.

Why would she betray us? We're the most powerful force in the solar system. She knows that the moment she betrays us, thousands of relentless killers will go after her.

So no, Lotus won't do this to us. Therefore I trust her.

DId you ever think of Stalker's past? He must have had family, friends. And then, Tenno came. With their glorious appearance, slaugthered everyone he knew, who else to blame than Tenno? + Those reasons he comes after you, they are just, he's killing you because you probably murdered his son. 


You can never trust or not trust Lotus. Orokins made her. Yes she acts towards tenno like to her children. You may trust her, but we don't know what she plans to do with us once we destroy Corpus and Grineer.


As i already said, she's repeating the history. More and more will get killed by Tenno interferance, while Orokins and Sentinents become past.


P.S. Mirage ripped heads off of sentinents, how humane is that!?

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Honestly, we Tenno are pretty mercenary. We fight for ourselves, we fight for civilians who pay us with cash, resources and technology. We fight for the Grineer and the Corpus if their pay suits our needs. Hell, we even fight each other for money.

At the end of the day, you can't even trust your fellow Tenno. Only the Lex on your thigh, the rifle in your hands, and the blade you carry.

(That being said, I do believe Lotus is an artificial intelligence who is mostly on our side.)

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