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U14: Awesome Ideas, But Rushed... Why?


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Bugs, bugs everywhere...

I love every change and idea of this new U14, but it was clearly rushed, and the 7 hotfixes in 6 days speak for themselves.

But why? we already loved the game and the bugs were not a big deal. My theory? Destiny going Live Beta the same date. The games are not so different, and despite Destiny is not available on PC, I bet lot of the player databate owns a PS3/PS4 too.


That's what I think, I'm not saying it's the obvious reason, I want to hear (or read) your thoughts.


Some of my recent problems with the hotunfix 14.0.7 are...


No pets allowed: Sometimes the Kubrow just stays in the 1st or 2nd room and never follows you, leaving you alone before the mission starts... go ask Lotus to pet you because I won't, dude


Frost using Avalanche on the Evolution Engine: the game freezes and then, a crash. Happened to me 4 times today, I think it is a Dark Sector Defense problem, but  note sure enough to report it, maybe the mission was a coincidence. It didn't happen to me before 14.0.7


The Crash is getting serious: I can't farm Neural Sensors, because Alad V was buffed as hell, he is lvl 61 now, and the Dark Sector crashes the game sometimes, you can only get NS on Jupiter but the real problem comes when you have none and you get the Grineer mark after dying while leveling up the new Mirage. I managed to see a NS drop, multiple times, but I could never finish those missions.



Why do you think they released now this Update full of bugs?Main problems those bugs caused to you? Do you consider we need double resources/credits days or any other kind of light compensation?


(sorry for my bad english and tnx for reading)


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Why would DE freak out over destiny? Most of the Warframe playerbase is on PC anyways so its not like they are going to lose anyone over destiny. It's not like pc gamers are going to buy a ps4 for destiny especially enthusiasts

1- Please, don't be innocent, it's a direct competition and you don't even need to have the PS4, it's also available for PS3. If they don't care, why did they release the content the same day?

2- That's very subjetive, I don't see clearly why pc gamers wouldn't change or play both, it's just what you are going to do and taking it to a general level. You are not saying why DE wouldn't freak out over destiny

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It's not like pc gamers are going to buy a ps4 for destiny especially enthusiasts


I wish that were true. I have a friend who purchased a PS4 and is calling it his "Destiny gaming rig". He's primarily a PC gamer and plays Warframe allot, but the only reason he got a PS4 was because of Destiny. I'm still holding hope that Destiny will eventually be on PC as they never said it wouldn't be on PC.

Edited by Zyion
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i crashed hard to desktop a few times. that happened when i hosted for one other person, even solo. i dont know what triggers it, really. the whole system is very hot-stitched.

if they wouldn't try and cram all sorts of things into these major updates and just reserve it for one thing, i'd be more happy. ship + tutorial would have been enough for u14. the rest could have been delivered later when it's ready.

and concerning destiny... in all honesty, i dont see the appeal in that game. i watched some gameplay videos, the voice work was awful, the missions bland, the naming and character design boring and generic. why should anyone pay 60 + premium for it when warframe is free?

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yeah i dont know why they rushed it... except for the 1 million daily post ranging from kindly remainders to rage quits.


truth be told we did get the update and the massive ammount of feedback is actually reducing the time it takes to get it to a polished state, we have to swallow the bugs until them.


we got what we asked for, is not their fault we didn't knew what we were asking.

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It didn't really seem rushed to me, though. They prolonged the release date at least twice, to my knowledge, saying that it wouldn't be ready by that time. It's had its fair share of bugs, sure, but they've clearly been working around the clock to get the game as stable as it was before.


Thinking of other free-to-play online dev teams I've experienced, I think DE are doing an admirable job.

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