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Stalker On The Radio


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We have high hopes for the ship's radio system going forward.  There are a lot of good ideas floating around with what we could add to it.  This is another good idea that we will take into consideration.

Glad I could contribute to the game I love to play!

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We have high hopes for the ship's radio system going forward.  There are a lot of good ideas floating around with what we could add to it.  This is another good idea that we will take into consideration.

Having an option to turn it off would be nice.


Sure, it's a nice system to add bits of lore and make the world seem alive, but hearing the same lines being said numerous times (and the voice acting isn't really top level).. It gets bothersome.

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We have high hopes for the ship's radio system going forward.  There are a lot of good ideas floating around with what we could add to it.  This is another good idea that we will take into consideration.


Please consider doing something lore-y with the Accidental Void Excalibur. That transmission was one of only three creepy experiences for me in this game. The other two were "oh my God, that's a Grineer head!" and "did they strangle pigs to get these noises?"

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I love this idea but there's one problem I have with it.


We Tenno don't speak. And most of here can agree that Stalker has some sort of relation to the Tenno. So why should he speak? Silence may be a cliche, but that doesn't change the fact that it does give badass points...


I like silent Tenno, and I like silent Stalker. That chittering we hear when he is taunting us in-mission is cool, but don't overdo it please.


Awesome idea though sir! Have an upvote!

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That... Actually sounds like a pretty good idea.

I don't know. All I really want is for the stalker to remain a scary, mysterious entity we know little (but not nothing!) about. I'm guessing I was a little scared that they may mess it up.

I understand the concern, and that was more what I was getting at. It wouldn't be a real win even if you somehow managed to defeat him. It would be better than the current system of:


1. get contacted by stalker

2. contact your squad to let them know he's coming

3. get no reply

4. get another message from stalker

5. die alone

6. revive instantly

7. rinse and repeat after an assassination


I was thinking more like the stalker could teleport you to a new tileset in the void instead of killing you. After a load screen you find that you're alone and you have no objective. The tileset could be similar to a derelict (without the infested vibe). The lotus attempts to contact you but to no avail as the transmission's audio and video are scrambled. You have to make your way through the creepy dark corridors while occasionally hearing echoes and voices nearby. Every so often the lights will flicker and a hallucination will appear in front of you that appears to be the stalker but when you strike it, it simply disappears and leaves an evil laughter behind. When he finally decides to reveal himself to you, the lights flicker off completely and you are left to battle against him in darkness (not pitch darkness, that would be impossible). Upon defeat he will potentially drop an orb for his prized weaponry. The Lotus will then contact you, saying "Can you hear me Tenno? I thought we had lost you! The Stalker is a deadly adversary and I've a feeling you haven't seen the last of him. Get to extraction." 


Dying by the hands of the stalker even once in this scenario results in mission failure.

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I love this idea but there's one problem I have with it.


We Tenno don't speak. And most of here can agree that Stalker has some sort of relation to the Tenno. So why should he speak? Silence may be a cliche, but that doesn't change the fact that it does give badass points...


I like silent Tenno, and I like silent Stalker. That chittering we hear when he is taunting us in-mission is cool, but don't overdo it please.


Awesome idea though sir! Have an upvote!

That's nice and everything, but the simple fact of the matter (regardless of inconsistency) is that the Stalker DOES speak. My guess is that the Tenno do all speak, but because we are playing as them, they have to play the enigmatic silent hero role. Think Zelda games.

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I understand the concern, and that was more what I was getting at. It wouldn't be a real win even if you somehow managed to defeat him. It would be better than the current system of:


1. get contacted by stalker

2. contact your squad to let them know he's coming

3. get no reply

4. get another message from stalker

5. die alone

6. revive instantly

7. rinse and repeat after an assassination


I was thinking more like the stalker could teleport you to a new tileset in the void instead of killing you. After a load screen you find that you're alone and you have no objective. The tileset could be similar to a derelict (without the infested vibe). The lotus attempts to contact you but to no avail as the transmission's audio and video are scrambled. You have to make your way through the creepy dark corridors while occasionally hearing echoes and voices nearby. Every so often the lights will flicker and a hallucination will appear in front of you that appears to be the stalker but when you strike it, it simply disappears and leaves an evil laughter behind. When he finally decides to reveal himself to you, the lights flicker off completely and you are left to battle against him in darkness (not pitch darkness, that would be impossible). Upon defeat he will potentially drop an orb for his prized weaponry. The Lotus will then contact you, saying "Can you hear me Tenno? I thought we had lost you! The Stalker is a deadly adversary and I've a feeling you haven't seen the last of him. Get to extraction." 


Dying by the hands of the stalker even once in this scenario results in mission failure.

I've actually had a similar idea floating around in my head. In that case, he would have to be designed as a solo boss battle. Maybe even have some melee 2.0 parrying action to get to him and start beating him with your melee weapon?

Heck, maybe the Stalker steals your weapons and gives you an altered version of his weapons (Paris, Kunai and a Skana?) for an "honorable" fight.

Edited by Lukap99
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THIS would be so awesome as a Stalker introductory quest/ sequence. Very well done.


Stalker quest idea:


*After receiving message from Stalker*


The Lotus contacts you, desperately pleading for you to help a fellow (NPC) Tenno. She won't tell you why, only says that they're being hunted by something dark and powerful.


You accept the quest and are given the coordinates to the mission area.


You enter an area similar to an Orokin tower, where you have to fight off the Corrupted. However, the lights will be constantly flickering and you will hear an ominous voice whispering in the background throughout the whole mission.


The Lotus contacts you, her voice increasingly worried. 


"Hurry Tenno, there isn't much time!"


As you make your way though the mission:


"Please Tenno, I don't want to lose them.."


"You're almost there... You can save them... Just go!"


As you make your way closer to the waypoint on your map. you will hear the sound of gunfire and the sound of Dread arrows being shot.


Once you reach the area, a short cutscene will play.


The Stalker will be standing over the downed Tenno and then proceed to decapitate them with his Hate. He will then slowly turn his head up to the camera and look at you.




^ (Um... HELLO)


The Lotus will cry out:


"NO! We were too late!"


Cut to gameplay.


Lotus: "Tenno... We cannot let this go unpunished... Avenge your fallen ally."


You (and your team) will now have to battle the Stalker. It'd play out pretty much how it does when he shows up to assassinate you, except now he'll focus on everyone in the party.


Blah blah blah, kill kill kill.


Bringing the Stalker's health down all the way will cause him to collapse on the ground and drop some loot, however, he will quickly rise to his feet again and then disappear in a cloud of smoke, but not before saying: 


"I will be back..."


The Lotus will contact you once again and thank you for avenging your fallen comrade, then tell you to go to extraction.



You're welcome. Now ask DE for it.

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+1 This is a must have! 


Only thing that concerns me is it will interfere with your usage of your ship.  So, you are modding, transmuting, getting ready to trade, or loading out, and it all goes to hell for a few seconds.  I don't know about you but I even get irritated when the Ordis chat window pops up and i'm trying to look at mods.  So while I do support this I really think it should be done in a way that is unobtrusive to the player.

Edited by sektor2001
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I've actually had a similar idea floating around in my head. In that case, he would have to be designed as a solo boss battle. Maybe even have some melee 2.0 parrying action to get to him and start beating him with your melee weapon?

Heck, maybe the Stalker steals your weapons and gives you an altered version of his weapons (Paris, Kunai and a Skana?) for an "honorable" fight.

I'm thinking the fight with him should definitely be at least three stages.

1. he appears on a high surface that you can't reach, and begins lobbing arrows and kunai at you. Attempting to shoot at him in this state results in him using his Absorb ability which would reflect your shots back at you. Parrying and dodging his shots for 15-30 seconds results in him disappearing for a moment.

2. he reappears near you, but you are immobilized for a moment while he taunts you. (I'm thinking your frame clutches their head and falls to their knees) after you recover he quickly Slash Dashes in and begins assailing you with Hate. Once you knock down half of his health the real fight begins.

3. after disappearing once again, he stays absent while he taunts you. This time you clutch your head but are not immobilized. A few seconds after his taunt he reappears with another Slash Dash, revealing that he has regenerated all of his health, and he throws everything he's got at you. All four abilities, Dread, Despair and Hate combined in a flurry of pure vengeance. Not only does he attack more ferociously in this stage but his armor is twice as durable as is his power strength.

Upon defeating him, he falls to the ground and disappears instantly, possibly leaving a schematic behind. You receive a transmission from him "___Boss___ your death has been in vain. I have failed."

I'm thinking the Stalker could honestly be played up even further than he is currently. Make him ridiculously hard to kill, so that new players get their frame kicked in, and veteran players have to prepare their arsenal accordingly ahead of time in order to stand a chance. He definitely should be a test of skill. This would likely prevent players from spamming assassination missions in the hope's of being marked.

Generals kill a lot of enemies. Tenno kill a lot of generals. Stalker kills a lot of Tenno.

Edited by Kestral9999
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+1 This is a must have! 


Only thing that concerns me is it will interfere with your usage of your ship.  So, you are modding, transmuting, getting ready to trade, or loading out, and it all goes to hell for a few seconds.  I don't know about you but I even get irritated when the Ordis chat window pops up and i'm trying to look at mods.  So while I do support this I really think it should be done in a way that is unobtrusive to the player.

Stalker is like Honeybadger. He doesn't give a F***.

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I like the ideia to play against Stalky on some quest, but maybe one of the most creepy thing on him is the fact that you are playing your mission, and suddenly the lights start to frickering and you are so "OH SHIPS, STALKER, GUYS GET READY" and all the chaos around just to see Harvester or G3.


maybe some quest when you have to invade other Tenno who did something wrong to assassinate him, and that way you play as Stalker-like frame. Maybe an event when you need to choose sides to play, and the players who choose the "wrong" side get marked to be killed for players who play the "right" side. The "right-side" Tenno are able to earn the blueprints for Dread, Despair or Hate, each one rewarded when the Tenno reach some "target down number", just like the Hives on the BG event.


Saddly, my limited english don't make me write more about my ideas here, but i hope someone undestand that stuff.

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We have high hopes for the ship's radio system going forward.  There are a lot of good ideas floating around with what we could add to it.  This is another good idea that we will take into consideration.

Does this mean we may, in the future, hear radio chatter on the Liset corresponding to the primary occupant of each planet? IE, being near a Corpus map and hearing, let's say, shipping or manufacturing information, etc.

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I think this thread's topic has derailed into a Stalker boss battle redesign. Can we please keep it on topic and discuss things related to sounds?
I'll make a Stalker quest thread, expect the link edited into this reply.

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What do you think about the following.

When you get back to your ship, all lights are off. The upper part of the ship gets light back as first. All you hear is a static noise from the radio and the screens of the Codex and market have a distortion too. At this point you also see dark smoke with a purple tint hovering over the slide to the lower part of the ship ( but that is just an additional idea ). After the slide dropped, you see nothing but black. A second later the light turns "flickery" on and for a short time you see the stalker rapidly disappearing in smoke. An echo of laughing is left. Alternative you could hear some very short sentence such as "One day..." ( telling you, you have only one day left to live before you are a head shorter ). I think that way it's quite creepy and wouldn't even get boring if you saw it multiple times. Stalker could also randomly appear behind you and when you turn around he disappears quickly again ( with an echo-laugh ).

Just imagine you play at night 1AM, everyone except you is sleeping, you turn around and suddenly you see his creepy face. I think I would S#&$ my pants.

-Regards, Phaedrean!

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What do you think about the following.

When you get back to your ship, all lights are off. The upper part of the ship gets light back as first. All you hear is a static noise from the radio and the screens of the Codex and market have a distortion too. At this point you also see dark smoke with a purple tint hovering over the slide to the lower part of the ship ( but that is just an additional idea ). After the slide dropped, you see nothing but black. A second later the light turns "flickery" on and for a short time you see the stalker rapidly disappearing in smoke. An echo of laughing is left. Alternative you could hear some very short sentence such as "One day..." ( telling you, you have only one day left to live before you are a head shorter ). I think that way it's quite creepy and wouldn't even get boring if you saw it multiple times. Stalker could also randomly appear behind you and when you turn around he disappears quickly again ( with an echo-laugh ).

Just imagine you play at night 1AM, everyone except you is sleeping, you turn around and suddenly you see his creepy face. I think I would S#&$ my pants.

-Regards, Phaedrean!

Terrifying, but at the same time doesn't make sense.

It's literally impossible for anyone to get into the ship while it's in space. Ominous Warframe from long ago or not.

The Liset is small enough that it would be able to detect another stealth ship trying to dock on it. And let's not forget that the only "door" into the Liset is a rotating panel with a human shaped hole.

Also, the Stalker isn't really the sort of fellow that likes to taunt and traumatize his victims. He isn't doing it to entertain himself, he's doing it because he believes it's justice. You did something wrong, and he is the one who will send you to your grave because of that. And if he DID enter your ship, he would probably kill you, and not leave you with a warning.

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Also, the Stalker isn't really the sort of fellow that likes to taunt and traumatize his victims. He isn't doing it to entertain himself, he's doing it because he believes it's justice. You did something wrong, and he is the one who will send you to your grave because of that. And if he DID enter your ship, he would probably kill you, and not leave you with a warning.


Maybe the Stalker should start to be that kind of person.  We only know that the Stalker hates us for killing the Orokin, but we know nothing of his brand of justice.  Maybe the Stalker likes to toy with his prey, he is obviously a psychopath, tormented by his failure to protect his leaders for hundreds if not thousands of years.  That would really break a persons mind.  The Stalker is obviously supposed to scare players and he is failing to do that right now.  Some players are even happy to see him show up, they think him a toybox filled with powerful weaponry that is there for the taking.


The Stalker needs to be scary, or he will just be another thing for us to kill.

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Maybe the Stalker should start to be that kind of person.  We only know that the Stalker hates us for killing the Orokin, but we know nothing of his brand of justice.  Maybe the Stalker likes to toy with his prey, he is obviously a psychopath, tormented by his failure to protect his leaders for hundreds if not thousands of years.  That would really break a persons mind.  The Stalker is obviously supposed to scare players and he is failing to do that right now.  Some players are even happy to see him show up, they think him a toybox filled with powerful weaponry that is there for the taking.


The Stalker needs to be scary, or he will just be another thing for us to kill.

I hope you read my suggestion for his quest because I think we pretty much have the same idea as to what the stalker should be to players both new and old. @(*()$ terrifying.

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