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Implementing Ukemi Into Warframe


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Dear all of you in here,


Good idea, but how much would the recovery time be. Since I think if were like instantly back up this might cause a slight overpowering factor.





Like was stated in my OP, it is going to be a roll.


Rolls are not instant.

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+1 to OP


implement stagger attacks (rollers also) to be negated by blocking. Also add depth to evading/rolling like mentioned above (ukemi) or with more substantial evation in hardhitting situationsand the game will definetly be twice as fun. sry for bad english, love the game kronk

+1 for blocking staggers. Currently block is very underpowered - the damage you take block-running towards a target is about the same as the damage taken sprinting there, and much slower.


That is the problem.


Instead of slapping mods on everything they need to add to the game.


I don't need a wall run mod nor a jumping mod. 


Why would we need a mod for something ninja should do in the first place?

THIS. Please don't implement more mods for things that should be core mechanics. Unless you were to make otherwise inaccessible rooms with absolutely awesome uber loot, they simply would never get chosen for a frame buildout and then we just have a game with less mechanics.


I suggested something like this a while ago, along with more changes. Guess the thread got ignored. Hope this one goes better.


One problem with this is latency though.

Movement is already controlled/timed on the client side. Dont see how this would be any different. Incredibly laggy sessions are clusterfucks anyways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to suggest this myself, bit then I found this. +1.

They wouldn't even need a new animation; they could recycle the existing roll animation.

The control input could be something like crouch+jump with a timing requirement, plus a direction key to roll in a direction or neutral to stand up in place (which is maybe faster).

The timing should be such that the tenno is still prone on the floor for a bit, but that it cuts down the recovery time.

It could carry a stamina cost, like the amount to do a slide flip, maybe more to roll in a direction and less to kip up in place.

If they don't want everyone to have this for free (they have to eat/buff the servers), maybe there could be an acrobatics module and blueprint; an acrobatics potato, if you will, available through the usual means.

Tenno are supposed to be acrobatic ninjas. Being forced to watch them struggle to recover from a fall seems inappropriate. Plus, being knocked around is no fun.

Please contribute your +1s and bumps.

Edited by elindred
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For those who have played enough fighting games you already know what an Ukemi is.


So essentially, you want a counter-move, be it to nullify the effect, affect a retribution, so on. It is a good proposition.

However, prior to melee combat itself being developed beyond the basic premise that is currently available I feel this is better to be archived.

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+1, and if you are knocked down, i want the frames to have the moa's get animation of a semi front flip, the really ninja looking way to get up, not the "I'm going to slowly rise to my feet and get knocked down again" animation thats currently in use, or the ability to roll in a direction before getting up if you are already on the floor.


Wonder if that ^, is confusing......

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+1, and if you are knocked down, i want the frames to have the moa's get animation of a semi front flip, the really ninja looking way to get up, not the "I'm going to slowly rise to my feet and get knocked down again" animation thats currently in use, or the ability to roll in a direction before getting up if you are already on the floor.


Wonder if that ^, is confusing......


Nah, you just described Ukemi in oposition to what we have now, it's clear.

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So essentially, you want a counter-move, be it to nullify the effect, affect a retribution, so on. It is a good proposition.

However, prior to melee combat itself being developed beyond the basic premise that is currently available I feel this is better to be archived.

he's only using fighting games as a reference. There are more situations where you get knocked down than just in melee.
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I don;t know what is the goal of OP

1. To bring the concept of ukemi into the game?

2. Just to workaround cut short the staggers etc. Ukemi is just an excuse.


If 1. I think the case is not strong enough. It does not really emphasis the ukemi concept.

if 2. I think revisiting the "block" mechanics will be viable. think this feature is hardly used atm. But if it can be made to partially resist things like stagger. it may make people start to use it more.

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So instead of just learning to avoid situations where you will be knocked down altogether, like a real ninja, OP wants a panic button to ease the pain of in-game failure to act?


It's not a terrible idea, mind, but isn't part of any game learning how to be better at it? Putting these training wheels onto Tenno that allows them to negate the punishment received for poor play just allows them to keep playing poorly, rather than facilitate them getting better.


The idea is sound enough, but I fear what it might bring about were it introduced. The game is already incredibly easy. It really doesn't need to get any easier.

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So instead of just learning to avoid situations where you will be knocked down altogether, like a real ninja, OP wants a panic button to ease the pain of in-game failure to act?


It's not a terrible idea, mind, but isn't part of any game learning how to be better at it? Putting these training wheels onto Tenno that allows them to negate the punishment received for poor play just allows them to keep playing poorly, rather than facilitate them getting better.


The idea is sound enough, but I fear what it might bring about were it introduced. The game is already incredibly easy. It really doesn't need to get any easier.

well, DE is going to make a mod for a somewhat standard in game mechanic so its going to be in game anyways. Along with that why make a mod when they can just implement it, its like saying wall running horizontally should be a mod.


Also, when your character jumps from 50ft+ and lands they usually roll forward, while if your character is lifted up and pushed back by a shockwave they faceplant, when they could have rolled back/left/right to avoid faceplanting the ground.

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So instead of just learning to avoid situations where you will be knocked down altogether, like a real ninja, OP wants a panic button to ease the pain of in-game failure to act?


It's not a terrible idea, mind, but isn't part of any game learning how to be better at it? Putting these training wheels onto Tenno that allows them to negate the punishment received for poor play just allows them to keep playing poorly, rather than facilitate them getting better.


The idea is sound enough, but I fear what it might bring about were it introduced. The game is already incredibly easy. It really doesn't need to get any easier.

Or, like in fighting games, you could add that ukemi as an opener. You would then be able to create linked moves.

You could get the following : you're charged by a lot of dogs, you let one hit you, you block, do a roll, then do a linked jump-to-ground to knock them on the floor then finish them or take your distances. Such a trick wouldn't be easy to do as it would require some timing (like in fighting games) but give skilled players more options to shine in battle or get you out of trouble.

Now, the real question is when will they add difficult situations apart being ganged up by too many enemies (Think big guys, flanking, disrupting you, etc.)

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So instead of just learning to avoid situations where you will be knocked down altogether, like a real ninja, OP wants a panic button to ease the pain of in-game failure to act?


It's not a terrible idea, mind, but isn't part of any game learning how to be better at it? Putting these training wheels onto Tenno that allows them to negate the punishment received for poor play just allows them to keep playing poorly, rather than facilitate them getting better.


The idea is sound enough, but I fear what it might bring about were it introduced. The game is already incredibly easy. It really doesn't need to get any easier.

Here is what the Devs want to do...


Oh wow you got hit by a shockwave? Let's just make a mod and be done with it.


Instead of slapping a mod on everything as an excuse to be lazy...add more skills to the game.


Ukemi in this game would not be easy and it should cost stamina to reduce spam of it...maybe as in cost a full bar to execute it...


Not to mention you must time it when you hit the ground exactly...not hit the ground...and press it any time you wish...

Edited by Ystella
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