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Respect For The Enemy, Respect For My Fellow Tenno: I Hate You All, But Have No Mouth To Say It.


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Think of this as a pseudo-in-character treatise.

From my perspective, I have no reason to respect myself let alone anyone around me be they friend or foe. I kill hundreds for a pittance, so do my fellow Tenno. In silence they compete with me to see who has the most kills for less than it takes to buy the blueprint for a knife. A knife. The weapons and tactics of my enemies are laughable. The only reason I even feel anything at all as I kill is not because the foe is more dangerous, or more numerous, or better tained, or better armed, but because for some reason my defenses and my weapons are less effective depending on where I go. It makes no sense. I make no sense. I am told that I am the key to saving the solar system, yet I have slaughtered for a year and am no closer to knowing who I am, and all I see are killers like me, or the dead too stupid or unlucky to still be breathing. The Lotus tells me I am maintaining the balance. I don't believe her. I don't know what the balance is. Is the balance a nightmarish purgatory with no end? I was asleep, and now I am so tired again. I've fought in a war, but was I ever a soldier? A stalker accuses me of crimes I don't remember committing, yet leaves them unnamed. Why? What justice is served by his silence? By his actions? Does he not know that I don't die? He can't be so ignorant. Does he not know that I am not punished, just inconvenienced? Is he like me? Tired and resigned to never making a difference, yet unable to do anything else because he doesn't know what else to do with himself? I would pity him if I didn't hate him. He will only buy my enemies a few seconds of life if he stops me, and inspire me to petty, vindictive acts of revenge. It hurts more, you know, an axe to the back instead of a bullet in the brain. He did that. I am just a monster. I just a Tenno. I wear the flesh of dead people so that I can kill others. My blade is so warm and wet, and my hate is so cold. I refuse respect.

Edited by PaxEthenica
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I'd take this seriously if I could. But the videogame aspects of Warframe do not translate well into lore and fiction, especially when it tries to sound this serious. It's still well written, even if it sounds like the internal monologue of a Tenno still in his teens.

Edited by Crossflip
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Please, read what people are saying here and remember to use paragraph and proper structure.  I can read well enough, but dear lord don't make reading things especially something filled with opinion that people might not necessarily care about initially... harder.

Edited by Sibarian
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Think of this as a pseudo-in-character treatise.

From my perspective, I have no reason to respect myself let alone anyone around me be they friend or foe. I kill hundreds for a pittance, so do my fellow Tenno. In silence they compete with me to see who has the most kills for less than it takes to buy the blueprint for a knife. A knife. The weapons and tactics of my enemies are laughable. The only reason I even feel anything at all as I kill is not because the foe is more dangerous, or more numerous, or better tained, or better armed, but because for some reason my defenses and my weapons are less effective depending on where I go. It makes no sense. I make no sense. I am told that I am the key to saving the solar system, yet I have slaughtered for a year and am no closer to knowing who I am, and all I see are killers like me, or the dead too stupid or unlucky to still be breathing. The Lotus tells me I am maintaining the balance. I don't believe her. I don't know what the balance is. Is the balance a nightmarish purgatory with no end? I was asleep, and now I am so tired again. I've fought in a war, but was I ever a soldier? A stalker accuses me of crimes I don't remember committing, yet leaves them unnamed. Why? What justice is served by his silence? By his actions? Does he not know that I don't die? He can't be so ignorant. Does he not know that I am not punished, just inconvenienced? Is he like me? Tired and resigned to never making a difference, yet unable to do anything else because he doesn't know what else to do with himself? I would pity him if I didn't hate him. He will only buy my enemies a few seconds of life if he stops me, and inspire me to petty, vindictive acts of revenge. It hurts more, you know, an axe to the back instead of a bullet in the brain. He did that. I am just a monster. I just a Tenno. I wear the flesh of dead people so that I can kill others. My blade is so warm and wet, and my hate is so cold. I refuse respect.


Let's help out, shall we?


I am the dark Tenno known as Pax.  My flesh and blood scream of the ancient Tenno ways while I have yet to learn of a warrior that can not be silenced by my blade.  Some of us remember the days of that pitiful Stalker, who screams about his weak family and friends we slaughtered before the Void devoured us.  And yet... He comes for us.  Of course, I've nothing to fear.  His blades pale in comparison to what we've used against the Grineer and Corpus on dozens of planets around the Galaxy.


I've not known fear, even in the depths of my foe's inner domains.  I've not known much of any feeling besides the elation and blood lust of the blade.  Perhaps the fear of Ember's Restraint can shock me into feeling something for a bit, but then...  The hunger inside me thirsts yet again.


The Lotus tells us of maintaining a balance I do not truly feel.  My brethren reach out to me.  But their cries of kinship ring hollow.  How many have they killed in comparison to me?  The weapons are tainted by the very blood they wish to deny me.  Even the healers look and stare, opting not to assist with their nursery rhymes from their ancient texts.


But I've no time for these things.  The cries of my victims are in my ears once again.  And they feel the need to fight for me on this dark moon.


My name is Pax...  A Dark Tenno aimed at ensuring the death of my enemy.




BTW, what is your Warframe and weapon preferences?

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