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Frickin Ice Whip, Now With Day 3 Progress On Whip Handle, And Fixed Green-Ness(Maybe I Can Get A Reply Today?)

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yep. another weapon submission with no real chance of getting into the game... but i want a challenge to help me learn blender. Without further adieu


(FIW: @(*()$ Ice Whip)



The "FIW" whip will feature an interesting design and fighting form. the Whip itself is water and follows standard whip combos however when the player decides to CHANNEL it freezes in it's current state (in the spikiest way water can possible freeze). While the player is focusing the whip becomes harder to use(slower response time, not swing time but a delay after you click the mouse) but adds much more damage than focusing would innately give a weapon.  



FIW can be broken down into 3 parts, the Handle, the Water whip, and the Ice whip.




Here is today's progress 


I didn't get much done, but i fixed the green-ness and added a light source to test, hopefully more later on!

That is an early 3d model of how I view the Handle, going from Top down i will explain the basics. Up top we have a guard... not sure why it's necessary, but it's there. next up is the Torus shape, this piece is unconnected from the main body and will glow when the player Channels it "freezes" the whip itself.  Moving down we have a grip... you hold it from here.  At the very bottom we have a small water tank for water!

There is currently no image/ 3d model for the whip pieces please be patient



There are a few options i can think of

1) use norm whip stances(boring)

2) custom stance type( wouldn't really fit as it isn't likely other weps would be able to use it ... ever)

3) create a new Whip stance( hard on my part, but i have some great combo ideas)

4) Have it use a sword stance when in ice form( awkward for player)

5) weapon behaves differently when using the same stances( could work quite well)

Edited by RoboticApplesWithLasers
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Interesting idea for your whip, I like the rudimentary concept art.



This is a really nice concept and I do like the idea of the whip behaving differently depending on the stance equipped.


I think that's what the majority of players were expecting when Melee 2.0 rolled out lol


Yeah, I think the whips in particular can get away with behaving differently because they're built differently. Maybe not behave drastically different with different stances, but definitely behave differently from each other, even with out stances.


•Scoliac can be a standard poisonous whip, how it works now would be fine with most players I think.


•Lecta should handle differently simply because of its design. It's a retractable whip with a big-&#! pronged weight on the end, it should take advantage of that, even in ludicrous ways. The 100% proc in the basic combo and the Guided Claw combo extends the Lecta very far at the end, those are major steps in the right direction. I'd like to see it be able to grip/wrap items and throw them at enemies.

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I like this idea, not only because its a great standalone idea, but also because think what would happen if we could also get a similar system, with a different stance for silva aegius that made it do cold damage >.<


One can dream


Also, wow that detail.... You sir deserve a  medal for this dedication

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I like this idea, not only because its a great standalone idea, but also because think what would happen if we could also get a similar system, with a different stance for silva aegius that made it do cold damage >.<


One can dream


Also, wow that detail.... You sir deserve a  medal for this dedication

your words are nice but there are a few things that just baffle me, for one is getting a skin  that allows color choices.. also i have been working on the icewhip... inspiration from orokin void ice trees and bushes.

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