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You Could Ban One Warframe Forever, What Would It Be?


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Mine would be mag, she's great but her skills are lacking... but then again, what else can you do with magnetic?

Mag is a bit lacking, yes. But with those shields and cc from Pull/Crush and goddamn shield destroying, she can be excellent. Pull just needs more control over mobs and Crush needs some after effect ( crushes bones magneticaly, mobs should be slower or do less damage ).

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Mag is a bit lacking, yes. But with those shields and cc from Pull/Crush and goddamn shield destroying, she can be excellent. Pull just needs more control over mobs and Crush needs some after effect ( crushes bones magneticaly, mobs should be slower or do less damage ).

Heh, yeah, instead of just being able to walk off being twisted and crushed, they should have some sort of permanant debuff. I mean, have you seen what the enemies go through under crush? Kinda gruesome.

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Rather than go with none, I'll force myself to choose one for the sake of it, though there's an issue there.  I'm really torn between two choices here, Ash and Rhino.  Oberon would be there but I won't give up hope for him to have more interesting potential once he's re-looked at.



  *A lot of players that suck love Ash.

  *He doesn't support any playstyle but one.

  *Least team support of any frame.

  *I've literally never personally encountered a good Ash in-game.  I know they exist, but they're like a freaking unicorn or something with how rare they are.


Rhino (Prime)

  *A lot of players that suck love Rhino.

  *His low/mid solar system defenses are too damn high.

  *He teaches early game players miserably, turning what should be at least average players into dead weight once they reach high level.


Honestly I'm too torn between the two to choose one, so I'll do the only Warframe-y thing to do and let RNG decide.  *Gets up to grab a coin to toss.*  Heads means Rhino gets the boot, and tails means bye-bye Ash.  Well, it was tails, so goodbye forever Ash.  Your unrelenting edginess will be remembered, we don't want to remember it but it's just not something easy to forget.


[size=1]When I went to grab my way old pokemon coin I dropped it behind my dresser  T_T  So now I'll need to retrieve that, I bid you all adieu.[/size]

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rhino because it's boring and people flock to it for iron skin. which is laughable because my friends who use it go down more than if i'm using anything else.

Iron Skin creates a false sense of security. Rhino is actually really really good just so long as you play him like you would any other warframe. It's just that when you start getting delusions of invincibility (without being invincible like Valkyr or Loki) that you're going to die a lot. People who play him tend to forget that ablative armor is ablative armor and not an invincible shield.


Also, as a person who's building Ash right now and is usually "big guns and lots of very loud noise" instead of stealth, is Ash really that bad?

Edited by Wyzilla
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Inb4 locked thread because flaming. This is tricky ground for a thread.



If i could ban one frame from my games, i would ban Rhino. Not because of frame itself, players are issue.

Would have originally considered you to drop a hint at your disgust for the UI instead of being on-topic


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Iron Skin creates a false sense of security. Rhino is actually really really good just so long as you play him like you would any other warframe. It's just that when you start getting delusions of invincibility (without being invincible like Valkyr or Loki) that you're going to die a lot. People who play him tend to forget that ablative armor is ablative armor and not an invincible shield.


Also, as a person who's building Ash right now and is usually "big guns and lots of very loud noise" instead of stealth, is Ash really that bad?

Technically, Rhino is the only one truly invincible as his Iron Skin prevents damage, damage procs, and knockdown, while Valkyr still takes damage and Loki... Invincible? Since when? Closest thing to the Rhino's Iron Skin is Trinity's Blessing, but knockdown still procs. Nonetheless, I do get your point.

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Technically, Rhino is the only one truly invincible as his Iron Skin prevents damage, damage procs, and knockdown, while Valkyr still takes damage and Loki... Invincible? Since when? Closest thing to the Rhino's Iron Skin is Trinity's Blessing, but knockdown still procs. Nonetheless, I do get your point.

Hysteria says 'Hi' to your statement. 

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Also, as a person who's building Ash right now and is usually "big guns and lots of very loud noise" instead of stealth, is Ash really that bad?


I'll just squash this notion before it gets out of hand.  Ash is by no means bad, but he's inflexible.  If you're not going to play him as a brawler/assassin type, you're not going to be accomplishing anything that couldn't be done better by any other frame.


Ash is very restrictive, but he's solid for his role most definitely.  Be aggressive, know how to get in and be quick about hitting enemies.  Think of Ash as a sort of ninja who did way too much bodybuilding and is now pretty buff.


My dislike of Ash stems from how many players try and fail miserably to play him to the wrong roles, ending up being nothing but dead weight to any given team.

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Technically, Rhino is the only one truly invincible as his Iron Skin prevents damage, damage procs, and knockdown, while Valkyr still takes damage and Loki... Invincible? Since when? Closest thing to the Rhino's Iron Skin is Trinity's Blessing, but knockdown still procs. Nonetheless, I do get your point.

Valkyr can be easily built to abuse hysteria so she's completely invincible. Loki has invisibility. Rhino meanwhile just has ablative armor, that while protects against procs, can still be whittled down by enemy attacks and is still vulnerable to toxic clouds.




I'll just squash this notion before it gets out of hand.  Ash is by no means bad, but he's inflexible.  If you're not going to play him as a brawler/assassin type, you're not going to be accomplishing anything that couldn't be done better by any other frame.


Ash is very restrictive, but he's solid for his role most definitely.  Be aggressive, know how to get in and be quick about hitting enemies.  Think of Ash as a sort of ninja who did way too much bodybuilding and is now pretty buff.


My dislike of Ash stems from how many players try and fail miserably to play him to the wrong roles, ending up being nothing but dead weight to any given team.

Well I suppose I could more or less adapt my Valentine's Day Massecre style of combat to Ash in that case. Especially for using the Dread.

Edited by Wyzilla
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Surgical tactical strikes to take off some pressure for the team. 


Yeah, that's a good Ash... aka a unicorn as per my prior statement.  Every Ash I actually encounter is either a wannabe Stalker decked out in all black with red energy, or a wannabe Snake Eyes, pure white and equally useless.


It's not Ash's fault he attracts terrible players.  Okay well it kinda is, but I don't blame him for it.  Okay well I kinda do, but I still recognize Ash's strengths and respect them.

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I'll just squash this notion before it gets out of hand.  Ash is by no means bad, but he's inflexible.  If you're not going to play him as a brawler/assassin type, you're not going to be accomplishing anything that couldn't be done better by any other frame.


Ash is very restrictive, but he's solid for his role most definitely.  Be aggressive, know how to get in and be quick about hitting enemies.  Think of Ash as a sort of ninja who did way too much bodybuilding and is now pretty buff.


My dislike of Ash stems from how many players try and fail miserably to play him to the wrong roles, ending up being nothing but dead weight to any given team.

Ash can be great in right hands, yes. But most of the hate comes from playing with "speshul" types of players.



What most Ashes do is following: "Equips Dread ( or any bow they can grab ), Kunai/Hikou/Despair and Hate ( obviously ). Slaps some edgyness 1337 colors ( black-red combo ) and proceeds to be Stalker. Runs towards the group of mobs, uses BS, 4 hours pass till animation is done, objective fails because rest of the team gets overrun.



Yes, Ash should be true ninja in Warframe and people like that style. I see him as newbie baits tho, just because that "ninja" feel. He is pure damage frame with little to no crowdcontrol or utility and isnt meant for teamplay. And if frame isnt meant for teamplay, i wont use it.

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Ash can be great in right hands, yes. But most of the hate comes from playing with "speshul" types of players.



What most Ashes do is following: "Equips Dread ( or any bow they can grab ), Kunai/Hikou/Despair and Hate ( obviously ). Slaps some edgyness 1337 colors ( black-red combo ) and proceeds to be Stalker. Runs towards the group of mobs, uses BS, 4 hours pass till animation is done, objective fails because rest of the team gets overrun.



Yes, Ash should be true ninja in Warframe and people like that style. I see him as newbie baits tho, just because that "ninja" feel. He is pure damage frame with little to no crowdcontrol or utility and isnt meant for teamplay. And if frame isnt meant for teamplay, i wont use it.

Who needs CC when you can kill all the things?


A well played Ash can be as much of a boon to a team as a bad ash is a burden to one.


If I am using Ash I will dive into groups of enemies, cut them to shreds and then go find the next group, at the same time I can hit objectives and get revives because of my flexibility. 

CC is nice and all, but you cannot kill enemies with pure CC, so t some point you need damage. Ash has that damage.

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Excal hate T_T

I main Excalibro about 80% of the time and i never had people complain about my skills and here i come... i just want to be nice to people why do you hate me T_T


Ok i dont kill as fast as other frames but without me do you know how many would've died?


They get downed at the other side of the room, i super jump to get height, slash dash to cover the distance and once im close enough i radial blind to stun the attackers and save my mate while the other member are keeping the pod safe



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Who needs CC when you can kill all the things?


A well played Ash can be as much of a boon to a team as a bad ash is a burden to one.


If I am using Ash I will dive into groups of enemies, cut them to shreds and then go find the next group, at the same time I can hit objectives and get revives because of my flexibility. 

CC is nice and all, but you cannot kill enemies with pure CC, so t some point you need damage. Ash has that damage.

Both are useful in their own way. For Ash, you need to smoke in order to revive, while Excal should use radial blind. Also, one's an actual ninja, and the other is the posterboy.

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