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Why The Infested Ancient Needs A Good Old-Fashioned Nerf.


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Two days ago me with trinity,2 dudes with nyx and a rhino managed to get wave 20 in defense mission on Eris (Viver), in there 20 ancients could be easy to see, we stopped at 20 because at that point they got too much life and was becoming boring, afterall the combos between Trinity energy vampire and Nyx caos worked all the way till there ^^ without issues, just the lacking of heavy DPS stopped us, otherwise we could prolly continue.


Anytime as someone else stated a strun works fine if you don't have a Hek and aiming to the big boot and kill fast before they reach/hit you is a wise strategy, at least for me with Trinity, if i would be slow i would play bad and make an error, in my case an energy leech means a lot of problems for me and prolly for my team (happened when i was distracted, energy leeched and then crowded we died once till i found 2 energy globes and then build back my energy).

Edited by Clownsanity
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2) 20-30 ancients...hahaha...please next time come with facts instead of made up numbers. A dozen in Mercury...hahaha.



A dozen seems low.  I'm fairly new - started playing when the game showed up on Steam - and I did my first Infested mission, in Mercury, after Easter.  On three separate occasions I ran into a pair of toxic ancients, and the ancient healers never showed up in less than groups of three and that happened at least four times.  I don't recall seeing any disruptors, but the squad got a little spread out so I'm sure there were more than 18 ancients and it's possible someone else killed a few disruptors that I never even saw.

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I noticed a huge increase in Ancient spawn rate on defense missions after the 10th wave: It's like there are suddenly as many chargers+runners as Ancients. And it gets worse after wave 15: almost only ancients. Crazy stuff. Still manageable, but really annoying.


And even more annoying since now their head is hardly reachable behind their back. Heck, I don't even now where exactly is their head now: it's just an undefined, shapeless, mass of flesh hanging from their neck. For me, as a Bolt weapon user, it's twice as long to kill them now (feet/hands don't do double damage).


And it's ugly: not even zombie/horror ugly, just ugly. They have completly lost their humanoid shape and the fun you have to kill them. Cause yeah, what's more fun than headshoting zombies with a shotgun? (oh i know! decapitating them with a sword!).

But now you can't anymore T.T Well you still can, but it's more of a pain in the *ss than it is funny.


Annoying, and really not fun. 

Edited by Thelonious
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I noticed a huge increase in Ancient spawn rate on defense missions after the 10th wave: It's like there are suddenly as many chargers+runners as Ancients. And it gets worse after wave 15: almost only ancients. Crazy stuff. Still manageable, but really annoying.


And even more annoying since now their head is hardly reachable behind their back. Heck, I don't even now where exactly is their head now: it's just an undefined, shapeless, mass of flesh hanging from their neck. For me, as a Bolt weapon user, it's twice as long to kill them now (feet/hands don't do double damage).

And it's ugly: not even zombie/horror ugly, just ugly.


Annoying, and really not fun. 

I like their new charging animation, but they really do look butt ugly when walking around, with their "head" slouched back into a shapeless mass and stuff. They don't look threatening at all, just....eww. Also the spawn rate increase is bad news :/

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Thanks for being condescending pricks.


Maybe if your first resort wasn't: "I'm having trouble with it so it must need a nerf!"


Then you'd get friendlier answers.


Topic should've read: Hey How do you deal with ancients?


Instead of OMG NERF THIS S***

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I think they are immune to double slash damage, i read there somewhere. You'll need piercing of course to get through their thick armor. 


Shotguns(use a strun with cold mods and armor piercing, + other mods) to their head will stop their charge. Cold will slow their charge. If i rmemeber, a gorgon shot to the head will stun their charge as well. 


You need to charge up your melee to do any huge big damage. Also several weapons will stagger them. Dual Ethers, Frago, and some others i cant remember.  

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I think the healers are fine (probably could use a buff to how much they heal, since it's so trivial right now.)


I even thing the toxic ones are ok. (Maybe a bit less poison damage, since it bypasses shields)


However, the Disrupters REALLY need some work. No matter how much shields/power you have, one hit and it'll be all gone. That's a bit excessive, in my opinion...

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Freeze mods work wonders against Infested Ancients. I can easily solo them with a Skana Prime with North Wind, they move so slow that i can easily dodge.

 Until you meet 4 Toxic at one go. Then you will start to run! Solo 1v1 with a Toxic using melee only is possible though.

Edited by matrixEXO
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There's a trick you can use when fighting 1v2,


Aim down sights, fire away, stop when they charge you, while still in Aim-Sight, walk backwards and hit the dodge key, your character will do a backflip, time it right and you'll dodge his attack and be up in time to blow him to pieces.


It's -useful- but situational.

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I think they are immune to double slash damage, i read there somewhere. You'll need piercing of course to get through their thick armor. 


Shotguns(use a strun with cold mods and armor piercing, + other mods) to their head will stop their charge. Cold will slow their charge. If i rmemeber, a gorgon shot to the head will stun their charge as well. 


You need to charge up your melee to do any huge big damage. Also several weapons will stagger them. Dual Ethers, Frago, and some others i cant remember.  


They made melee piercing rare now. They need spawn decrease on Saturn for sure as it is the next place after Mercury in terms of level.

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