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What Theme Do You Want To See In A Future Warframe


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No need to go defending yourself, it was just a little criticism. If you can't handle that, don't talk to me.


Mirage helmets don't look human at all, nor does Hydroid. Human-esque-ish would be a better term if it were real. 


Oberon is about as skinny as Excalibur, not sure where you got that from.


Your Warframe looks about as skinny as Nekros to begin with. And when I said "too thin" I was referring to the cloth parts. Make it look like segmented armor sort of like Zephyr and you could get a pass from me (which I'm sure means nothing to you)

I can take your criticism, Yet your criticism is misinformed.


The helmet of mirage, looks human, so dose Hydroid, the concepts helmet looks just as human- esque as those two does, But thats probably subjective anyway.


Oberons arm and legs are immensely skinny.  


my frame is more proportionate to Mag then Nekros



Her cloth is about as thick as the Imperator Syandana.


im not going to make her Frame look like segmented armor because that not how its supposed to look. Its supposed to look like a Kimono, and have the same kind of texture and organic look that Mag and Banshee has.


Now while I appreciate your criticism. there is no set rule about how a frame should look that My frame breaks. Im sorry you dont think if fits, but thats subjective.

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Removal of Beta tag and therefor removal of beta excuse in regards to altering quality of items people purchased with cash. I would comment, in more detail, on economics and money and how hard it is to earn for most, but that would just get the defenders of all bothered.

Quality? dose you Penta do the same damage it always dose? yes. The Beta Tag will stay untill the Devs are happy with the game enough so that they dont need to keep fixing and changing things, its a valid excuse no ifs, ands, or buts about it. your argument is invalid.

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Now while I appreciate your criticism. there is no set rule about how a frame should look that My frame breaks. Im sorry you dont think if fits, but thats subjective.

Only as subjective as your view that it does fit. It's just too human looking. It literally just looks like a geisha. Not everyone is going to like your ideas, and personally I don't like it. My opinion only matters as much as you let it, and I realize that. I hope you do as well.


I'm not out to hurt your feelings or say you did a bad job or anything of that nature, just stating that I honestly do not believe that the art you've applied to her fits the overall aesthetic of the game. Yes, it's "japanese themed" like other things in the game, but that's as far as it goes. (and quite honestly we have far more than enough of that as it is)


Just my two cents. Replying with rebuttals is pointless and will only lead to more of this.

Edited by Kestral9999
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Cloth Frame!

Fights with a reactive nano-polymer ribbon!

Sweep your foes off their feet; deflect and redirect incoming attacks! Slap 'em around, or harden your ribbon and impale them the old-fashioned way!

Basically Uzume-frame. Let's face it; disco opened the floodgates.



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Quality? dose you Penta do the same damage it always dose? yes. The Beta Tag will stay untill the Devs are happy with the game enough so that they dont need to keep fixing and changing things, its a valid excuse no ifs, ands, or buts about it. your argument is invalid.

Here is something we can agree wholeheartedly on. If the developer considers the game in Beta, it means they can continually release small-medium-large fixes and additions. The tag isn't as superficial as people make it out to be.

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Here is something we can agree wholeheartedly on. If the developer considers the game in Beta, it means they can continually release small-medium-large fixes and additions. The tag isn't as superficial as people make it out to be.




This. This times a thousand.

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Only as subjective as your view that it does fit. It's just too human looking. It literally just looks like a geisha. Not everyone is going to like your ideas, and personally I don't like it. My opinion only matters as much as you let it, and I realize that. I hope you do as well.


I'm not out to hurt your feelings or say you did a bad job or anything of that nature, just stating that I honestly do not believe that the art you've applied to her fits the overall aesthetic of the game. Yes, it's "japanese themed" like other things in the game, but that's as far as it goes.


Just my two cents. Replying with rebuttals is pointless and will only lead to more of this.

I wasnt really trying to argue with you. I know not everyone will like or approve of my frame, Just like there are people that dont like Typhus(IKR some people really dont like Typhus)Its all about opinion, I just felt some reasons you gave were misinformed and just wanted to put them into a different perspective, Im OCD about misinformation, makes me get all jittery.

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Exactly my point, thanks for making it for me.


So because something CAN be done, it should be made easier?


There are already a multiple ways to subvert the recent ammo changes, adding more isn't necessary. Most of the ones you listed already require sacrificing something (aside from Nekros but even then you are still choosing him over a tankier frame) A sentinel that constantly regenerates your ammo wouldn't really require any sacrifice considering EVERYONE who loves explosives would gladly choose that option instead of other pets. And while this would make them happy, it would pretty much bring back the days of old when everyone was perched on pedestals with full damage modded pentas in defense. I haven't missed that at all.


Why people can't just accept the ammo caps as they are is beyond me.

Oh I am sorry, you are one of those people that needs everyone playing completely your style of game, forgive me, I didn't know the game was Titled "Kestral9999 doesn't like explosions". 

My proposal was not "I want to camp all day, so change my ammo back" this whole thread was about exploring creative options in Warframe, I offered an opinion and idea about a subclass of Sentinel where there currently is a void with multiple ways that It could be introduced, used, and benefits. 


The fact of the matter is, yes, if people like explosions they will choose items, abilities, characters, and accessories that supplement that aspect. Just the same as if you like Rifles, or Bows, or FIsts or whatever, you are more likely to build that aspect up, It's what this entire game is about. Don't submit your opinion as fact in a forum topic designed for creative elements.


And one more thing, considering your last statement "Why can't people just accept the ammo caps as they are is beyond me" it sounds as if the only one still hung up on the ammo limits..........is you. 


At the end of the day, neither you, or I, or anyone else on this forum outside of DE developers get's veto power on anyone's idea. so really, it's all just a moot point.

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I wasnt really trying to argue with you. I know not everyone will like or approve of my frame, Just like there are people that dont like Typhus(IKR some people really dont like Typhus)Its all about opinion, I just felt some reasons you gave were misinformed and just wanted to put them into a different perspective, Im OCD about misinformation, makes me get all jittery.

Understood, and granted, some of them were a bit out of line.

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it's all just a moot point.

Agreed. ;3


I never said nor insinuated that I think everyone has to play the way I want. I just basically don't like your idea because it mitigates a change that I'm quite fond of. That's really all it boils down to Mr. WallOfRage. And while, yes, this is a creative thread, that doesn't mean that it was intended as a "Post your ideas, nobody gets to post their opinions on your ideas" type of thread.

Edited by Kestral9999
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Teehee ;3


I never said nor insinuated that I think everyone has to play the way I want. I just basically don't like your idea because it mitigates a change that I'm quite fond of. That's really all it boils down to Mr. WallOfRage. And while, yes, this is a creative thread, that doesn't mean that it was intended as a "Post your ideas, nobody gets to post their opinions on your ideas" type of thread.



Your right, it was a little much after rereading it.


Your opinion is just as valid as mine, I did not mean to take that aspect out of context.


Personally, I am just as tired of the whole ammo discussion as you are.

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Your right, it was a little much after rereading it.


Your opinion is just as valid as mine, I did not mean to take that aspect out of context.


Personally, I am just as tired of the whole ammo discussion as you are.

I'd never deny the validity of someone's opinion, they're all important.


And the rest is definitely true. I'm sick of seeing a hundred suggestions as to work around the ammo changes every day rather than just accepting them as they are and using mods to your advantage in the meantime. Honestly if DE doesn't like those changes, they will rework them again. And who knows, maybe one day we will see a Sentinel that adds ammo or replenishes it, I personally wouldn't like said Sentinel but if it's in the game it's clearly engineered for certain playstyles.

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How would she... hold... weapons though?

Doesn't mean she would have to have the arm cannon. Not to mention that all the frames have symmetry (other than the Valkyr's head), so I imagine they would just make it so she would have both hands free. And now for the real downer: I don't think Nintendo would allow for something so close to one of their major IPs to be put in a game by another, completely unrelated company.

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Doesn't mean she would have to have the arm cannon. Not to mention that all the frames have symmetry (other than the Valkyr's head), so I imagine they would just make it so she would have both hands free. And now for the real downer: I don't think Nintendo would allow for something so close to one of their major IPs to be put in a game by another, completely unrelated company.

Oh yeah, I had put that issue in the back of my mind since clearly it's a pipe dream to have anything semi-samus oriented in this game. Nintendo would OWN Warframe if they tried to implement this lol.

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