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Apology To My Gf...


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As a female, being up front and honest about how you feel means a lot.  No games, no tricks.  One of my ex's tried the poem thing with me and it didn't go over well, not only because he as bad at poems, but because he lied to me and wouldn't acknowledge that he messed up.  Sometimes you just have to apologize, ask how to fix it and then do your best to fix things.


Flowers never hurt either...

Edited by Noamuth
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Yup, another female pov here.
Just be open and honest and show that you have learned from your mistakes/ and or truelly sorry. Honesty and simply communicating often go a much longer way than poems. And there are plenty of women who just don't like poems.


While gestures like flowers are always nice it's your words/actions that make the difference. Too many people try to fix things with gifts, but basically the problem than remains. So be yourself and have a talk with her :)


Good luck!

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Lock yourselves in your bedroom with a supple amount of her preferred alcoholic beverage and get busy for 24~36 hours. All your problems will be solved. :D


Instructions unclear, multiple homicide occurred


[size=6]Also, OP, don't worry, there's always another way out. Stay strong! <3 :D relationships have ups and downs, having arguments makes them stronger and reminds you how short life is, and why you should appreciate each other[/size]


Except in survivals. There's no way out of those


P.S. I'm required by law to let you know I'm just some dude, and any and all reflections and opinions of mine are hat of a 16 year old fool who sits in a room alone playing only one game all day.

Edited by Somedude1000
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Welcome to Off Topic.


Sometimes, this is the only place a person feels safe enough to ask for advice, and that's ok. 

It's really not though. 


The general rule of THE INTERNET (not just the main sections but the whole damned thing) is to NEVER ask for personal advice from the internet. Ever.


Edit: added personal to advice, regular advice for things pertaining to the game aren't really as dangerous as personal advice given via the internet.

Edited by Kestral9999
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