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Loki Griefers


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Hi everyone !

I don't know if i'm the only one who has encoutnered this kind of problem but... Is loki supposed to also "switch place" teleporting to some ally location too ?

I'm asking this because lately i'm noticing that some Loki players use the teleport to grief teammates rather than help them, doing stuff like getting into enemy swarms on purpouse and teleporting in place of an ally to make him die, or teleporting in place of another player while is falling making the ally fall instead, or again, spam teleport to a teammate that is trying to play the game and shoot/chop some Greneer but can't because somebody keeps changing his location everytime...

I don't know if Loki's teleport is supposed to be used on allies too but seeing how some players use it only for girefing makes me think that maybe it would be better if it can only switch place with enemies <.< .

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I had one that tried to swap with me to get to the extraction first, but as Volt I beat him anyway with speed. Other than that I haven't experienced this issue, but it certainly could be a problem if someone was actually malicious about it.

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Loki IS the God of mischief :P.

I... Have to confess that I have used Switch Teleport once or twice to throw some of my team mates into a pit for laughs but hey; least it doesn't harm or kill them.

I regret nothing.

Oh but those Loki's that use Switch Teleport to pull team mates away from trying to reach a down'd team mate can go straight to hell :P.

Edited by Triburos
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Yeah, this has happened to me plenty of times, and it's even worse when (like me) you play as a slow Warframe like Rhino.


They should either make that ability require some sort of permission by the target to use it on them, or remove that bloody power altogether.

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Yeah, this has happened to me plenty of times, and it's even worse when (like me) you play as a slow Warframe like Rhino.


They should either make that ability require some sort of permission by the target to use it on them, or remove that bloody power altogether.

Permission requesting would be even worse. Having to keep pressing a button to allow or not allow him to teleport you would be far worse. Imagine if it came up in the form of a window prompt. Eugh.

Althrough- replacing the power is probably a better option. I usually only use Switch Teleport to dilly dally, and maybe give myself a laugh by teleporting a team mate into a pit every once in a while :>

Though like I said- you can do stuff far worse than that. As I mentioned- I've seen Loki's switch teleport team mates attempting to run to a downed team mate to revive them quite a few times, resulting in the death of the downed team mate.

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To fix this I believe there should be an option in the settings, simply saying along the lines of "Allow mags to pull you/allow switch teleports/etc" due to Mags and Loki becoming stupidly annoying with their pull/Switch Teleports respectively.


It's a bother to be near a module and get pulled backwards or switched because someone is so slow, or they think it's worth a hearty chuckle.

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I would like to bring up that as a loki i have been blamed for this often when i am not the one who did it keep in mind there are afew enemeys who can switch with you, so please do not blame it always on loki because it isent always him, but i hope they do not take out switch tellports abilty to effect allies because it has alot of value team wise, like switch with an allies who is downed in a bad place to a safe place to revive him 

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Working as intended. You are just having a bad luck with trolls. Not many Loki's actually troll. To be honest I haven't met a single Loki in-game which would troll with teleport at all to be honest.

Then you're just lucky.  Or just using a definition of "griefing" that doesn't include rushing.  Prior to the recent update requiring 2 to begin the extraction countdown, I lost plenty of completion bonii to Loki's who rushed the level.  Me personally, I count that as griefing.


And perhaps you could consider Lokis screwing around with their ALLIES as 'working as permitted', rather than 'working as intended'?  I sure hope DE didn't really intend to create a WF with the purpose of ruining the group dynamic in mind.

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Why doesn't DE just make the ability only work on enemies?  Seems like a no-brainer.

Because there are some uses from being able to use it on team mates.

For example; Switch Teleporting a team mate out of a bad situation especially if they're down, Decoy counts as a team mate as well, so if it was changed Loki could no longer use it on Decoys.

The skill is working as intended, but players will always try to abuse this sort of thing.

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Then you're just lucky.  Or just using a definition of "griefing" that doesn't include rushing.  Prior to the recent update requiring 2 to begin the extraction countdown, I lost plenty of completion bonii to Loki's who rushed the level.  Me personally, I count that as griefing.


And perhaps you could consider Lokis screwing around with their ALLIES as 'working as permitted', rather than 'working as intended'?  I sure hope DE didn't really intend to create a WF with the purpose of ruining the group dynamic in mind.


The Loki isn't the only one able to harass the own team here. For instance, 'Pull' from the Mag Warframe also affects allies, which is, too, a double edged sword and a possible griefing tool. They can mess up difficult jumps or get you pulled over edges/into pits.


In the end, it's up to the player how s/he will utilize those abilities, though I doubt that many will use those in the first place if their intentions aren't bad.

Edited by Second_Measure
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Yeeaahhh, you guys make valid points. 


But really, I have -never- read a thread about how a Loki or a Mag saved somebody from falling off a ledge and....well, nothing, because there's no penalty for falling off a cliff or into a pit.  But I HAVE read a ton of threads about how both of those frames have caused grief.  So by disabling that ability against friends, DE would cut down on a great deal of unwanted havoc, at basically no cost to users.


So I still think it would be a good idea.  (And by 'good' I personally mean "frickin' FABULOUS"!  But that's just me.) :)

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in the short time ive had with my Loki frame, ive managed a few nice team mate helping teleports, and been griefed once or twice, tho nothing i couldnt usually get myself out of. Loki has arguably one of the most versatile skillsets of any game ive played, and its a lot of fun. ST is a large part of that.


Im all for leaving ST as it is. Tactically, its an absolutely brilliant piece of work and its capable of some of the most inspired maneuvers ive ever seen done. Id much rather see a method of policing the community to punish or remove griefers and those detrimental to the experience. Perhaps a "rate a team mate" thingy after running a mission. If reported for "switch teleport griefing" too many times, the ability gets locked for 3 weeks. Same goes for pull, or any other future potentially troll capable skills.

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Working as intended,has already been nerfed to begin with.


Its one of the more unique skills that actually brings some utility to teamplay.

Players that want to troll you will do so no matter the way and Loki´s ST certainly isnt the only one.


That aside,there arent many Lokis around anyway and only a tiny fraction of those even use ST in a malicious way(and Im not talking about STing you away from the extraction point,thats simple mischief that doesnt hurt anyone,the few steps more you have to make arent going to shake your world).

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To be honest, given how easy it is to tele-grief with the Loki, how great a percentage of arseholes humanity is made up, and how few opportunities to grief there are in this game that I've never seen any real griefing here - been tele-swapped a couple of times but nothing serious.

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I'd be fine with having to opt in to switch porting/ mag pulling on an option screen, or maybe just allowing it on private or something. I personally love being able to switch teammate, in part because of potential strategy but mainly because sometimes a friend or two just can't make an obstacle. Sometimes it's due to lag and they wouldn't be able to get across no matter how many times they try.


If they're having an issue like that I can run it once, switch with them and then run it again, saving a huge amount of time and effort.

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