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I And L In The Chat


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I l


Please, somebody tell me what's the difference between capital 'I' and lower 'l' in the chat. It's very annoying when using the chat commands /w and /invite when I seriously cannot tell those two letter apart.


Capital 'I' should look like this:




And lower 'l' should look like how it currently looks.

Edited by PeanutMonster
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I also fail to see where you could misconstrue the two in anything other than a name.


Imagine if somebody's name was ''FILIPINO FISH''. There are (at least) 24 different ways of writing that using different combinations of capital I's and lower l's. Good luck whispering to that guy.

Edited by PeanutMonster
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That's his fault for picking a ridiculous all caps name. Why would you ever whisper someone that already annoyed you just by having a name in caps...? Make him whisper you or squad up so it opens your own personal chat between you two. Hell, there is a user list that you can scroll through on the right of the chat that is right click-able. You can also filter alphabetically and go directly to the "F"s. Or even right click the name directly in the chat from his message and it gives you options. Still don't see major issue.

Why punish FILIPINO FISH (making his name noticeably FLLLPLNO FLSH) for your inability to use the ui how it was intended?

Edited by .Zeva
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Why punish FILIPINO FISH (making his name noticeably FLLLPLNO FLSH) for your inability to use the ui how it was intended?


I think you completely misunderstood my suggestion. I did NOT suggest to make everything be written in capital letters. I only suggested to make the capital letter I look a little bit different.


And by they way, this section is made for giving feedback on various things in this game. It is not made for insulting other people.

Edited by PeanutMonster
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A I said make it 'noticeably' I can't exactly change the font in the forums to write in San-Serif; now can I? I was emphasizing that if the font were to change that you would actually see the difference between his hidden L and I. If he or rather anyone uses a capital i or lower case L in their name, you would see it ruined and there would be a swarm or complaints over that. Again, I fail to see the major game breaking issue here as there are numerous already stated work-arounds to your issue present.


When or where did I insult you? By stating that you weren't using the UI to it's full potential? By giving you advice on how to use it better? Or do you have an alt name FILIPINO FISH and I called it a ridiculous name that angers me because of caps?


If you do have that name, I'm not sorry... all those statements hold true. I'm sorry if you are extra sensitive or emotional and can't handle people being blunt or stern sounding via text, but text is emotionless and cold. Also, still be glad they don't use Comic Sans... That is a dreadful font.

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/inv lilo...

/inc illo...

/inv llio...

/inv .......  i give up ill just /inv bob666 instead

Read the rest of the thread and see where I pointed out numerous ways to resolve that... Also, I did say "anything other than a name" meaning i see the issue with names, however, there are ways to work it out.

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Or do you have an alt name FILIPINO FISH and I called it a ridiculous name that angers me because of caps?


That was just an example. I think you fail to see the point of this thread, and I would like to advice you to just leave. This is a feedback section, which means we should be able to give feedback about various things in this game without getting insulted by somebody like you.

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Were did I insult you? I am being honest with you when I say that I don't see where. If I had insulted you I would have apologized, removed it and walked away, however just because someone doesn't agree with you does not make it an insult.


I don't think you understand my posts either. It would be an unnecessary use of developer time when tools are present that can easily solve the issue rather than cause a backlash of people with those types of names coming here to complain even more. I also know that most fonts in game can be changed through client files with the ease of a few minutes. Are you running the standalone, Steam or PSN version? PSN can't be altered however pc users should have access without fear of bans (unless DE says otherwise) to the file that selects the font used for your game client.



. I'm sorry if you are extra sensitive or emotional and can't handle people being blunt or stern sounding via text, but text is emotionless and cold..

This was an honest apology and comment, I personally know people that cannot handle stern people without feeling threatened or offended by the context that the person spoke. If you do feel like that, know that I wasn't meaning to seem threatening or offensive, I am simply blunt and don't sugar coat things... guess you could say it's a habit I got from military life.

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Read the rest of the thread and see where I pointed out numerous ways to resolve that... Also, I did say "anything other than a name" meaning i see the issue with names, however, there are ways to work it out.

yup but the names are a pretty big thing esp when your typing them because theres no RM option on names in chat, surely a font change is a far easier fix than altering program code which could much take longer.

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I think you completely misunderstood my suggestion. I did NOT suggest to make everything be written in capital letters. I only suggested to make the capital letter I look a little bit different.


And by they way, this section is made for giving feedback on various things in this game. It is not made for insulting other people.


The main reason that people picked those names IS in order to make them look like they do. My only suggestion for a way that would not overly annoy any side in particular would be to allowing people to pick the font int chat, that was we can also maybe make the chat UI smaller by picking smaller fonts.


Again, I personally would not ask DE for this. If I had the ability to decide on priorities, this kind of change would be one that unless they can just "hold on, i'll add 2 lines of code", then I'd let DE work on other things.

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That was just an example. I think you fail to see the point of this thread, and I would like to advice you to just leave. This is a feedback section, which means we should be able to give feedback about various things in this game without getting insulted by somebody like you.


Ok, no offence to you here, but you do not get to decide what is "offensive replies" and what is not. People, including me, do rather pointed replies on many topics, and if we go over the line we will get a nice message from an Admin or even warning points.


I don't think .Zeva was out of line, I think you are exaggerating. The responses were direct, but not offensive.

Edited by DSpite
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