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Ember's World On Fire Rework


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     World on Fire is not so great… It is not very good at damage (unless low level), has little utility (low proc), and the animation is… weird. Unlike some other WoF posts, I believe that the entire concept of how WoF works now should be thrown out. I am not going to get into any of her other abilities, so don’t comment on them.

     Ember (to me) seems like a fire based version of Nova (glass cannon) with more utility. She has low survivability and abilities that are supposed to be damage dealers (but they are not). So, I imagine WoF scaling with the size of crowd of enemies (like Nova), while providing some CC.


     This ability is complicated to explain, so if you are confused, look at the pretty picture explanation below.

     The ability begins with the same animation ember has now (punching the ground), but it only effects a small area around ember. The ground below ember will look like scorched ground. Any enemy that touches the scorched ground will be put into the burning proc animation for the duration of WoF and exposed to damage (I’ll discuss damage later). As Ember walks while WoF is active, she leaves a trail of scorched ground that will lock any enemy into the burning proc for the duration of the ability. The trail is created only when Ember is touching the ground (so if she jumps, there will be no trail below her).


     Any enemy that is being effected by the ability will scold the area around them, creating scorched ground around them that another enemy may contact, then catch on fire, then scorch the area around them. So, if there is a tight group of enemies ember walks alongside of, all enemies in that group would be put into WoF. If an enemy wanders onto scorched ground, they will have the same effect as if Ember burnt them.


     Damage is the fun part. The base damage is 100 fire damage per second, so the base total damage of the ability would be 1000 damage (10 seconds). But… for every enemy in a connected chain of scorched ground, the damage will be increased by 5%. So, if there is 10 enemies all on the same connection of scorched ground, they will each be dealt 150 damage per second for a total of 1500 fire damage. Being in contact with the burnt ground is also a boost for allies. If an ally is touching scorched ground they gain +50% fire damage to their weapons plus an extra 5% per enemy on that patch.


     Now for an explanation… with pictures.

Before WoF


     This is the before picture, Ember is surrounded by a bunch of stupid enemies.

     Beginning of WoF


     This is that initial first second after WoF has been activated, the area around Ember has been scorched (the red translucent circle is ability range, the yellow is the scorched ground) and the enemies in it are now on fire and taking damage (they are red now). The enemies will now be in the burning proc for the rest of the duration of WoF or until they die. Each enemy scorched the area around them. At this point, 115 damage is being done per second because there are 3 enemies on the same patch of scorched ground. Any ally on the patch of scorched ground would gain 57.5% fire damage on top of their weapons damage.

     Part 2


     Now ember has walked and left a trail of scorched earth (the dotted line shows the path she took). Any enemy in the radius around ember has been caught on fire and scorched the ground around them, this has led to a chain reaction where a small group of enemies have all burst into flames even though they are not in Ember’s ability range. There are now 8 enemies on the same patch of burnt ground, so each enemy is being dealt 140 damage per second. The damage boost for allies at this point would be +70% fire damage.

     Part 3


     Ember has continued walking and has consumed another group. The damage being done now is 170 damage per second because 14 enemies are on the same patch of burnt ground. The damage boost for allies at this point would be +85% fire damage.

     Part 4


     Ember has kept walking and caugt another group (and a stray) into WoF. At this point 23 enemies are on the same patch of burnt ground and are being dealt 215 damage per second. The damage boost for allies at this point would be +107.5% fire damage.

     If there is a separation in the scorched area, the benefits would be much less, for example…


     In this representation, Ember jumped two times while in WoF, making it so there are three separated areas of scorched ground.

     Area “A” has 9 enemies in it, so each enemy is being dealt 145 damage per second and allies have 72.5% additional fire damage when on this patch.

     Area “B” has 6 enemies in it, so each enemy is being dealt 130 damage per second and allies have 65% additional fire damage when on this patch.

     Area “C” has 8 enemies in it, so each enemy is being dealt 140 damage per second and allies have 70% additional fire damage when on this patch.

     Ember could go back and connect the groups of scorched ground together with her trail, increasing the damage overall.


     I think all mods would effect this ability in a straight forward way. Duration wil increase duration of WoF, range will alter Ember’s AoE and the AoE when enemies scorch the ground, strength would alter base values not the additional percentage per enemy (I think).


     I hope this sounds very powerful, it is meant to be in the realm with Radial Disarm, OP but balanced. This would provide great CC (all enemies under its effect are immobilized), has the potential to do high damage, and buffs the team as well. My favorite part of his ability is that it is not “press 4 to win,” it takes strategy to get the most out of it and scales with player skill.

     Any input is appreciated especially when it comes to the numbers, I tried to balance the numbers but I am not sure if they are perfect.

     Smile, it is a Good Day.



     Edit: a few people have said that there is not enough damage so... would increasing the base damage per second to 200 be ok? that would be 2000 damage if an enemy is exposed to the full duration. a group of 10 enemies would be 3000, 20 4000 etc... I am asking if this is a good change before i change all of the math. Another option could be changing the increase from 5% to 10%. If people like this change, i will do all of the math stuff.

Edited by DrBorris
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Omg i love this idea but i got an idea for a kind of improvment, same as you said but instead of 5% more damage how about all enemies that are scorched will share damage, so the amount of fire proc damage will multiply with the amount of enemies you are marking. it will give her lots of CC and that glass canon feeling and ofc end-game potential

Edited by yarash2110
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it is better than the current limit on the number of enemies being attacked and damaged





honestly i like the old world of fire better......giant swirling flame balls attacking everyone in range

The swirling flame balls were much better than what we have now, but utility and damage is not really there because there is not much scaling. I was hoping that this would have awesome CC along with good damage. 





So you would need over 40 enemies to make it as good as it is currently? That seems like a lot to me.

What would you recommend? I am not the best with balancing numbers and i would like to know what would work better.

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yeah ... but another problem is that if you find a group (even a small)  the other players will kill it or decimate it in like a second ... and weaken your abillity that way ...

and because our avarage player use as much explosives and aoe as possible ( >< ) its wouldnt be great


sure i like ember (dont play other frames) and would like a better more complex 4th ( i didnt used it since month and is not equipd ) but its shouldnt be a " more foes more dmg over time "




still thinking about it, but im not creative enough :/

Edited by Ampera
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Omg i love this idea but i got an idea for a kind of improvment, same as you said but instead of 5% more damage how about all enemies that are scorched will share damage, so the amount of fire proc damage will multiply with the amount of enemies you are marking. it will give her lots of CC and that glass canon feeling and ofc end-game potential

The swirling flame balls were much better than what we have now, but utility and damage is not really there because there is not much scaling. I was hoping that this would have awesome CC along with good damage. 





What would you recommend? I am not the best with balancing numbers and i would like to know what would work better.

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So you would need over 40 enemies to make it as good as it is currently? That seems like a lot to me.


honestly if they had a damage ability that gets stronger and stronger as more enemies approach you or get damage.....it would be pretty awesome CC



but thats a whole different topic

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