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Yes, of course



I'm Noamuth, I've been playing for a year now and I love this game.  Is awesome game.


My primary Warframe is Mag Prime, and I also love my Soma.  You can usually find me online, hanging out in Region chat trying to help newer players. I'm almost always up for lending a hand with a difficult mission, just send me a message first! :3

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Hello! I'm new to the game, I got hooked watching my boyfriend play on the Xbox 1. I've been playing for about two weeks and would love to become part of the community. I'm always looking for people to play with as I find it way more enjoyable. Feel free to add :)

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Hi all. I'm a founder on the PC version and have loved Warframe since day one. I remember being shocked to come back after a long hiatus to find the huge jump to having a spaceship as a hub.

Eagerly hoping that MS will allow another account migration, I have some ridiculously well modded warframes on PC.

Do Platinum Discounts appear as part of the login rewards? They haven't so far on XOne but dropped semi-regularly on PC. I managed to buy the Frost discount pack from Darvo which was great but the prices on XO for plat are just too much to sustain.

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Me is Nalz but name is Nalzatom. (^_^)


After 2 yrs of service! I guess im a little too late for this one but i just want to greet all the fellow tenno who is now shredding waves after waves of grineer and corpus.Happy huntings! #Tennoskoom #Happy2015

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Hello, its my first post here. Don't really like starting a new topic lol. Just want to say, I only played this for a couple of weeks. I absolutely love this game and thankyou for making this game to the console. Keep up the hard work and thankyou again. I am looking for more Tenno to play with on Xboxone. GT is Stee01.

Edited by (XB1)Stee01
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Hello everyone I believe this is a fantastic game, but of course as with everything it could use a few adjustments, my most present issue these days a the "Tax Rates" for trades and Syndicate contributions, because the times and effort required to achieve anything close to "One million" credits which is required to trade Primed mods and "Five hundred thousand" credits which are required for Syndicate contributions...there are presently no missions that can provide anything close no matter the diffculity, which I believe is considerably unbalanced...

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Uh, hi I guess...well now I'm all embarrassed. So I've been around in the game for a while (not sure exactly when, it was before Damage 2.0 at least), then I left for a few months (I stuck around long enough to get Frost, because he was the guy I used in my first exposure to the game), then I came back for some reason and everything was better and less terrible. I joined the forums relatively recently and have been having some fun moving around on them.


Well, now that you know my life story I suppose it's time to get to the point.


Hello everyone! I'm here to stick around! Thanks for having me!

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Evening and greetings. Introducing myself a bit late, well more like since-the-closed-beta-or-so late actually. Anyways, been with Warframe for a long time now (that Lato Vandal helped a lot in earlier days actually), with short and long breaks, trying to enjoy the nice summer from time to time and etc. instead of spending all my days with this addicting game :D Those who love Warframe know what I mean.


For me, Warframe became part of life and hobby actually. It became like a ritual and a way to relax. Yes, there was ups and downs, anger, joy and many other emotions with this game, but in the end Warframe took a special place in my gamer's heart and it will stay there for a loooong time, because it's the only game that managed to keep me hooked on for such a long time.


I think I might be able to write a freaking essay or a novel about this topic, but I'll spare you the horror of reading it, I'm not that evil. 


All in all, nice meeting you all. Hope we'll meet in the game to wreak some havoc.

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Hey guys. I've been on Warframe for about a month, maybe two months. I had my account longer but I couldn't download Warframe and when I did get it downloaded, it lagged on my laptop but I got it working. I got into Warframe watching my friends play it and I was hooked. Warframe's pretty cool. I rarely play online multiplayer games except Call of Duty and GTA and that's on my PS3/PS4 so this is a nice change for me. I run Warframe through Steam, so feel free to add me on Warframe and on Steam (deadpool_182. I have a picture of Max Payne 3 as my pic.)

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Well, if I'm about to play on a freakishly addictive game that could possibly ruin my life, might as well get the introductions over with before I die.

I'm DK_Tenno (cheesy and dumb, I know) and a completely new player at Warframe. So far I've played five hours, and It is addicting. If this is what people feel like after taking drugs, I may be taking marijuana pretty soon lol. But anywhoo, that's an introduction.

Pleasure to meet fellow players and I hope this does not blow over like TF2 and Spiral Knights did.

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Hello all, 


Someone at work suggested that I look into this game several weeks ago. 


As with many others who have posted I am a little addicted although being an old man makes it difficult to play as often as I would like.


Being an ex-COD1 player who after switching to consoles a few years ago to keep work seperated from play,  I am an RPG fan from Advanced D&D days (yes the late 70s and early 80s) and a Trekkie for most of my life.  This game brings much of this together for me.


I am SwagScapegoat.  The "Swag" came from my teenage son who didn't think Scapegoat was "cool" enough.


Finally starting to figure out how all the ranking systems work and am leveling my second primary weapon up.


Hope to frag with you some time and thank you for creating such an interesting game.


Vivat Tenno

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi. im urkonse (or like 99.99% people says: urk) 


I have been playing warframe over year in PS4 (since U11.5) , i have account too in pc...but it lags too much :/


I like warframe lot. I play 4-12h Everyday.


Im leader of clan lighting that i created at May in 2014.


Im currently mastery 16 , but unlike most of high mastery players , im not bored and i play missions with Not "great" rewards...just for fun.

I miss old warframe times when just doing mercury survival was fun :3


I like talking to other ppl in ingame chats and forums+ i have website for my clan.


Im willing to help everyone who asks it (untill its limbo excavation <:3 ) 


i have most of important ingame stuff + i have used 300e+ to buy platinium and PS4 exclusive renow packs.


Thanks and have fun killing infested!



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Hello Rebecca, Megan, DE Team, and DE Forum's Mods ^__^


I am Clayton (Zein)


I have made a formal introduction post already, but I thought I would post a line here to and say Hi. Just showing some love aside from playing Warframe :) Love the game, love the Dev Streams, but most of all Love PrimeTime because of shenanigans and silly antics are key :P Well anyways I have some posts to make and some Relays to save and People to help get Archwings on Xbox ONE so I'm out. Stay safe Team.


Tenno Out

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