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Hi I'm chaq686

I downloaded this game since beta, but I rarely played it. But since today I decided to play it once in the day.

My Warframe is a Excalibur level 5.

I'm a mobile game develope (the reason that I don't play very often), and I was hopping to do something in the workshop and mee other developers or designers.

My favorite drink is Diet Coke and I'm single (to the pretty girls "Holla").

It's been a long time that I have not been involved in a video game.

Let's do this fellas...

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Yoo, Im OPdatSHIET!


I would have rather gone by another name(s), but those were taken... (Fkbook/Noisecontrollers). And since I forgot to go by my TS name (LessHerpMoreDerp), I went for another name which I use in a pretty unknown MMO called ©Rappelz. (OPdatSHIET is a ... homage to all those annoying people that overprice everything they touch) 


I came to this game to find some people I knew from the former game, but decided to stay for the time being since Warframe offers more than just a random FPS and so far the items you are looking for take a lot less time to grind for.

Since I didn't really have any goals, I just went for ranks! so I've played quite a few hours and gotten to Rank 9 in about a bit more than 2 weeks. Now I'm on ski vacation and giving my fingers some rest from mashing all that v-[space]-ing.


So, a bit more about me: 24 Male, dropped out of Univerisity mulitple times so lots of spare time >.>, not really that into FPS and more into MMORPG/MOBA's, but since Warframe ain't a FPS like modern warfare or any other wartheme shooter, I quite like it, and It's the first FPS that I like since Halo.


So far I enjoy my games and being in a Mountain clan (since day1-2?). No useless chatter or anything else extremely toxic that you can find in other games. I think ill rep this post up for now, and I'll be back online in 48h.


See you all ingame!


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Hello ,,, 

Well moved here from Destiny a couple of weeks ago and am pleased i did! Nice community ,plenty of very helpful players here. Nice to see that. I need all the advice i can get, being new and very old! at the same time. So please be patient and send advice /tips if you can, i'd love it. 

Many thanks Warframe Gamers.

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Greetings all. I am thewaytonever. Currently rocking the Mag Warframe. Having a ton of fun in this game. I have had it since 2013  I just got lost in my steam backlog and finally got to playing this.

You are welcome to add me on steam: thewaytonever

Occasionally I stream at twitch.tv/thewaytonever

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Hello, I am new to the forums. Been playing warframe on and off for a couple of years now and only now decided to come to the forums to share my thoughts and give ideas for future updates, got a couple of ideas now but they are best left to the right section of the forums.


So far I have single handedly cleared the first 4 planets without help :)

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Hi to Tennos all across the world :)

It occured to me, that I've never really got around to introduce myself, even though it's now a long time ago since I first started playing Warframe.

I started playing almost 3 years ago (Feb 24th, 2013). I know, "so long time ago and you never said hi?".
At that time, I tried to get one of my brothers and two of my friends to play, but with no success. Even though I had guess passes or w/e it was called back then (still do, although useless.) I then stopped playing for a long time, but now I'm back, stronger than ever ;)

I'm really glad to be back to such a good game. Back then, I didn't know how much better it could become, but now i see! :D
See you online, Tenno.

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Hello, I'm Galva.  A new Tenno in the Universe.  I'm here to meet some great folks and to learn the ways of the Tenno.  What attracted to me to Warframe was the space ninja theme and the samurai code.  Also, I am a big fan of Dark Sector and loved using a glaive to chop of the heads of foes.  I hope to meet like minded folks and build a strong community within the PS4 area when I have gained enough knowledge and wisdom.  I look forward to gaming and talking with you guys soon!

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Hey  everyone, I am not new to Warframe but I just wanted to stop by and say hello to all the new people that are intrested in this game. I have been playing this game since the PlayStation 4 first came out, which was about a couple years by now, and I have seen this game develop into a masterpiece.  It actually inspired me to write a story about it but I am having issues with the plot at them moment. Since DE dropped a major plot twist on the Tenno it kind of affected my story in the sense of it being not true to the lore. If anyone could help me out that would be great.  But this is not the fan zone so I won't talk about it.  this game truly has inspired me in ways I had not thought possible and has changed the way I look at everyday life, it is a really fun and entertaining work of art that I hope you all enjoy. 

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Hi everyone,

I am not really new. Played Warframe a couple years ago on PC but put it down, recently I saw the great changes they have made and came back. Been playing for about 2 weeks non-stop and love the game to pieces, been watching everything I can on Youtube and look forward to a long relationship to this wonderful game.

Hope to meet many beginner friends like me so we can develop and evolve together.

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