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Some Suggestion About Frost


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while other people talking about new warframe and their ability, i'm still thinking do frost need some rework ?


1 . Freeze : this skill is ok for first skill & the freeze help a lot in early game, we can spam this mini ice launcher to stagger some enemy that annoying to save ourself


2. Ice Wave : do this skill with 50 cost even needed when we got AOE crowd control ulti ? i think this skill better change to slow aura or something since corpus blizzard eximus get annoying slow aura while even we're not on his shield. Slow aura will be a nice skill to add 

Blizzard Aura/Frost Emit

 - Power Duration : control how long the aura last

 - Power Strength : How much the slow will effect the enemy

 - Power Range    : Effect how far your slow will react


3. Snow Globe : while frost globe Nerf on last patch this thing still useful so no needed for reworks


4. Avalanche : this ability already fitting for be an ultimate skill for me, still accepting any idea though


so for a while i keep thinking why they need to put ice wave while frost job was crowd control & defensive wall for last line.

accepting any idea and opinion, also don't feed the troll leave them be

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I think Avalanche should have some kind of short stun for enemies that survive, at higher levels they tend to just continue shooting right after it's cast.


well for this use maxed overextended without power mod .-. irc this should make them freeze longer or this fixed ?


freeze should be aoe effect, just like fireball


ice wave should proc knockdown and slow on mobs hit


avalanche should have the long delay freeze effect then dmg afterwards (like it was during the bug)



Avalanche needs to be reverted to its state during february of 2014


well i do agree, frost need slow skill other than aura maybe adding slow on ice wave also that AOE freeze will taken happily since this ball of ice pretty usefull & cheap cost

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