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Fps Drop *help Needed*



I have been playing Warframe for a few months now and I loved it. However, not sure after which patch my FPS would plummet after some time. It has only became worst through time and I went to look for solutions online. Some say that offing 64 bit would help improve performance which it did. But once again, the solution was only temporary, my Warframe client's FPS would drop after awhile which makes it frustrating to play on Survival and Defense. Now being adventurous, I turned 64 bit back on and switched my performance to the very max, instead of being worst, it became better..... for a little, I am still experiencing FPS drop.... 

Here are my Specs someone is willing to give me Feedback:

Processor: Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40Hz 3.80 GHz

Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB

System type: 64-bit Operating System


Additional examples would be me being able to play Planetside 2 with full Specs with little to no lag


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I had the same issue for ages,match starts fine then the fps gets worse over time.I reinstalled the game,new gfx drivers new everything drivers but nothing was working.

So I decided too have a look into the computer,took the case off and noticed the main cooling fan had stopped working.Now its fixed game is perfect again.This might be really specific too me but might be worth checking your temps.

Edited by ukhooligan
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Have you fellas tried Unparking your CPU cores if they're parked?


If your cores are parked then it could cause performance issues because Warframe's multithreaded rendering/processing really *needs* access to more than 1 physical core at a time (parked cores means programs can only access 1 physical core at a time, this is very bad for programs optimized to run on multiple cores).


If/when you unpark your cores, re-enable 64-bit in the launcher and make sure multithreaded rendering is turned on. (If your computer supports it, DX11 should also help as DX11 is more efficient than DX9 at processing fancier graphics; disabling runtime tesselation in the in-game settings should also give you a boost to FPS if it isn't already off)

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