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For The Love Of God, The Maps!


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I'm getting so lost on the new grineer tiles...they're so huge and have so many levels that I easily spent 30 minutes wandering around trying to find the exit in one of the huge tiles...only to find I had to go to another huge tile...please help, I love the maps, they're cool and everything, but I'm getting so lost and I'm finding the luster fades after passing the same places ten times in a row on the same mission.

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Can't say I've had any issue. There is always a marker that tells you exactly where to go. I admit though that the markers for the elevators could be detailed a bit better but other than that there usually is only one way to go. If there are two, the market always tells you the right path.

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"you just need to explore its not the devs fault you get lost" 

that is pretty much what most people i have seen say to this problem i think that is not the type of attutied that should be had about this problem and i think that the problem could be fixed with a better waypoint system 

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"you just need to explore its not the devs fault you get lost" 

that is pretty much what most people i have seen say to this problem i think that is not the type of attutied that should be had about this problem and i think that the problem could be fixed with a better waypoint system 


Honestly the only thing I see is the waypoint not being clear on elevators and sometimes it bugs showing off map. Other than those times it's always really clear where to go.

Edited by techjr
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The fact that a number of these threads popped up probably means that there's a very real issue with how players know where they're going in these really awesome and sprawling map tiles. I'm used to the waypoint system, but when I first started out I did get lost often; it would be nice to have an on-demand "this is where you need to go" button that shows you the path to the next location.

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study the map a bit?

To be honest I was just as lost my first time in that big elevator stair world that is grineer territory

after a while though, you start to recognize where exits and entry points are and its just a matter of the walk...

the arduous long walk... up a lot of stairs... and elevators


I like it though, it really fits the whole "Mining" theme that they're going for

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The waypoint system just needs elevation markers. Or perhaps the map "floors" system is expanded for the taller rooms like the conveyor belt room on the asteroid. Usually only elevators denote a new floor. This should be changed so that elevation is the primary decider for what "floor" you're on. Maybe even a floor number could help. Like 1F, 2F, etc, and chage that for the ship missions so it's "Deck 1, Deck 2," etc.

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Look, on one of the big maps I was on, it was off screen and it *seemed* to match up with the map, so I went to the top part of the level..nothing there. I went to the bottom part, nothing, middle same story. Then I went in the completely opposite direction down a nubmer of regular corridors, and the objective was still behind me. Then I started running parallel to it, and THEN it lead me too...another huge part of the map, and it took a small while to find out it was at the very top of the thing. Yes it's nice to explore, but I wasn't exploring. I was going to the same places over and over again.

TL;DR, I had to go in what seemed like the wrong direction of the objective to get on the right path. Put the objectives closer between each tile so we don't get lost, that's the problem. They don't mark where you have to go on one tile, they mark where you have to go 4 tiles later.

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Yo, OP, not trying to be rude, but in case you've spend 30+ minutes in the map section and then find out, it's not a broken section and there is actually an exit, you are either exaggerating or maybe it's rather you lacking the sense of locality (i.e. orientation) rather than bad level design.

The problem is with the objective markers, but not with the levels.

I, and I hope lot of people see it this way, like the way they looks more like "natural" places rather than specifically created to be a part of a level.

(Thought section repetition in the same mission is really stupid - happened to me on several occasions that two same locations were connected to each other, not only this is really confusing but also feels pretty stupid and unrealistic.)

Edited by zelgaris
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The funny part is that the maps are very linear in nature. There are clear paths in what direction to go and it can be divided into four areas; starting area, junction point, then objective area, and exit area.


Starting area is where you start, obviously. These tiles don't change often because only a few are made to accommodate the entrance sequence. That area then leads you to the junction where you have a bunch of dead end tiles filled with enemies and loot, the path that takes you to the objective, then the path that takes you to the exit.


If you find an open area that is not in the direction of your waypoint, chances are you are heading for the exit.


The maps are well done and pretty straightforward, despite appearing to be open-ended. A more in-depth waypoint system would be ideal, however.

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New maps design and marker combination are totally f*cked up , so many times i was blocked with other players, absolutely no exit , marker totally useless and not accurate, i'm not a noob, far from it, in 25 years of gaming i'v seen many huge mistakes in video games, this is one of them, beta or not, before releasing something, they should test it a bit, that's obviously not the case.


We don't play this game to stupidly wandering around hoping to find the "sacred" exit, yes we like bigger/more complex maps, but with a more accurate marker, even add some tricky stunts to access aera, it would be really fun, but in present case i'm not talking about 5 mins lost , talking bout 15mins then quit, i don't have time for this BS, and this BS maps design+marker is an UNDENIABLE fact.

Edited by Sc4rL3TBuLL3T
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New maps design and marker combination are totally f*cked up , so many times i was blocked with other players, absolutely no exit , marker totally useless and not accurate, i'm not a noob, far from it, in 25 years of gaming i'v seen many huge mistakes in video games, this is one of them, beta or not, before releasing something, they should test it a bit, that's obviously not the case.


We don't play this game to stupidly wandering around hoping to find the "sacred" exit, yes we like bigger/more complex maps, but with a more accurate marker, even add some tricky stunts to access aera, it would be really fun, but in present case i'm not talking about 5 mins lost , talking bout 15mins then quit, i don't have time for this BS, and this BS maps design+marker is an UNDENIABLE fact.


I've never had that problem, the only time you ever get traped is when the security system lockes you in and you need to go to a terminal to unlock it. However these terminals only show up when your close to them and doesnt take intoaccount locked doors, so it will show you the closes terminal which is sometimes behind a locked door.

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@Tyrranax , no , absolutely not, it isn't a locked doors problem, i always check if there's a door locked, and check everywhere untill i unlock it, even unlocked, so many times....no exit, marker useless, they need to fix it ASAP, we need a more accurate marker, period.

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@Tyrranax , no , absolutely not, it isn't a locked doors problem, i always check if there's a door locked, and check everywhere untill i unlock it, even unlocked, so many times....no exit, marker useless, they need to fix it ASAP, we need a more accurate marker, period.

So, you think we need markers like in Dead Space? Also, no pun intended.

Edited by matrixEXO
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@Matrix, did i say that? i don't think so....just a more accurate marker, in another thread there's a great idea, marker with height indication, that would be really nice.


Markers like Dead Space....i hope not , i really do, i would love some add like tricky stunts to access aera, already said that, does it sound like i want a straight (noobish and boring) line to exit to you? nop.

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@Matrix, did i say that? i don't think so....just a more accurate marker, in another thread there's a great idea, marker with height indication, that would be really nice.

Sorry if I implied something I didn't mean to. I was just asking if you wanted a marker like the one in Dead Space where you CANNOT go wrong with it.

Also, I happened to chance upon a marker that was thinking I was in a different room (when I just entered the ship). So happens, that room was about 6 tilesets away from spawn.

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I like new big grineer maps. Sure sometimes it's hard to find proper exit because of the multiple doors and height but that's make it extra fun.

Why speed-running? Kill and loot the whole level !!!!!! YEAH

precisely what he said ^ word by word

I like the big maps :P it's like a  sandbox miniworld heh

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I just saw the hangar bay in the Grineer map and i was like,"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!"

I wanted to explore and look around but the team just wanted to leave.


Too bad this stuff is random and you dont know when you are going to get it.

We really need a machinima tool to be able to explore this stuff.

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How about taking some influence from MASS EFFECT 2 and 3 and make the levels LeSS MONOTONOUS!!! I feel like every mission I play is identical, without much exception. How about a Halo jungle? Or an outside alien moon level crawling around ancient ruins? How about piloting your own ship maybe adding some ship to ship combat?? How about being able to LAND on EARTH or the moons of Saturn and walk around open world in those environments?  How about having some PVP worlds? I LOVE this game, BUT and a BIG BUTT I feel like I will get BORED soon with these same ol same ol look alike cloned levels. I have countless ideas, Dev team, should you want to contact me about layout, design, artwork ect. And where is the player trading system? Why cant we sell or trade with other players?How about having a consistent RPG type mission set, that is linear and you can take your team to accomplish a mission which requires multiple steps, using a storyline that gets you interested in some characters?Saving a colony from extinction or infestation? How about Allowing players to BUY their own stations, where they can open a shop or rent store space to other players who cannot afford a station of their own, or even make it possible to buy small moons or asteroins to build a base of their own. Which can be attacked  and defended???VEHICLeS!!???

Honestly if you want this amazing game to have staying power in a very competitive world of ftp and other games, the changes I mentioned above will take this game into stellar territory, and make it the WoW of the future. Even though I personally hate and despise WoW, like WOW it SUCKS. Take big chances and I promise you it will bring in the bigger audiences!! Hire 100 more dev people to just blow this game into outer space beyond what it is now and it will pay off. I would love to work with the team to make this happen. Ive been gaming since pong basically. Had every home console since caleco vision.

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