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I Am Psychic! I Called Archwings Over 2 Weeks Ago...["proof"]


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                                                                  *****THIS IS MOST LIKELY A JOKE*****


So I started this awesome thread awhile ago...https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/283341-seenow-i-wanna-do-a-barrel-roll-too/#entry3252953 Where there was a discussion that included the merits of the world renown PEPPYS' Barrel roll among some other wonderful and provocative innovations. Among that thought provoking discourse... I was inclined to utilize my obvious clairvoyant abilities in the form of this conversation piece...prompted by AandOE, (Replies #11 and #12)



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Posted 04 August 2014 - 07:30 PM Obviously I can also time travel but I disguise it by using GMT

A Liset mini-game would be neat, too. ex. Dodge xx-asteroids, Grineer, Corpus, Infested, laser attacks etc, to gain yy results.

"No jokes I feel like that is going to be part of the new Tennolive livestream. The whole flying ships thing is too awesome to not look into. I remember a livestream hearing Steve talk about a pilot support/tenno on the ground scenario. I would not be surprised if it was the next big thing. " - Nkomo-Sama


Well there you have it...irrefutable proof. The secrets of the universe are obviously mine and for a short time only will they be available for free...


For perhaps another free peek into the future I provide for you....

Utility: A Love Story.
















Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Sorry bud but we had this idea over a month ago, I'm afraid you are quite late. This idea was already created the moment we had started our hype train and realization of when the tenno ships would arrive. True you may have figured it out, but we had already knew this. 

This also makes sense why we can't fly our ships in U14, DE had to give up some crappy reasons why the liset cannot go assault mode, its a stealth seeker, not an assault drone.

Edited by 9tailboy
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Probably just luck.



Sorry bud but we had this idea over a month ago, I'm afraid you are quite late.



DE always wanted to do some sort of space combat for this game outside of being in a ship...




GG..but no one had the foresight to quote themselves and make an obvious joke thread about it meant to incite laughter and friendly banter.

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GG..but no one had the foresight to quote themselves and make an obvious joke thread about it meant to incite laughter and friendly banter.

"obvious joke thread"? Nothing is obvious when it is just text, lol. I've seen plenty of threads where people weren't joking when they obviously should of been, lol.

But ya, whatever I guess. Good job.

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So capslock man...

I assume you main Nyx because you know... psychic and all.

You two must have so much in common :P

I see I am not alone in my psychicness.. I knew that would happen though...


How many fingers am I going to hold up?




Trick question


You are going to hold up a closed fist and 2 toes.


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