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Glaive Prime End Game Builds



Basically the title. I just got the Gleaming Talon stance, and built the Glaive Prime. It quickly became my favorite melee weapon to use. I tried taking it into a T4 Interception and it didn't perform as well as I would have liked, whereas my Bo prime, or Dragon Nikana would have. I'd rather not main those weapons because they don't give me the same satisfaction as using the Glaive Prime and Gleaming Talon stance. I'll forma it as much as it'll take so I was wondering if I could get some help on building an endgame build with it. Thanks in advance guys.

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7 answers to this question

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I don't have gleaming talon but this build should suffice for level 40.




I dont know how the stance mod works so i can't make a better build. this build is meant to charge and throw while using your primary weapon.


Replace Jagged Edge with an elemental mod. You'll get a bit less dps with a 60% element mod, but enemy weaknesses should cover that up easily.

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glaive isnt rly fit for t4 stuff its more of a t3 weapon but its amazingly fun to use since if u ran out of ammo u dont have to hug that gunner to do dmg to them, anyway thats mt t4 build its rly pwoerful and if u are in the melee stance u can "left click" while in mid air to do explosion u dont need the powerthrow and -4 bounce since sometimes U DO want it to bounce not just boom, http://goo.gl/uxAbC8.


u can remove whirlwind so u can control ur booms better and put either molten impact or rending strike, ofc u dont have much of a statues so on paper molten will deal more dmg but in game rending is way better

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I use http://goo.gl/hoaWLD for late game - I don't have the stance.


Use it primarily as a thrown secondary before a reload, against Lancers/Corpus units. I don't generally use it against Gunners as it's a poor choice as you get to later levels - works great at first with a Corrosive build but scales off quickly. LS is a must for the ability to heal (and works with charged throws so you don't need to expose yourself to crossfire).

Edited by Darzk
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Darzk I polished your build off (the dps number change to a higher number when in game because you cannot calculate the flight speed of whirlwind into the dps rating) but this does some more damage per second and it blows up on contact. I dont have the glaive prime (im buying crimson dervish, send me a message by clicking my name in the formus and clicking send me a message subject: Crimson dervish and put in wat you want, for plat i only have 25p btw).

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