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[Warframe Concept] Dracul - Vampire/blood Knight Wip ~Update Concept~


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I really like the concept, but the skills don't attract me much. 

How about this skill-set?


First Skill: Shadow Charge

Dracul 'dashes' forward, in a blur of darkness, which looks to a casual observer a bat-like creature. Unlike Slash Dash, this attack deals Puncture damage (inspired by vampire fangs).


Second Skill: Chiroptera

Dracul sends forth a torrent of dark energy, manifesting itself in the form of a flurry of bats (Ciroptera is the scientific name for the bat).

Second Skill Alt: Huntsman

Dracul bends light waves around him, and creates a section of darkness, reducing sound, visibility, etc.

Basically a stealth mechanism, like Invisibility or Smokescreen.


Third Skill: Quench (a better name for this would be appreciated)

Dracul targets an enemy, drains the life source outta him,  and then discharges it in a radial burst that heals teammates and restores their energy.


Fourth Skill: Bloodrain

Dracula creates two more clones of himself, which travel around attacking enemies, in the same 'blur of darkness' method, causing powerful damage and creating chaos. Imagine letting loose two creatures, slashing, tearing and ripping their enemies to oblivion. 

Nice ideas, how about this change:

Remove Huntsman and Shadow Charge making it into one ability:



First cast: Huntsman as you described, the further away from enemies you are, the less likely they are to notice you. Standing in direct spotlights also has an effect on the duration of this ability (drains twice as fast). Visibility is increased whilst crouching, considerably long timer however, balanced by what I said earlier (with maxed Continuity, you are looking at 30-40 seconds), can be cast silently


Second cast: casts Shadow Charge, in direction desired (again, silently)

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Nice ideas, how about this change:

Remove Huntsman and Shadow Charge making it into one ability:



First cast: Huntsman as you described, the further away from enemies you are, the less likely they are to notice you. Standing in direct spotlights also has an effect on the duration of this ability (drains twice as fast). Visibility is increased whilst crouching, considerably long timer however, balanced by what I said earlier (with maxed Continuity, you are looking at 30-40 seconds), can be cast silently


Second cast: casts Shadow Charge, in direction desired (again, silently)


Yep. Great idea.

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Gawd, you and Volkvoyi have some of the best concepts for Warframes.  Makes me feel giddy.


Anyway, Dracul being a Jack-of-all-Trades reminds me of Excalibur, so stat-wise I'd say the two should be close in terms of stats.  Average across the board.


Some suggestions on power balance/ideas:


I love the idea of a power that is "Cast-From-Hitpoints", however, why just limit it to his #1?  How about make it an entire mechanic?  If he runs out of energy, he can still use his powers (save his Ult), but now they start costing some health (at different amounts) instead of energy.  You could even extend this to channeling for melee attacks as well.  Anytime he lacks energy to use a skill, he can still use it, but it costs health instead.


Of course, this would mean he'd need a HIGH health pool, possibly high armor as well (But I love melee-centric frames, so I'm terribly biased)


Since he's like Excal in that he fills different niches, let's go with Excal's toolkit setup of damage, mobility, CC, and a "Nuke".


Blood Needles: I like more the concept of a Blood "Spike".  Like, a spear/railroad-spike style projectile that he flings and impales a foe with, inflicting a bleed DoT.  If it's an organic target and it's killed, perhaps it could even return some health, to follow with the vampiric motif.  Plus it's like staking, another vampire lore reference.


Blink: I don't know how DE does energy progression, but all their powers seem to go the 25/50/75/100 route.  So I like that blink is a teleport that moves a set distance rather than requiring a target.  Also, here's something.  How about giving the player the ability to chain Blinks together so long as they have energy/health to do so?  You can even alter the direction of the blink by pointing in a different direction.  In this manner, a skilled player could literally Blink from target to target in a room.


"Taunt":  I would honestly scrap this power.  If you want a power that's an aggro-magnet, combine it with his Ult, which I'll go into later.  However, if you're following the vampire motif still, and a Jack of all-trades, then like Excal, we need some sort of CC power.  How about a power like Radial Blind, but instead it slows enemies/debuffs their attack, and a brief stun.


Vampiric Field: Now, there's two different versions of his ult I had in mind.  For the first, make this a toggle that generates a field that aggros enemies to melee range with Dracul, perhaps even forcing them to try and melee him.  While they're in the field, they take a slow physical DoT that returns some health in the form of an HoT to Dracul, and if they're killed while in the field, they cause a "Blood explosion" that can damage other enemies and provide a stronger, burst heal.


Alternative Ult Shower of Gore: In keeping with Excal's 4th power being a "nuke" I'd say that swap out the field and go with this.  A sudden powerful attack that does physical damage.  If it kills the target, it causes a "blood explosion" that does AoE damage.  Sort of like a poor-man's M-Prime.


But you could get tricky with this.  Perhaps enemies that explode heal Dracul, or if enemies caught in the explosion are also killed, maybe they set off further explosions?  So an M-Prime/Reckoning centered around Dracul.


I love these nifty new frames and how they look.

Edited by RiouHotaru
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Oh man this is cool! I'm a huge fan of Typhus and this is a tie for his place in my heart. Amazing art, great skillset that offers new abilities but nothing too new for the players to get used to(like Typhus').


Also, I knew the Grineer used "You leave my mother out of this!" I'm the only one of my friends who heard it. xD


EDIT: Does this mean you've abandoned Typhus? I just visited his thread and it says "FINAL UPDATE". 

Edited by Avicou
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Oh man this is cool! I'm a huge fan of Typhus and this is a tie for his place in my heart. Amazing art, great skillset that offers new abilities but nothing too new for the players to get used to(like Typhus').


Also, I knew the Grineer used "You leave my mother out of this!" I'm the only one of my friends who heard it. xD


EDIT: Does this mean you've abandoned Typhus? I just visited his thread and it says "FINAL UPDATE". 

he hasten abandoned him, Hes just decided that the currently version of Typhus is where he wants the concept to stay. He however like alot of concept designers wants to try making new things.

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honestly I don't like the idea of blood Warframes the whole blood element makes no sense to me


he is rather a nice concept art however


and the powers feel a lil to strait forward for me


and once again the whole blood thing still don't get it


Blood manipulation or blood alchemy, is the power to change the properties of one's own and possibly others blood.

Combination of Blood Manipulation and Chemistry Manipulation, variation of Property Manipulation the user can manipulate certain properties of blood including acidity, poisonousness, venomousness and flammability. They may be able to do it by touching the target or from a distance. They may be able to only change their own blood properties, change the properties of others blood, or do both.

The user has complete control over blood of oneself and others or from their surroundings (blood-bank, hospital, battlefield), allowing them to create, manipulate, animate, solidify and otherwise control it.

Just few examples:

- Blood Clotting: Or the ability to prevent oneself from bleeding to death from normally fatal wounds.

- Blood Generation: The ability to create more blood.

- Haemokinetic Constructs: Weapons, projectiles, walls, armor or allies.

- Motor-Skill Manipulation: Using another being's own blood itself to control their movements.

- Pain Inducement: Using another beings own blood to torture them.

- Death Inducement: Using another being own blood to kill them.

And If you still don't understand how it works, all I can say is....


Edited by RedSkittlez
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Blood manipulation or blood alchemy, is the power to change the properties of one's own and possibly others blood.

Combination of Blood Manipulation and Chemistry Manipulation, variation of Property Manipulation the user can manipulate certain properties of blood including acidity, poisonousness, venomousness and flammability. They may be able to do it by touching the target or from a distance. They may be able to only change their own blood properties, change the properties of others blood, or do both.

The user has complete control over blood of oneself and others or from their surroundings (blood-bank, hospital, battlefield), allowing them to create, manipulate, animate, solidify and otherwise control it.

Just few examples:

- Blood Clotting: Or the ability to prevent oneself from bleeding to death from normally fatal wounds.

- Blood Generation: The ability to create more blood.

- Haemokinetic Constructs: Weapons, projectiles, walls, armor or allies.

- Motor-Skill Manipulation: Using another being's own blood itself to control their movements.

- Pain Inducement: Using another beings own blood to torture them.

- Death Inducement: Using another being own blood to kill them.

And if you still don't know how Blood manipulation or Blood alchemy still works, here this may help.




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you should make his outfit and actual trench coat with armor on it like in the 3rd concept and the alt outfits should be various trench coats also he should have claws across his hand with the one long one on each had that would also force him to be a melee unit because his skills being nanites would be based on an injection system obviously with the exception of the mist attack


I think it would be nice to have a another melee frame that acts more like a caster type

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