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Coptering Discussed In Depth (Like Really In Depth) And Arguments On Why It Needs To Change.


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its not in limbo its officially official now, what do you want more? it does not need balancing it does not need change imo , dont screw up the best thing in the game !!

Boy this guy sure has some opinions.


You wanna provide some proof that it's been confirmed? Not saying it didn't happen but... pics/vids or it didn't happen.

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its not in limbo its officially official now, what do you want more? it does not need balancing it does not need change imo , dont screw up the best thing in the game !!

all this time instead of arguing you could have read the thread. But it's ok, there are many more players who either love or hate coptering but find my post meaningful.

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Boy this guy sure has some opinions.


You wanna provide some proof that it's been confirmed? Not saying it didn't happen but... pics/vids or it didn't happen.

Well, DE said that it's not going anywhere. It's sort of in a state of "limbo" right now, where it's recognized by the devs but still an exploit.

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Boy this guy sure has some opinions.


You wanna provide some proof that it's been confirmed? Not saying it didn't happen but... pics/vids or it didn't happen.

its been said in one of the last devstream , im not making stuff or am i the only one that knows this, its official coptering is staying in.


I will defend coptering/butt sliding/wall running/wall vaulting until I die, best thing in my 20 yrs of pc gaming

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Well, DE said that it's not going anywhere. It's sort of in a state of "limbo" right now, where it's recognized by the devs but still an exploit.

wrong !! its now a feature ! official full fledge mechanic, get it right.

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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I'm not much of a fan of coptering either. While "fun" and adds a layer of "mobility", it's also incredibly glitchy, totally unbalanced, and looks straight up dumb. So yes, I'm in total agreement about changing it to something that, while still fun, is also cool to look at as well as flows with the character.


Because seriously, sticking your foot out for a slide, and then somehow suddenly shifting your upper body weight forward while spinning should not propel you from one side of the large Corpus snow planet Defense tileset to the other. (Seriously, I had Scoliac equipped with Fury. Meant to "copter" onto one of the archways. Instead somehow FLEW a football field past my destination. With just one copter.)



I said it before and I'll say it again, from my experience, it really itches me when somebody just keeps spamming that darn thing, even when they not necessarily have proper gear and mods to make it effective.
- Why sprint? I'll just keep spamming it entire mission and it will do a way better job than any sprinting.
- Also all those wallrunning sections level designers made? Well coptering does a better job, why bother?
- Oh you're crafting zephyr cause you like to fly all over the levels in ridiculous speeds? Why bother? My zorens already does a decent job at that. Wormholes? Teleporting? Lol wat I can't hear you over the sound of my zorens.
This is where I am sure some of us hate it.


I've been saying this over and over. I love DE and all but they seriously need to realize coptering, in its current form, is hurting the game more than helping it.

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I've been saying this over and over. I love DE and all but they seriously need to realize coptering, in its current form, is hurting the game more than helping it.

well might  want to reconsider this as its what got me hooked on the game and got me to spend 200$+ of my hared earned money, dont think its hurting them at all on the contrary ;)

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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wrong !! its now a feature ! official full fledge mechanic, get it right.


They've also stated officially that absolutely nothing is set in stone (Well, other than the new UI). They stated they'll keep coptering in. However, they didn't say anything about not altering it a bit, or re-delegating it to a lesser form while adding a much better, more balanced action for that sort of mobility.



well might  want to reconsider this as its what got me hooked on the game and got me to spend 200$+ of my hared earned money, dont think its hurting them at all on the contrary ;)


If coptering is the only reason why you spent 200 bucks on this game, then I don't know what to tell ya.


And RainDreamer's also a master level founder. What, his/her views isn't valid either? None of ours are because we didn't fling as much cash at the game? You may wanna not go down this path, buddy. You're already heavily at a disadvantage in this thread.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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its been said in one of the last devstream , im not making stuff or am i the only one that knows this, its official coptering is staying in.


I will defend coptering/butt sliding/wall running/wall vaulting until I die, best thing in my 20 yrs of pc gaming


well might  want to reconsider this as its what got me hooked on the game and got me to spend 200$+ of my hared earned money, dont think its hurting them at all on the contrary ;)

Jeez how can you be so stubborn.

If you payed any attention to what OP and other people are trying to say you, maybe you would realize that these "changes" to coptering are really just workarounds to make it potentially easier to use and pleasing to the players who dislike it.


Nobody is saying here "herp derp let's ruin coptering so that guy who spent 200$+ will have to quit the game"

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well might  want to reconsider this as its what got me hooked on the game and got me to spend 200$+ of my hared earned money, dont think its hurting them at all on the contrary ;)

My $500+ spent between PC and PS4 says it needs to be changed. Sooooo.... yeah, your investment excuse is moot.


Not gotten rid of, not nerfed to hell, just tweaked and made a more interesting mechanic. If that derpy little spin attack is what got you hooked on the game so much so that you're willing to defend it with your dying breath, I'm somewhat saddened and amused by your existence.


What if they made mods that would allow you to do certain AoE abilities while coptering, but for increased stamina consumption? Just a thought.



(BTW, what was mentioned at Tennolive is in no way a confirmation of coptering's status as an intended mobility mechanic, simply an acknowledgement of it's existence. They could still easily go back and change coptering mechanics like they've done in the past.)

Edited by Kestral9999
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its not in limbo its officially official now, what do you want more? it does not need balancing it does not need change imo , dont screw up the best thing in the game !!

What I want? Edit from the handy comparison list that the OP gave (which you didn't read):


- actual animation for it

- mods that increase its effectiveness

- it has no balance - slow weapon has no love.


So, why don't we make things like

- sliding combo, so we can chain it with different animations.

- Mods that extend slide time, range, damage, etc, stuff like that

- Combo + mods that allow better coptering for heavy weapons too. Imagine launching yourself with Jatkittag jet engine.

Edited by RainDreamer
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wrong !! its now a feature ! official full fledge[d] mechanic, get it right.


No. It's not.

Coptering is still very much an exploit of the mid-air slide attack.

On some weapons it lets you fly over to the next side of a giant tile. On others it doesn't even help you go further.

And let's be perfectly honest here, it's too easily exploitable to be a feature.

At least chaining wall slings demands some form of skill, but this so called "feature" only works on some weapons.

Opinion discarded, your replies did more to derail the thread rather than discuss intelligent things.

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Guy said coptering isnt helping DE, so I proved him wrong by stating I payed money for it, nothing to do with how much I gave vs the worth of my opinion.


And yes to me butt sliding/wall vaulting/wall running/coptering is the foundation of the game.


Edit: how can you call it an exploit once the devs say they are keeping it AND USING IT ?

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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No. It's not.

Coptering is still very much an exploit of the mid-air slide attack.

On some weapons it lets you fly over to the next side of a giant tile. On others it doesn't even help you go further.

And let's be perfectly honest here, it's too easily exploitable to be a feature.

At least chaining wall slings demands some form of skill, but this so called "feature" only works on some weapons.

Opinion discarded, your replies did more to derail the thread rather than discuss intelligent things.

Amen to that. So lets stay on topic and lets try to discuss ways to improve chopering to make it less overpowered, but good enoguh that the choptering people wont be offended (Must be their religion i suppose).

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Guy said coptering isnt helping DE, so I proved him wrong by stating I payed money for it, nothing to do with how much I gave vs the worth of my opinion.


And yes to me butt sliding/wall vaulting/wall running/coptering is the foundation of the game.

 I'm guessing that guy is me?


So you TOTALLY ignored my answer, then. As well as everyone else that answered that asinine post. Here, I'll copy and paste it for you, and even put it in bold. If you don't "see" it this time, then I'll just label you as either blind, or officially a troll.


If coptering is the only reason why you spent 200 bucks on this game, then I don't know what to tell ya.


And RainDreamer's also a master level founder. What, his/her views isn't valid either? None of ours are because we didn't fling as much cash at the game? You may wanna not go down this path, buddy. You're already heavily at a disadvantage in this thread.


Edit; also coptering isn't a foundation in this game. You can go from Mercury to the Void and beyond without coptering once. There are no environmental areas that demand you use coptering. There are no enemies that demand you use coptering to defeat them.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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 I'm guessing that guy is me?


So you TOTALLY ignored my answer, then. As well as everyone else that answered that asinine post. Here, I'll copy and paste it for you, and even put it in bold. If you don't "see" it this time, then I'll just label you as either blind, or officially a troll.


If coptering is the only reason why you spent 200 bucks on this game, then I don't know what to tell ya.


And RainDreamer's also a master level founder. What, his/her views isn't valid either? None of ours are because we didn't fling as much cash at the game? You may wanna not go down this path, buddy. You're already heavily at a disadvantage in this thread.


Oh FFS, I just said my opinion is not better than any one elses, regardless of the amount of money I spent, you also can't read.


Of course coptering is not the ONLY reason I paid but its what I prefer doing in the game.

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Amen to that. So lets stay on topic and lets try to discuss ways to improve chopering to make it less overpowered, but good enoguh that the choptering people wont be offended (Must be their religion i suppose).

Agreed. Well, I already gave my two bits on the issue, but I will provide feedback for whatever you guys suggest.

Edited by Lukap99
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Oh FFS, I just said my opinion is not better than any one elses, regardless of the amount of money I spent, you also can't read.


Of course coptering is not the ONLY reason I paid but its what I prefer doing in the game.

And literally nobody here wants to get rid of it.


What is your deal?


Why have you still not bothered to go back and read the OP?


Why is coptering such a perfect mechanic that it doesn't need to be modified even slightly in your eyes?

Edited by Kestral9999
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 I'm guessing that guy is me?


So you TOTALLY ignored my answer, then. As well as everyone else that answered that asinine post. Here, I'll copy and paste it for you, and even put it in bold. If you don't "see" it this time, then I'll just label you as either blind, or officially a troll.


If coptering is the only reason why you spent 200 bucks on this game, then I don't know what to tell ya.


And RainDreamer's also a master level founder. What, his/her views isn't valid either? None of ours are because we didn't fling as much cash at the game? You may wanna not go down this path, buddy. You're already heavily at a disadvantage in this thread.


Edit; also coptering isn't a foundation in this game. You can go from Mercury to the Void and beyond without coptering once. There are no environmental areas that demand you use coptering. There are no enemies that demand you use coptering to defeat them.


Don't bother. He's just derailing this thread. Let's focus on more constructive things shall we?


Like wall-slinging for instance. My opinion is that it should be made into a feature and given a visual overhaul.

Maybe the new one will allow us to:

- Choose our direction

- Use it during the middle of a wallrun

- Have a vertical variant that launches us upwards.

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And literally nobody here wants to get rid of it.


What is your deal?


Why have you still not bothered to go back and read the OP?


Why is coptering such a perfect mechanic that it doesn't need to even slightly be looked at in your eyes?

Because every change proposed has some kind of nerf/limit to it, and I don't want that.


Every game I try these days I try to butt slide but I can't , I try to wall vault but I can't, I think I got used to it so much I need it now, I have trouble enjoying anything else that doesnt have the fluidity of WF.


I guess I could live with some kind of animation for it but nothing else.

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