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Design Your Vorframe


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Let's say DE releases a new warframe which is Captain Vor having found, modified and equipped a warframe (named a Vorframe of course), how would you design it? What skills would he use? What weapon would he come with? What would he look like?

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Since when Valkyr was created by somebody else, than Orokin. huh? Corpus captured the Original Valkyr/Valkyr Prime and stripped her off of parts of her armor, tortured, experimented on et cetera. Project Zanuka created only this - Zanuka. Valkyr was just a test subject to see how frames work to reverse-engineer that.

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Since when Valkyr was created by somebody else, than Orokin. huh? Corpus captured the Original Valkyr/Valkyr Prime and stripped her off of parts of her armor, tortured, experimented on et cetera. Project Zanuka created only this - Zanuka. Valkyr was just a test subject to see how frames work to reverse-engineer that.

Not wrong but the Corpus changed Valkyr (see her robotic part) :)

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Weird, I had made something similar and our skills are remarkably similar in design too!



Main weapon: The Janus Fission Rifle: a double burst rifle which shoots 2 bullet burst. The first does little damage and can' punch though while the second does much larger damage and passes through the target, the idea being that the second bullet detones the first in a burst of orokin creative energy. The void key design is clearly visible and the gun is built around it.


Side arm: The Prodigy (Seer Mk III) - A further modified version of the prime. It' esthethic are heavily inspired by orokin design with more gold highlight than the original seer. the wepon reloads fater than the prime and now triple bursts. Its long range accuracy is hower somewhat lesser.


Melee: The Revelation hammer: It has a long shaft a a smaller head than other hammers. It is meant to be manipulated in one hand with large spinning swing for devastated impact damage.




1. Nervos Trap: Places a nervos mine at a precise point on level geometry. it cannot be moved but can chain link enemiesd at higher level. Placing two closeby can create a trap link. Can be improved with range or power mods.


2. Taunt - Simple no-nonsense taunt ability. Ideal for traps. Classic with random old and new VOs.


3. No Quarters (or Zeal, or Inspiration) - Vorframe recharges his shield instantly, gets a temporary defense boost and boosts stats of all nearby allies, including his grineer alliea from the next ability.


4. It's the Grineer: Vorframe summons a platoon of loyal grineer soldiers with orokin tech upgraded armor. 

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Since when Valkyr was created by somebody else, than Orokin. huh? Corpus captured the Original Valkyr/Valkyr Prime and stripped her off of parts of her armor, tortured, experimented on et cetera. Project Zanuka created only this - Zanuka. Valkyr was just a test subject to see how frames work to reverse-engineer that.

Hence the word modified.

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Hence the word modified.

Modified = Corpus/Grineer modifications inserted, something changed, added MOA stomp, Grineer mechanical legs, drone deployer, etc..

Valkyr was not modified, unless you mean the shackles. But I wouldn't call that a modification, since it's pretty much just "aesthetic" part.

Edited by Angius
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Modified = Corpus/Grineer modifications inserted, something changed, added MOA stomp, Grineer mechanical legs, drone deployer, etc..

Valkyr was not modified, unless you mean the shackles. But I wouldn't call that a modification, since it's pretty much just "aesthetic" part.

Modified means changed, so you can't blame him for saying Valkyr because she was indeed changed by the experiments done to her by the Corpus.

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Modified = Corpus/Grineer modifications inserted, something changed, added MOA stomp, Grineer mechanical legs, drone deployer, etc..

Valkyr was not modified, unless you mean the shackles. But I wouldn't call that a modification, since it's pretty much just "aesthetic" part.

The helmet it looks corpus and she looks like a mix of parts from other warframes like I'm going to take screen shot to show you...just wait

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actually was there anything that improved valkyr because its like Valkyr improved herself by becoming enraged, most of her element is through her anger instead of the experiment (except maybe Rip Line and Hysteria)

Edited by Hunter126
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