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Bring Back The Old Dark Sector Conflicts


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This is just ridiculously unbalanced and if I had to estimate how finished it is I would say 12.6%.  

It has no balancing whatsoever, it just throws you into a random game like "here, there's the console you have to hack and watch out for the 20 people with ultimates and lvl 20 weapon. Good luck"  


Only good thing about these is that it keeps throwing random rare mods at you all the time and that's the only thing that is better than the old defence mode.   


I just want the old mode back, please stop forcing PVP. It's ok, if people like to struggle with this broken mode let them do it in special missions that don't impact a huge part of the game (dark sectors).   


Right now I would compare it to elections. Before you could vote for your favorite, now they give you and 3 other people that came to vote a stick, throw you into an arena against a fully geared swat team "if you win you voted successfully".   


I want to support alliances I like, but sorry guys, I'm simply not dealing with this.

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Agree completely, we need a PvE option, even just an option to load in against specters would be an improvement though it still shows some of the balance issues. I simply have no interest what so ever in PvP, I gave dark sector conflicts and try and didn't like it. There's no reason an entire section of the player base should be locked out from contributing to community oriented content like Dark Sectors because of a PvP requirement when most people are here for PvE in the first place.


Whether it's bringing back the old Dark Sectors or just giving us a player vs specter option, something needs doing, we've seen no mention of anything for a good while now despite mentions of a PvE option being discussed (believe it was steve who mentioned that on twitter but i cant recall)

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"Only good thing about these is that it keeps throwing random rare mods at you all the time and that's the only thing that is better than the old defence mode."


Sorry to dissapoint you, but those mods are your own being re-activated thanks to the level reset system of the DS conflicts.

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I kind of like this new PvP. But it sure as hell is unbalanced. I was just stabbed to death by Ash's blade storm, stood locked in one spot and couldn't do a thing for a good 8 or 9 seconds and he just teleport-stab me again and again :/

Oh one thing I would greatly appreciate when joining a game and beeing thrown into ongoing conflict ( let's say 4 of them against 2 on your team, and they had specter I think cause it was like 7 warframe or more on their side, and they had they powers unlocked already) : IT WOULD BE FAIR TO UNLOCK APPROPRIATE QUANTITY OF MODS, because if enemy team had already played for lets say 10 minutes and had their mods unlocked there is no friggin way that a fresh frame with everything locked could do a thing to them (your own skill at play won't help here).

Edited by tocorro
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"Only good thing about these is that it keeps throwing random rare mods at you all the time and that's the only thing that is better than the old defence mode."


Sorry to dissapoint you, but those mods are your own being re-activated thanks to the level reset system of the DS conflicts.


Oh? Well, I just tried it out today, so I'm pretty new to it. I also won't play it again, I did a couple games, but all I quit, because there is no point fighting 2v4 (or however players they had) with lvl 3 weapons while their ash spams bladestorm.   

Was going to help get rid of the 30% credit/resource tax on Sechura, but there seems to be no hope. I just feel so powerless, because with this new conflict toxic clans cna just sit there with ridicolous taxes, because it is impossible for attackers to win from what I have experienced, since you can't even take the first point in the first stage of the conflict.

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Oh? Well, I just tried it out today, so I'm pretty new to it. I also won't play it again, I did a couple games, but all I quit, because there is no point fighting 2v4 (or however players they had) with lvl 3 weapons while their ash spams bladestorm.   

Was going to help get rid of the 30% credit/resource tax on Sechura, but there seems to be no hope. I just feel so powerless, because with this new conflict toxic clans cna just sit there with ridicolous taxes, because it is impossible for attackers to win from what I have experienced, since you can't even take the first point in the first stage of the conflict.

On a side note: I find it funny that someone named "RektumExplorer" doesn't want PvP in it.

I don't know, it just seems odd.

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Oh? Well, I just tried it out today, so I'm pretty new to it. I also won't play it again, I did a couple games, but all I quit, because there is no point fighting 2v4 (or however players they had) with lvl 3 weapons while their ash spams bladestorm.   

Was going to help get rid of the 30% credit/resource tax on Sechura, but there seems to be no hope. I just feel so powerless, because with this new conflict toxic clans cna just sit there with ridicolous taxes, because it is impossible for attackers to win from what I have experienced, since you can't even take the first point in the first stage of the conflict.

This is basically exactly how I feel, completely and utterly disempowered of any choice.

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They aren't forcing PvP. You don't HAVE to do it. That's what forcing PvP means.


And I like the PvP. Sure it's unbalanced, but in time they will make it balanced (or at least somewhat)

Yes it is forcing it on us.  Dark sectors is not a minor part of the game.  This game is supposed to be PvE at its core, PvP was supposed to be left as something to do on the side.  Also, dark sectors was PvE originally and should have stayed that way, or at least given us the option to play a PvE or PvP mode.  

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Yes it is forcing it on us.  Dark sectors is not a minor part of the game.  This game is supposed to be PvE at its core, PvP was supposed to be left as something to do on the side.  Also, dark sectors was PvE originally and should have stayed that way, or at least given us the option to play a PvE or PvP mode.  

No it isn't. You aren't needed to finish a dark sector/solar rail conflict in order to progress into the game.

If it blocked you during progress, then yes it would be forced. But it isn't.

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No it isn't. You aren't needed to finish a dark sector/solar rail conflict in order to progress into the game.

If it blocked you during progress, then yes it would be forced. But it isn't.

It's a place for higher lvls to earn more loot, locking it behind a pvp conflict for hours is forced. What game are you playing exactly lol?

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It's a place for higher lvls to earn more loot, locking it behind a pvp conflict for hours is forced. What game are you playing exactly lol?

It is OPTIONAL. You can CHOOSE if you want to go ahead and get that stuff. Like you can get that stance mod from trading.

And I'm playing warframe. 

Edited by TheErebus
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play for the team with the highest battlepay, then your enemy is only spectres, no players.

yesterday i did 15 runs on ceres, 65k battlepay each time, other side got 0 battlepay

in all those 15 rounds i did not encounter a single player on the other side, only spectres. We usually won with 1 or 2 lives lost from our side.

One round we even destroyed the core when my frame was still only rank 8 xD





It's a place for higher lvls to earn more loot, locking it behind a pvp conflict for hours is forced. What game are you playing exactly lol?

dark sector conflicts has no loot. Only credit rewards from battlepay. So the guy was right, if you dont want to play it, dont play it. You miss nothing

Edited by Frostosti
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It is OPTIONAL. You can CHOOSE if you want to go ahead and get that stuff. 

And I'm playing warframe.

Just because it's "optional" doesn't mean it isn't forced at some point. I hope they kill PvP entirely, go back to CoD if you want "competition" lol. This game suffered because of PvP and people wanting it to affect the game more, they could have gotten further into developing the core game elements; but nope whiny PvP players just had to have their bread crumbs lmao.

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play for the team with the highest battlepay, then your enemy is only spectres, no players.

yesterday i did 15 runs on ceres, 65k battlepay each time, other side got 0 battlepay

in all those 15 rounds i did not encounter a single player on the other side, only spectres. We usually won with 1 or 2 lives lost from our side.

One round we even destroyed the core when my frame was still only rank 8 xD





dark sector conflicts has no loot. Only credit rewards from battlepay. So the guy was right, if you dont want to play it, dont play it. You miss nothing

Actually lol, it has higher loot drop and xp with creds as well. I don't play DS for the crap PvP i destroy, i play those areas for loot and lvls; their original intended purpose.

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It is OPTIONAL. You can CHOOSE if you want to go ahead and get that stuff. Like you can get that stance mod from trading.

And I'm playing warframe. 


Nothing personal, but it bothers me so much when someone with ash flair defends the broken PVP.   


Also, like Frostosti said, the side with battle pay will have more players, so they automatically win. And who can offer the highest battle pay? The clan/alliance that has INSANE taxes on highest profit rails. So then it's just an endless circle, tax the rail, give some of the money back to keep it, tax more.   

It's like aids, you're not careful you get it and you ain't getting rid of it.

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Rofl... I got sick of people spamming ash bladestorm... way too powerful in pvp. At least tone it down more (make it more like old school bladestorm before the massive buff in pvp).   So I ended up playing my ash mostly now in those dark conflict.    I actually turned the tide of battle around once I hit level 3... turned into easy mode... -_-.  Not to mention the mag pull, then there's the trinities link, and so on and so on.  I do know that Warframe never considered pvp to be it's first consideration, but hopefully it'll get tuned a bit more.  Personally they should balance it more but disabling certain mods that are a bit too powerful imo.  Mainly the ones that reduces energy cost, and so on. 

Edited by Black_Edge
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Actually lol, it has higher loot drop and xp with creds as well. I don't play DS for the crap PvP i destroy, i play those areas for loot and lvls; their original intended purpose.

omg lol, go to your inventory after a conflict, the conflicts DO NOT drop any mods

0 nada, noppes, nothing, zero

how hard is it to understand that?

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The concave amounts per frame and weapon mods need to be adjusted.  Some press 4 abilities, like Nyx's absorb shield or Ash blade storm need their concave scored raised in par with the Max power strength.  Not just the fact that the card is in the slot.  If the power strength of the build causes a total or more of 1500 damage (which is about what a max vitality/redirection mods running will adjust a frame's total shield/health) then the score should reflect that.


Therefore the one hit wonder frames need to be mitigated.  Rhino's chain casting ironskin or Loki/Ash/shade invis or Valkyr immortality need to be given cool down timers at least in PVP.  The max efficiency, max strength, and max duration ratings for these abilities need to be measured and limited during the mission.  The higher you have your build set it, the longer you would get a cooldown.


I would like to see added PVP cooldowns and concave score adjustments based on modded power efficiency, strength, duration, and range.  The same should go for weapons, instead of calculating a base concave score based on the fact the mod 'X' rank 'X' is installed, make the score adjust based on the overall mod build's ability to increase overall damage.

Edited by Phooney
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