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Nekros Rework.


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Your suggestions makes no sense then. Are you implying you spam Desecrate because you have nothing else worth using? Because i would argue it's because Desecrate is a unique ability that's simply better than anything else you could have.


This isn't a game where you are stuck using one frame only. You could just as easily put on Mirage, Nova, or Rhino for AoE spam. You could use Loki, Nyx, or Vauban for CC. You could use Frost of Volt for defense. You use Nekros for loot farming; no other frame gives additional loot.


Even if they buffed the frame's other abilities, would you actually use them? Every other skill you use will just eat up energy that you could be using on Desecrate. If your point is that you don't want to Desecrate, then don't use Nekros.


Perhaps you are unhappy because other people only want you to use Desecrate, and feel they would want you to do something else if your other skills were better. You would be wrong. You are asked to use Desecrate not because your other abilities aren't effective, but because you are the only one who can use Desecrate. Again, any energy you use on another ability is one less time you could be casting Desecrate. There is no other frame you can switch off with in providing that ability.  You can't switch off with Nyx on CC, not because you can't CC, but rather because Nyx can't 'Desecrate'.


If you really wanted to free Nekros from his roll as a support frame, Desecrate spammer, you should be asking DE to give a similar ability to another frame. Otherwise it won't matter how much they buff Soul Punch, Terrify, or SotD, you will still be the only one who can use Desecrate.


How about making Desecrate a toggle ability then? When Nekros sees a bunch of enemy corpses he just toggles it on and the ability automatically desecrates nearby corpses, and Nekros no longer has to stop and spam 3 every time an enemy happens to fall over. 


Nekros would be able to use Desecrate, keep shooting at enemies and use his other abilities as needed, instead of mashing 3 over and over again.

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If you'd spec him right you don't die easily. 

I am on topic , guy. 

Were having a simple conversation here.

Don't need to get testy.

I don't use him anymore because I know he's weak, and is only meant to Desecrate.

You weren't on topic, and no one here seems to be testy other than the ones saying only using Desecrate is perfect frame design.

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I don't use him anymore because I know he's weak, and is only meant to Desecrate.

You weren't on topic, and no one here seems to be testy other than the ones saying only using Desecrate is perfect frame design.


I really don't see how being required to spam one ability over and over again constantly in order to be useful/viable can be considered good design. And spamming Desecrate non-stop really isn't fun either, IMO.

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What's wrong with Nekros...  He's one of my favorite frames.


Desecrate everything

Terrify to revive players or get the enemy off the pod when people don't defend

Soul punch to get rid of heavies while retreating

and, when I have it equiped, Shadows of the dead to cover my escape/keep the enemy busy and off of me


Where's the problem again?

Edited by CatPhoenix
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He's fine as is, jeez.

Care to go into detail?


I don't agree. He doesn't need a full rework.

Desecrate is fine as it is. I would like to perhaps see it "hold to cast" instead of pressing 3 every single time. 

And maybe the ability to move while casting desecrate.

A little more damage on soulpunch would be cool.

The AI for SoTD needs a look at though.

Terrify works for certain situations (I personally do not care for it) maybe instead of having them run away they can be locked in place and trembling instead?

So 3/4th of him needs work?

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And so what would you like to see happen?


Id like to see more frame and mod synergy


A better AI for his 4 and more utility,synergy, and usability with his 2 and 4 that wont interfere with his 3


Also for 1 to scale with power mods and perhaps gain utility

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Id like to see more frame and mod synergy


A better AI for his 4 and more utility,synergy, and usability with his 2 and 4 that wont interfere with his 3


Also for 1 to scale with power mods and perhaps gain utility

I posted this in another Nekros thread as well


Fairly long post.


So I've been reading this topic and I feel like DE really missed an opportunity with Nekros. I feel he has the potential to be a really unique Warframe type in that he could truly be considered an necromancer or minion master frame. All while maintaining his current flavor. I think it would be cool if his Shadows had more synergy with the rest of his abilities as well as some tweaks. i think this would allieviate alot of the issues with nekros as well as making him extremely fun to play.


Soul Punch


Deals damage, and your shadows will snap to the punched target focusing their fire on that target for x duration.




Fears x number of targets for x duration as well as reducing the enemy armor. Your shadows gain movement speed and a turbulence-like effect which reflects a percentage of incoming bullets. Your shadows pursue feared targets relentlessly until they are killed, the duration ends, or the enemy becomes unreachable.




Reroll enemy drop table. In addition, your shadows come to your aid and attempt to stand between you and your enemy, gaining increased armor and slowly regenerating based on how many corpses are successfully desecrated.


Shadows of the Dead.


Keep it the same. However if there are no enemies in your table at least allow nekros to summon some basic tenno unit with basic equipment so he can actually cast this skill.


So in the event where you have multiple skills active at once the priority would function like a sentinel precept, aka base on the order of equipped ablilties. So if you want to priortize attacking a single enemy, slot Soul Punch first. You can desecrate, shoring up your defenses until a big target shows up then soul punch to command your shadows to engage on that target, ignoring all others. However if you desecrate again, your shadows will not disengage because you have prioritized soul punch first. This puts a lot of tactics and planning your skill order, while being flexible in what you want to prioritize or maximize.


Obviously this would need to be balanced out a little but these are my thoughts on what would be super cool to play as nekros.


TL'DR Nekros' minions should have more play on his abilities.

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