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Does Anyone Else Find It Odd That Trinity Can Only Cast Link On Herself?


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We all know that Link lets Trinity play as a battle cleric. She shoots explodey things at her feet while invincible and everything around her gets nuked. Lets her be independent, right?


What struck me as odd (and perhaps it's even stranger that I only realize this now) is that this doesn't fit her role of team cleric. Sure, it lets her run the aforementioned strat. But usually, this is the kind of buff that cleric-type classes in RPGs cast on their tanks so that they can draw more aggro to themselves, or to help split the damage done to them to nearby enemies. It's a team-focused support spell, rather than a self nuke.


My question is: How would the WF community react if Link were turned into a skill that Trinity could cast on her teammates, but not at herself? It'd work exactly the same as it does now, except that it would require her to point at an ally to apply the buff.


Now there are a few issues with this idea:


- Should Trinity still be able to cast it on herself? As in, if no friendlies are around to point at, she'd just self-cast it.

- Should Trinity be able to apply the buff to her whole team, or only one player at a time?

- Would being able to cast knockdown immunity on the team make the game too easy?

- Would Trinity get stuck casting Link on everyone all the time, without any time to cast Blessing?


So it's easy to see why this was never implemented. 


Trinity is far from the first frame that needs to be fixed (again), but Link always did stick out to me as an odd skill in her toolkit. Now I think I understand why. Does anyone else have any ideas about how Link could be theoretically reworked to become more of a team support ability?

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lol blessing is sick in its own

im sad thatt they nerfed it 

dont get me wrong i like the nerf 

but ive never played god mod trinity



buffing trin would make her op

blessing now grants added damage reduction when timed correctly u can link, angstrum ur self and csat blessing for over 80 or even 90 perceent damage reduction 

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Shes more of the tanky type clerics you see in many MMOs


Lots of tank and heals and resistances


Though because of WFs limited amount of powers and few utilities needed that a healer in this game may have... she has E vamp and WoL for healing what frames will use and blessing as her big &#! heal


Link is her survival tool so she can make sure others survive

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The target-and-click mechanics would be the worst thing to do to Link. One of the hardest thing to do in this game is to try and point-click your ally while they're jumping and compering all around the place, and while you are trying to stay alive yourself. I'll have to disagree with that first suggestion.


I think the reason I feel the power's fine currently is because we need Trinity to stay alive. She's the support, yes, but there won't be any supporting if she's the first to die. Without Link, Trinity can easily fall in many situations, especially if she loses her Proc immunity (remember that her Link serves as a good team support tool because it can inflict stunning procs on enemies as well, such as using laser doors to knockdown, Napalm fire to Heat proc enemies, etc).


She has enough powers that supports the team (3/4 of them), so Link should be a self-sustaining power so that she can keep on supporting everyone else. Make her a sideline Warframe that can only support others, and forcing her Link into a team-only power would make her worse IMO (it would also completely eliminate a power for solo mode).


I also think that being able to give to others would render others too powerful in a certain sense. As a quick example, Rhino is already immune to CC with his Iron Skin, and has the ability to absorb a lot of damage before it wears off, effectively having a second shield meter that he can semi-instantly restore as soon as it's gone. Give him Link, and his Iron Skin will be even more powerful, with no chance of ever wearing off except against the most insane enemy levels.


While I see what you're point is, I think that this power is necessary for Trinity's survival, and for balance with the other Warframe as well (such as the example above). It also separates her from regular "cleric-type" in other media. While her powers could still use a bit of work, I believe strongly that Link is the single power in her arsenal that's in the right place, despite the ridiculousness of feet-blowing meta. Therefore, as of now, I don't really have a different suggestion to give with this.

Edited by Casardis
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I run Trinity with Link and Blessing, with Link being the only thing that prevents me from insta-gibbing during high-end melee runs. Not being able to use Link on myself would kill her entire melee survivability. It's fine as is, and I can see it being better than giving to others, as Blessing's new action sorta fits the damage mitigation role.

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Link now only attaches to up to 3 allies, and distributes damage between them proportionately, with a global 10% reduction. Ignores self damage, scales with power (absolute max 22.9%), moderately reduced range.

Naturally, though, this would require actually good skill design.

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Link now only attaches to up to 3 allies, and distributes damage between them proportionately, with a global 10% reduction. Ignores self damage, scales with power (absolute max 22.9%), moderately reduced range.

Naturally, though, this would require actually good skill design.


Ah, so like the Spirit Walker's Spirit Link from Warcraft 3. Interesting, and actually more of what I had in mind. The only problem I can see is that the game just isn't set up to accommodate for this kind of playstyle, but if it were, it'd make for an interesting skill.

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With an overextended build you can link everyone's damage at fairly significant ranges, but in return for essentially 4x-ing everyone's durability for the duration, you hardly get any reduction to the damage coming in.

People are usually closeby in missions you have a chance of dying in anyway, and the counterbalancing idea there is that while on one hand it can make nobody die in the right circumstance, in others (bombards/napalms in corridor, rhino standing out in open spreading huge amounts of damage to team (link will take damage before it's applied to iron skin), etc), though in most circumstances even with herp pubs it'd probably still be too ridiculous.

Though, blessing was one of the most absurd skills in the game for the longest of times, so who knows. Idea came from new dead island pvp game, where a character can link the 4 players on a team together and cut 30% of the damage they receive and share it with the others (which is a whole lot more balanced than the total burst negation this offers, but weak for this game considering).

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