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Vauban Needs To Change


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As someone who has one?

No. No it isn't. There's a reason that it's the single most bought-with-platinum frame in the entire game, and it has everything to do with a totally unforgiving RNG that doesn't care if you have certain needs like having to work for a living or sleep. If Vauban is going to remain an alert prize, then it damned well better be a prize whose parts come up more often in alerts.

Dude I am sorry but I got mine through the alerts. and honestly he is totally worth the wait but its not like he is THE WARFRAME OF WARFRAME. He is just a powerful caster that is hard to get. And what makes vauban vauban is the pain in the &#! to get him. So please for the sake of all things holy DE leave the drop rate alone. 

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I agree that the alerts for him are ridiculous. Not everyone has a work/life schedule that allows them to participate in these alerts when they're available and it astounds me how thick some players are acting in regards to this issue. 


For those of you crying over exclusivity, get over it and your inconsequential e-peen.


For those crying he's too unique and powerful, again, get over it.


Vauban is hardly a meta anyways because so few players I meet actually know how to use him to his full potential or keep him alive late-game without the need for a Snowglobe or a sturdier frame to take cover behind. Most of the players I talk to or play with? They only slot in either Bastille or Vortex and use him as an Infested Defense only frame. 


Yeah, way to use those 'bragging rights' to their fullest. 


Especially when most players will realize he isn't Rhino, Mirage, or Loki Prime. 



For those who CAN sit down and patiently wait to get the Vauban alerts done, is he worth it? Hell yes. 


For those who CAN'T sit down and patiently wait to get Vauban alerts done due to having a life...DE, these are the people that have the wallets and who may feel more inclined to spend their hard earned cash on your game. Cater to these people, as well as many a players sanity and put Vauban in either a Quest system or Tenno Lab research. 


Something we can do on our own time when coming home late from a tiring day at work, a long day of watching and taking care of kids at home, coming back from some big fancy test, or having more important things like family and friends to tend to for the day. 

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I agree that the alerts for him are ridiculous. Not everyone has a work/life schedule that allows them to participate in these alerts when they're available and it astounds me how thick some players are acting in regards to this issue. 


For those of you crying over exclusivity, get over it and your inconsequential e-peen.


For those crying he's too unique and powerful, again, get over it.


Vauban is hardly a meta anyways because so few players I meet actually know how to use him to his full potential or keep him alive late-game without the need for a Snowglobe or a sturdier frame to take cover behind. Most of the players I talk to or play with? They only slot in either Bastille or Vortex and use him as an Infested Defense only frame. 


Yeah, way to use those 'bragging rights' to their fullest. 


Especially when most players will realize he isn't Rhino, Mirage, or Loki Prime. 



For those who CAN sit down and patiently wait to get the Vauban alerts done, is he worth it? Hell yes. 


For those who CAN'T sit down and patiently wait to get Vauban alerts done due to having a life...DE, these are the people that have the wallets and who may feel more inclined to spend their hard earned cash on your game. Cater to these people, as well as many a players sanity and put Vauban in either a Quest system or Tenno Lab research. 


Something we can do on our own time when coming home late from a tiring day at work, a long day of watching and taking care of kids at home, coming back from some big fancy test, or having more important things like family and friends to tend to for the day. 

Hes not even difficult to get and noones forcing anyone to spend money on anything


Keeping vauban alive is as easy as spamming 3 or 4 a few times


Maybe both

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The argument that Vauban should be shunted to RNG just because he's good/can grief players is laughable. By that logic, we should move

- Trinity
- Nova
- Loki
- Mirage
- Rhino (not even a top frame, but he breaks early game)

to the Alert tables.


Vauban should be moved to one of two things:

- Tenno labs (lazy solution)
- Questline involving Corpus technology (better)

Getting Vauban now is only guaranteed as far as you're able to play at anywhere, any time. At least with the other frames you're able to farm them at your leisure.

I also think the grind wall for obtaining Hydroid is absurd given how rare the non-Delta beacons are, and he's not even a good frame. But that's a topic for another thread.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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why is vauban ridiculously stupid to get, nekros or a any prime is easier to get than vauban nobody has a chance to get the helmet or the chassis at 4 am in the morning and then wait for one or two months to miss it again digital extremes please change this. (i expect to be told to suck it up)

well all his parts showed up TWICE in the past 2 days

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well all his parts showed up TWICE in the past 2 days

And they could just as easily not have shown up in the past two days.

Also, they were at the dead hours of the night for me (3:00-4:00AM PST). Or at least the helmet was. Not everyone has my horrid sleep schedule, though, and it took me three months to get Vauban last year because the alerts always kept cropping up at 1:00-4:00 in the afternoon when I was in class.

The point is, getting Vauban is just a little too much out of the player's hands.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Im sure there are more


Youre going to miss some


It will happen


But there are more alerts all around


Just watch for them


Check occasionally


Its not hard


    I really have to agree with this, I put the warframe app on my phone and each time an alert I needed came up I'd get a little sound notification. Two of them I was just doing something else and could hop on easily. The third one however (the helmet) came on while I was at work. But you know what? I shot a text to my friend, he logged onto my account, and I got it anyway. It took me two months, and I only got them due to DE being conscious enough of us Australians to rotate the alerts the way they do.


    In short, there's plenty of resources to get him even when you're not playing or when you're busy. It's really not that hard seeing as I have about 3-4 spare sets of parts for him now.

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I can see that it's worth it to some but if you think about it Nekros is easier to get in the long run by just simply farming oda missions by chance you can get him in 3 mission runs and he is very useful and i see him more often and what about Rhino who at the moment can rhino stomp a entire room and other rooms near it and kill everything and we can get him at venus and with streamline and flow this thing is going to kill everything i use him because he is a tank and a good damage dealer i don't even need roar so don't tell me that Vauban is hard to get because he is a good warframe when i can get Rhino in a low amount of time.

Do you even sentence, bro?

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Im sure there are more


Youre going to miss some


It will happen


But there are more alerts all around


Just watch for them


Check occasionally


Its not hard

I am aware of those sites ;)

I never said it is hard, merely inconvenient. Roughly 106 hours a week (63% of the time), I'm unable to play warframe, no matter how much I want to. I still got everything from the alert tables within a few months.

    I really have to agree with this, I put the warframe app on my phone and each time an alert I needed came up I'd get a little sound notification. Two of them I was just doing something else and could hop on easily. The third one however (the helmet) came on while I was at work. But you know what? I shot a text to my friend, he logged onto my account, and I got it anyway. It took me two months, and I only got them due to DE being conscious enough of us Australians to rotate the alerts the way they do.


    In short, there's plenty of resources to get him even when you're not playing or when you're busy. It's really not that hard seeing as I have about 3-4 spare sets of parts for him now.

That works fine if you're in a position to easily hop in, but it'd appear quite a few people generally aren't. And as for getting a friend to do it for you, some people may be less willing than you to break the first rule of the Open Beta Agreement...

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Ah, Vauban. I remember when I was first starting out and my phone give me auditory feedback every time Warframe Alerts updated. Luckily through caffeine, sheer insanity, and working nights I somehow managed to get all the parts (relatively) quickly.

Anyway, I don't see DE getting rid of or altering greatly the alert system. Like it or not, it's pretty much a standout feature of the game. The best I could think up for a solution would be having a 24 hour period within which you'd have two 12 hour blocks that would each have an identical set of alerts. It wouldn't be perfect, but you'd have a better chance at not missing something because you were asleep.

Edited by lamiamistral
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just got all parts from alert after under , 1,5 months plus blueprint from login reward

it is hard to get but not impossible


No, getting Vauban is not hard. I think that's the problem. The missions required to get him are your standard Lv15 trash alerts, but actually getting them to pop up is entirely out of the player's hands. A good number of the stories in this thread are about waking up at ungodly hours, getting friends to run the mission, and spiking yourself up with Caffeine rather than completing a satisfying mission to get the Vauban parts. I think that goes against the spirit of WF, but then again, my vision of what it means to grow in this game is likely different from many other peoples' in this thread.

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