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Warframes, They Are Not Human Right?


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ive been playing warframe for a while now, and i find it really cool that the humans are actually the bad guys in this! the only thing is the tenno, the tenno are not human right? then why are there only humanoid warframes? why not a canine wareframe? or even a cheetah type warframe? any real one that is not humanoid, maybe even a eagle or something?

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I'm pretty sure Warframes are just advanced combat suits, like a medieval armor version except... IN SPACE.


So there are still humans (or some variation) inside.


EDIT:  When you do missions involving cryopods, look inside.

Edited by Allajh
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Technically, we're part of the human race, but somehow different. Can't really explain it, because the lore lacks on public information. Just like the Corpus and Grineer are humans aswell, but they took different paths.


INFESTED are corrupted/infected Grineer/corpus, so technically they are mutated humans

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Looking at the lore it isn't clear if the Tenno are non-humanoids or not. Ultimately we could simply be looking at an off-shoot of humanity that cut it's ties with home millenia ago and now defends it's superior military hardware from the remains of the once great Grineer empire, not to mention the infected.




Wiser people posted wise things. I stand corrected.

Edited by Twasta
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If you watch an orokin warframe in defense missions you could notice there is a person inside and it looks human, unlike greeners which have fat butts he has an athletic body.


He's just a place holder. If you played during the Alpha he was the Place holder for the agent you rescued in rescue missions.

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That would be super cool, but as far as game mechanics go, it's easier to have the Tenno as one "species". They are all the same general shape (base shape for animators). From there, they can add pieces of armor and body mass to alter the appearance for different warframes.

Have you heard of the game Mass Effect? When the first game was being made, the developer/animator team said it saved so much time, space and made the gameplay smoother because the races of aliens who fought with you were all "built" on top of a humanoid "base"; if that makes any sense.

I would love to have different species of Tenno! Great idea. ^_^

EDIT: The Tenno could very well be human. Maybe one day we'll know more. :)

Edited by RiftGuard
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I've heard one theory on the wiki that warframes are essentially robots remote controlled somewhere else. It'd be real neat if they were heavily modified cyborgs that needed a 'human' remote operator, like if the drones we used today had a human brain.


That would also explain why they can switch between male and female in between missions. You're not switching your clothing, you're literally switching the drone you're controlling. 

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I have always ascribed to the fact the Tenno use biological constructs in which they sleeve their consciousness into. Sure, they look humanoid, but under the epidermis, they are biologically engineered musculature and high-impact alloys. Think Genocyber meets Ghost in the Shell.

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I've heard one theory on the wiki that warframes are essentially robots remote controlled somewhere else. It'd be real neat if they were heavily modified cyborgs that needed a 'human' remote operator, like if the drones we used today had a human brain.


That would also explain why they can switch between male and female in between missions. You're not switching your clothing, you're literally switching the drone you're controlling. 

Actually, I think you are talking about the Corpus there.  The Corpus are an empire led by biological beings of some sort that impose their will through robotic proxies.


This discussion does answer one question though.  At least we know that if the Tenno do have a specific gender, then we will never see a Tenno changing their warframe in the mirror!  LOL

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Actually, I think you are talking about the Corpus there.  The Corpus are an empire led by biological beings of some sort that impose their will through robotic proxies.


This discussion does answer one question though.  At least we know that if the Tenno do have a specific gender, then we will never see a Tenno changing their warframe in the mirror!  LOL


Both, actually. This is from the wiki

 It is also possible that Warframes aren't really a suit to be worn, but rather a sort of artificial proxy body controlled remotely by a Tenno operator, or perhaps even that Tenno are not bound to physical bodies and may freely move their consciousness to whichever Warframe body suits them.



And here's a link to the page so you can read more. Scroll all the way to the bottom for the Tenno.

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the hostages are clearly human

and some of the rescue mission alerts say "Tenno operative discovered"

so the hostages could be Tenno without their warframes equipped.


Clearly human? You mean just because it looks human?

Tennos could actually be some kind of non body based life form. In order to protect themself from the TCV, they could have transfered their being into some kind of AI and use their frames as weapons. And these hostage bodies could look like humans to remember themselfs on what they once were...

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For now, I believe that the Tenno are the "pure" humans, with the Grineer and Corpus being deviated and devolved humans respectively. Each of the playable Warframes represents a Tenno who has specialized in a particular aspect of war, the Trinity being a medic or the Rhino being heavy infantry.

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I have always ascribed to the fact the Tenno use biological constructs in which they sleeve their consciousness into. Sure, they look humanoid, but under the epidermis, they are biologically engineered musculature and high-impact alloys. Think Genocyber meets Ghost in the Shell.

Most likely this - it explains why you can use warframes of different genders and why you take damage from noxious infested stuff. It might also explain why you take damage when you break "space window" and that its fine to to stick yourself to the hull of escape shuttle - by entering hibernation.

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Most likely this - it explains why you can use warframes of different genders and why you take damage from noxious infested stuff. It might also explain why you take damage when you break "space window" and that its fine to to stick yourself to the hull of escape shuttle - by entering hibernation.


That, or their shields provide a limited protection to vacuum exposure, enough to close the door on the transport at least.

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I have always ascribed to the fact the Tenno use biological constructs in which they sleeve their consciousness into. Sure, they look humanoid, but under the epidermis, they are biologically engineered musculature and high-impact alloys. Think Genocyber meets Ghost in the Shell.


I approve of anything involving digital consciousnesses hopping around in purpose built bodies. Transhumanism Ahoy!
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What if Tenno are just humans that chose not to rule the trade industry and not to clone themselves like the grineer did?  They could be just normal humans that didn't screw with their genetics and so are still genetically compatible with the WarFrame armor.

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