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Warframes, They Are Not Human Right?


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Maybe those parts of the body do degenerate in months, with a Tenno's downtime being spent in some kind of fancy regeneration machine that fixes him up?


Well, that is just the long term consequences. What do you think would happen to your hip joint if you ran faster than a Olympic sprinter, jumped higher than most athletes and fell a distance that would liquidate most people organs? What if you did that multiple times in the space of 20 minutes? Even with a power suit, shields and some amazing micronized technology, the weakest part of the system is the human body.


After that for just five minutes, the damage would be irreparable. That then raises questions about the red healing orbs and their role... yadda, yadda. However...


I do have a minuscule problem with these lines.


"It seems clear..." is not evidence, it is interpretation/assumption. Neither you nor I, for that matter, have (admissable) evidence of anything. We have assumptions and detached observations, but no proof of either theory. That is why I am pointing, just as you were rightfully pointing at me before. If you present one theory without another in contrast and speak of evidence, you are insinuating proven truth. This is, with all due respect, misleading to those reading your posts.




Any technology, when sophisticated enough, will seem to be magic.


Does this mean Tenno are transhumans? I do not see it. I am looking at the suits. That is where the magic happens.


Once again, I state that I have never said anything I theorize as cannon. You are going from mild disagreement to calling me misleading now, which is not a title I appreciate, sir.


If my side of the coin comes off to you as ridicule, then I apologize. I respect your creativity and I have nothing but respect for your eloquence and love for the lore. However if this discussion is going to degrade into bad blood, then I am not willing to take part in it anymore.


I may make bold statements, but I do so after careful consideration. However I think you and I are an an impasse here sir, so I think I'm done here.


Thank you all,


Peace out!

Edited by SilverBones
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Saryn has high heals, why would something other than a human female wear high heels



Sarcasm I hope?


men in real life



fictional male cyber ninja



and the kicker, a male warframe



I have no examples of a non-human wearing heels, but at least that takes care of the female aspect.

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Sarcasm I hope?


men in real life



fictional male cyber ninja



and the kicker, a male warframe



I have no examples of a non-human wearing heels, but at least that takes care of the female aspect.

Half joke, half serous

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Corpus are gearheads who grow human bodies/dolls and replace head with electronic brainbox where they transfer their consciousness, allowing individual to survive both war and spreading infection. They became leading trading force after the war because they relied heavily on machines and focused on mining and manufacturing, they needed to do so to survive against grineer and other possible threats. Grineer were soldiers during the war with some sentients, cloned en masse to counter the mortality rate. Trying to survive the war, they were so preoccupied with fighting and cloning that they lost technology to create perfect clones by simplifying the cloning process to create greater number of clones. Their generals then usurped the surviving government and became the leading force in sol system. Very paranoid as they dont trust anyone and keep cloning themselves, add their flawed gene-structure and you get the reason why they hate tenno so much, though another reason for hating them could be tenno leaving the war after creating virus - tenno spread all over system and hid themselves in cryopods to wake millenniums later when the virus should've killed everyone, to retake the system.


p.s. read GUNNM


But, on capture missions you almost always target a Corpus Crewman without his helmet. He obviously has a head. Also, doesn't a Corpus boss go without a helmet?

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Half joke, half serous

Ok then. I agree the heels are silly (atleast until Saryn and Volt can load melee weapons into their feet and kick them into enemy faces like Raiden does) but the human woman only thing bugged the crap out of me. Heck, I saw an emo kid at the mall this morning wearing black and pink pumps. He wasn't even crossdressed or anything.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Well, that is just the long term consequences. What do you think would happen to your hip joint if you ran faster than a Olympic sprinter, jumped higher than most athletes and fell a distance that would liquidate most people organs? What if you did that multiple times in the space of 20 minutes? Even with a power suit, shields and some amazing micronized technology, the weakest part of the system is the human body.


After that for just five minutes, the damage would be irreparable. That then raises questions about the red healing orbs and their role... yadda, yadda. However...

Well, bear in mind that orokin technology (ie a warframe) is fantastically advanced. Rhino can stomp the ground so hard that time breaks despite how insane that is from a physics standpoint. Orokin modules can make a sword that somehow burns, freezes, and electrocutes an enemy all at once. If there's anything that'd qualify for the tag "sufficiently advanced", it's orokin tech.

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Well, bear in mind that orokin technology (ie a warframe) is fantastically advanced. Rhino can stomp the ground so hard that time breaks despite how insane that is from a physics standpoint. Orokin modules can make a sword that somehow burns, freezes, and electrocutes an enemy all at once. If there's anything that'd qualify for the tag "sufficiently advanced", it's orokin tech.


Blaaargh... organic evolution advances at a much slower pace than technology which is another fundamental of transhumanism.


I really want to get back into this again, but I don't want to risk getting into that whole 'polarized discussion piece.' I put down what I believe and I think that's sufficient. If you want my thoughts on this particular aspect, feel free to PM me and I'll let you know my theory on this, but for now I think it best if I step away from threads like these for now!



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But, on capture missions you almost always target a Corpus Crewman without his helmet. He obviously has a head. Also, doesn't a Corpus boss go without a helmet?


Corpus is latin for 'flesh'.


Frankly, I feel if there's anything, anything that's likely to be largely unmodified humans right now, it's the Corpus. That would also explain their extreme reliance on drones and why Nef Anyo is such a huge coward.


Warframe upgrades can increase the person's health inside them, and from the Adventures Of Nick Naked we know that unarmored Tenno do not look like humans at all-that blue skin and the fact that a naked guy has shields kind of tells you something.


Also, we know a lot of Orokin artifacts modify the person, i.e. Vor. The Grineer are definitely murder cyborgs.

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My vision of the Grineer is this:


1. Most of them adopt cyborg parts reluctantly and only when there are significant benefits. Using them is can be construed as a sign the soldier is personally flawed, somehow inheriting genes that aren't as awesome and superior as they could be.


2. This creates a social underclass within the Grineer, albeit one which is still above the non-Grineer in the empire.


3. Some Grineer (predominantly from this class, but not exclusively) want to push for cybernetics even when they are not required, for ideological reasons and to level the social playing-field. They are a minority, but one which is gaining power in internal political battles. (Somewhat aided by the results of not-so-metaphorical battles where their equipment helps them win.)


4. This internal tension would put Sargas Ruk--who wants to use cybernetics--in an opposite political bloc than Tyl Regor--who wants to repair and improve the genes.


The Grineer Empire will be more interesting in the long-run with that kind of thing going on in the lore, as opposed to being some Borg-ish monolithic society.

Edited by HvcTerr
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Alright, let's clear a few things.


The Grineer is a faction of countless generations of cloned humans, the cloning had eventually caused genetic degradation up to the point in which they needed to replace much of their bodies with cyborg parts.


The Corpus is basically a corporation, the crewmen (and it is saif officially somewhere) are humans that have been brainwashed into workers, remember that they bleed blood. The other Corpus units are entirely machines.


The Infested is a nanomachine virus created by the Orokin, every Infested unit is an infected human/subhuman/transhuman.


The Tenno are the most mysterious. However, they do have a big connection to the Orokin civilization, likely to be the remnants of the ancient Orokin.

If such is the case, then considering how many centuries have passed since the Great war, the Tenno are possibly the least (genetically) modified humans.


In any case, we can defintely see that there are no humans like those of our time.

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