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Is Ember In Perfect Balance Spot?


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This thread is blowing my mind, how are people saying Ember is fine? She is completely useless in any mission that does not allow you to drool on your keyboard. WOF is the most broken ability, being effected by duration, efficency, range, and strength.


She has no scaling whatsoever. And she is extremely slow and squishy.


Lets take a look at Ember's competition


Nova- Has a mobility skill allowing for easy traveling, also has one of the most powerful CC abilities that also does heaps of damage, and snowballs with each enemy effected by her shockwave


Mirage- Possibly the most overpowered warframe ever to exist. Mirage's Hall of Mirrors alone increases damage by nearly 200%, not to mention causing enemies to shoot at clones and become nearly invincible.  In addition, Eclipse also deals and ADDITIONAL 450% damage dealt on top of Hall of Mirrors when it's used in light. Mirage also has Prism, while it's not devastating without Eclipse, it's one of the most powerful CC abilties in the game, Rivaling Excalibur's Radial  Blind. 


And then we have Ember's skills

Skill 1 Does 400 heat damage... lol?

Skill 2 Increases heat damage, situational at best

Skill 3 Deals 150 heat damage and creates a ring 4m wide that enemies WILL NOT run through, they will literally sit there and wait until it expires. You would literally be doing more damage with Slash Dash or Radial Disarm

Skill 4 hits 3 targets per second for 400 heat damage, apart from clearing level 10 trash enemies, this skill has no purpose whatsoever.


Ember is a JOKE.

An Accelerant-boosted Fire Ball can deal upwards of 25,000 damage with a max efficiency build.  Accelerant itself makes Ember's damage abilities hit like a truck (to say nothing of fire-imbued weapons) and allows Ember to stay safe with on-demand radial CC in a wide radius.  Fire Blast is practically useless and WoF is too crippled by reliance on duration mods and clunky uptime maintenance to be good.


Thank god you didn't post that in Players Helping Players.

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She has no redeeming qualities. She's slow, she's squishy, and her "damage" is bad even in nodes. If you're going to make her a glass cannon, please, don't forget to add the cannon part.


Fireball should lock enemies into a panicked state where they can't move or attack while they try to put out the flames on their bodies, basically the Damage 1.0 Heat proc.


Accelerant is meh, but if her other abilities did more damage then Accelerent would become better as a result.


Fire Blast is mad gabbage. Seriously. Make it stunlock any enemy that tries to walk into the ring and deal ticks of damage to them while they're stuck (similar to Banshee's Soundquake) or remove it and give her Overheat back.


World on Fire needs to be toggleable, do way more damage, and have more range. It can't hit every enemy in its radius all at once so it should be much bigger and stronger than other 4s.

Edited by Brosagi
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She has no redeeming qualities. She's slow, she's squishy, and her "damage" is bad even in nodes. If you're going to make her a glass cannon, please, don't forget to add the cannon part.


Fireball should lock enemies into a panicked state where they can't move or attack while they try to put out the flames on their bodies, basically the Damage 1.0 Heat proc.


Accelerant is meh, but if her other abilities did more damage then Accelerent would become better as a result.


Fire Blast is mad gabbage. Seriously. Make it stunlock any enemy that tries to walk into the ring and deal ticks of damage to them while they're stuck (similar to Banshee's Soundquake) or remove it and give her Overheat back.


World on Fire needs to be toggleable, do way more damage, and have more range. It can't hit every enemy in its radius all at once so it should be much bigger and stronger than other 4s.


Ember does a good amount of damage and is squishy, I'm pretty sure glass cannon describes her well.


Fireball does tons of damage.

Accelerant works well with her other abilities (and fire damage on weapons in general).

Fire Blast is bad. Overheat should not be given back to her unless it is only overheat in name and the tanking element of it is removed.

World on Fire isn't all that bad, but toggling and a larger amount of enemies affected would be great.

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Why won't they just let us swap between Accelerant and Overheat?

This way we would have 2 ways of playing Ember:

1) with Accelerant:

 your abilities deal standard damage which can be massively buffed by Accelerant, you can stun enemies with it; basically current Ember

2) with Overheat

 your abilities deal standard damage but when Overheat is enabled you sacrifice half of range and damage of abilities running during Overheat duration for Overheat's damage reduction

Removing Overheat was bad decision, it not only left Ember broken but also frustrated many players.

But it has been done and now it would be fair if they let us use BOTH skills. Not at once, of course.


Also would be nice if Ember's: speed is increased to 1.1; Fire Blast changed to Fire Eximus/Sargas Ruk blast ability; WoF maken toggleable (with high upkeep cost?); maybe a small stamina buff? She has to run a lot.

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Why won't they just let us swap between Accelerant and Overheat?

This way we would have 2 ways of playing Ember:

1) with Accelerant:

 your abilities deal standard damage which can be massively buffed by Accelerant, you can stun enemies with it; basically current Ember

2) with Overheat

 your abilities deal standard damage but when Overheat is enabled you sacrifice half of range and damage of abilities running during Overheat duration for Overheat's damage reduction

Removing Overheat was bad decision, it not only left Ember broken but also frustrated many players.

But it has been done and now it would be fair if they let us use BOTH skills. Not at once, of course.


Also would be nice if Ember's: speed is increased to 1.1; Fire Blast changed to Fire Eximus/Sargas Ruk blast ability; WoF maken toggleable (with high upkeep cost?); maybe a small stamina buff? She has to run a lot.


Maybe because Overheat is a tanking skill and a glass cannon does not need a tanking skill? Isn't that the reason why they removed it in the first place? Removing Overheat was a great decision, it clearly established her as a glass cannon rather than a female Rhino with a damage focus and the only players it frustrated were those players who were using Ember as a female rhino rather than as what she was intended to be.

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So this topic became infected and turns out to be just a overheat topic.

The Overheat Brigade breaks out of the psycho ward every time one of these threads is made.  People don't care about balance; they just want overpowered frames or for frames to be what THEY thought they would be like.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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Ring of Fire's pretty crap. Replace it with Overheat.


Why? Just save us some button pressing and add damage reduction to WoF instead of making her 3rd ability "Pretty much the exact same thing as World on Fire" again. If they did choose to replace ring of fire, I'd rather they give her something unique instead.

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What? Why should they add DR to WoF?


I'm not saying they actually should, I'm just saying I'd rather they did that than just throw Overheat back into her skill set. Though that's not to say I'm against adding a fixed amount of DR to WoF either (I don't see why not, but I'm neutral on the idea so I could live with or without it).

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I'm not saying they actually should, I'm just saying I'd rather they did that than just throw Overheat back into her skill set. Though that's not to say I'm against adding a fixed amount of DR to WoF either (I don't see why not, but I'm neutral on the idea so I could live with or without it).


Ah okay. I'm against it for the reasons I stated, I was just curious as to what the opposing side's (which I incorrectly assumed you to be part of) reasoning was. The reasons I've seen stated in this thread mainly just boil down to 'She's a glass cannon and I don't like that' (complaining that a glass cannon is squishy... seriously?).

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Ah okay. I'm against it for the reasons I stated, I was just curious as to what the opposing side's (which I incorrectly assumed you to be part of) reasoning was. The reasons I've seen stated in this thread mainly just boil down to 'She's a glass cannon and I don't like that' (complaining that a glass cannon is squishy... seriously?).


True, though admittedly Ember is a bit sluggish compared to the other glass cannon frames, which is strange seeing as she's expected to run around and get shot at a whole bunch. IMO She could do with some kind of speed boost rather than DR. in fact, they could change Fireblast so that it functions similarly to the Siren's phasewalk from the first Bordelands: first Ember will generate a ring of fire as normal, then gain a mild speed boost and possibly leave a fire trail behind her wherever she walks, and then generate a second fire ring at the end of the skill's duration. Or something like that :/

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True, though admittedly Ember is a bit sluggish compared to the other glass cannon frames, which is strange seeing as she's expected to run around and get shot at a whole bunch. IMO She could do with some kind of speed boost rather than DR. in fact, they could change Fireblast so that it functions similarly to the Siren's phasewalk from the first Bordelands: first Ember will generate a ring of fire as normal, then gain a mild speed boost and possibly leave a fire trail behind her wherever she walks, and then generate a second fire ring at the end of the skill's duration. Or something like that :/


That could work. Glad you added that explanation as I only played Borderlands at a friend's house while waiting for him to get ready (so only about 5 minutes of it).

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