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Bugged Alert


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I actually lost the count of how many alert bugs I got in U14. I gave up counting at 12. But this one got me really pissed. So, there was this lovely Locust Ash Helmet on alert a few minutes ago (10, if I'm not wrong) and it had half an hour left. I decide to do the alert that had the smalles amount of time left and clear it in less than 10 minutes. I come back to see that the alert was gone.

"Wait, how could it be gone in such a little time?" Good question, fellow reader. It was not supposed to. I attempt to relog lots of times and asking my alliance if the alert was still up. They said it was still up, altough my star chart said otherwise. Result: I missed a helmet because of these bullS#&$ bugs that don't have an end.


On a sidenote: fix the damn UI freezing, for God's sake. I don't want to relog to fix stuff my whole life.

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