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Changing Warframes In Game - Should De Show Us How Its Done?


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Before hardening into what we see as a surface of warped organic/metalic flesh, his arm was falling apart. The texture shows coagulated blood drips from several places, and takes a brown, almost bloated feel. After hardening and (some) development (also shown in the early Infested of the time), what remains appears to be twisted metal barely holding in a glowing energy, when an ability is used, a portion of the glow disappears and will come back after a time.

Then Hayden was poisoned; enferon, an unexplained substance that is lethal poison to any infected with the Technocytes. It has been argued that the enferon poisoning is what prevented the technocyte evolution from going any further, as after that story event, Hayden does not gain any new abilities, nor does his 'infection' gain any ground, aside from the suit, which is later implied to have become part of him. Other Infested, however, gain multiple abilities, even through their madness, to rival even Haydens, emphasis on the ancient he encounters in the sewers.


Here is where I disagree. IMHO the suits were made before Mezner fell to the Technocyte infection while he was working for the Agency Futurist Enclave. Hence the black market (Supported by the agency) and both the suits having the same Lotus (Agency) symbol.


I don't see any reason to assume that Hayden's suit needed it's pilot to be infected. What is the in-game evet that you say implies it became part of him? Because it sure just looks like he just removed one of the arms so he could keep using the Glaive to me.


And this is a critical point. If the suits were designed for anyone to wear them Hayden's infection simply becomes an attempt at control, not a fundamental part of what it is to become "Tenno". So IMHO "Tenno" is all about the Warframes and the attitude, _not_ about infection with any form of Technocyte virus.


Also note that the Dark-Sector-era technocyte infection is fundamentally different to the Warframe-era Infestation. The whole "Converting skin to metal" thing that was a fundamental part of Dark Sector doesn't exist in Warframe. I believe that is important and it fits the idea of the Infestation being created by the Orokin as a custom-designed strain of the original Technocyte Virus. While the base-virus itself has earlier origins.


Given what the devs said in livestream 10 I'm pretty sure that morphics/forma are the purified "living" metal that is a byproduct of the Dark-Sector Era technocyte virus and the the Orokin based most of their advanced Technology on this secret. Hence the lack of technocyte "monsters" from the fall of the earth after Dark Sector all the way up to the Sentients War near the end of the Orokin Era

Edited by SilentMobius
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Please, please god do not add more delay between selecting things from the menus. please.


It would be fine if you can skip the cutscene when you change warframes. :)


having it would be nice, and the ability to skip it would be even better!


So its lore for lore lovers, a explination, but not a nuisance. (you just have to press 1 more button)

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Hmm. Good idea, though it begs the question of whether or not Hayden and the rest of the newer Tenno are considered separate, and whether or not the Orokin are humans. Things we just don't know.

If, as is suggested, Hayden is the First Tenno, then he would qualify as a mostly undeveloped Excalibur unit, perhaps even the one described in Excalibur's codex entry, and that would place his creation as during the height of the Orokin wars, not before. If he is considered separate, then your timeline would fit the story even better than my attempt. Well done.

As for the Lotus symbol, it's present in almost anything having to do with the Orokin, and the Tenno, Orokin soldiers almost, wear it as a crest. In my timeline idea, the underground shops could have Orokin connections, rather than being their beginnings. This would also explain the accelerated, almost even anachronous, technology level that the black market displays, ergo the Lotus symbol on the early jackals you fight/pilot in the game.

I don't know about the Orokin Emperors at all, guess I have something to look up. Thank you. ^w^


Looked it up. All I have is that they are cold, gold, and Orokin, and that they were likely killed by the Tenno, as described in the Stalker's entry. I have no idea what they are and so have no idea how they would fit in. ;w; I'll have to wait for future reveals on that one, sorry.



The original commercial for Dark Sector (and the base idea for WarFrame, even holding the Grineer and the original model for the Jackal) is still considered cannon, and it certainly appears as if the suit is part of him. It moves in ways that clothing shouldn't, though that could be the result of the lower graphical standards. However, the current WarFrames move the same way, not as if they were freely moving over a body beneath, but as if they were the body themselves, the textures often show muscle-under-skin effects, especially in frames like Excalibur.

You do have a point tho, it is a bit of a stretch, and now that I'm fully awake, I can see your point, and might have even caught it myself. >w< Sorry about that, and thanks for catching it.


As for the story connection between the suit and the Technocytes, it was stated in-game that the suit was made for agents like Hayden and Mezner, whom were picked and treated for resistance to some of the detrimental effects of the technocytes (namely madness, Mezner ended up a different kind of mad, and Hayden ended up being changed for the better). The plan, as best I can figure, was to make Technocyte-enhanced soldiers, and the suit was a direct result.


You do have a point about the technocytes being different in WarFrame than in Dark Sector, but I do have a counter; the Infested ships, Lephantis, and the Ancients. They still have that twisted-metal look in many places, suggesting that the Technocytes have evolved since the Dark Sector days, but still can produce that same twisted, tattered, metallic look sometimes.


Thanks for the feedback, looking forward to more discussion on this.

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As for the story connection between the suit and the Technocytes, it was stated in-game that the suit was made for agents like Hayden and Mezner, whom were picked and treated for resistance to some of the detrimental effects of the technocytes (namely madness, Mezner ended up a different kind of mad, and Hayden ended up being changed for the better). The plan, as best I can figure, was to make Technocyte-enhanced soldiers, and the suit was a direct result.


I think you're mistaken, Mezner was not a field agent, he was a researcher. The suits weren't made for him. They were made in a lab he was part of. Just look at the Wiki to get background for Mezner. Remember that Mezner _betrayed_ the Agency after he was infected, sure the agency was amoral and wanted to exploit the infected but we have no evidence that their suit program required infection. Only that Mezner was infected and he infected Nadia, who he then commanded to infect Hayden. IMHO it looked much more like a (failed) mechanism to draw Hayden over to his side rather than a required step to use the suit. I think you've made assumptions that aren't explicitly stated (I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying these conclusions are far from cut and dried) And hence carried these assumption over into Warframe where, IMHO, they don't fit.


Also, nothing from Dark Sector _especially_ the pre-alpha trailer is "canon" the absolute best we have is that the Dark Sector game is "connected" and "from the same well of awesome" I strongly expect that anything in Dark Sector is subject to change unless explicitly confirmed in Warframe (E.G. technocyte on pre-Orokin Earth and the existence of the proto-armour suit)


You do have a point about the technocytes being different in WarFrame than in Dark Sector, but I do have a counter; the Infested ships, Lephantis, and the Ancients. They still have that twisted-metal look in many places, suggesting that the Technocytes have evolved since the Dark Sector days, but still can produce that same twisted, tattered, metallic look sometimes.


The Orokin ships are infested in a completely different way. Only the organic (tree) matter is infested, the Orokin tech is broken but unmutated.


However _after_ Alad V started his campaign of modification of the Infested, only then was the virus able to deform metal. I refer you to the Lotus's briefing for "Operation Breeding Grounds"


Alad V has developed a way to direct the spread of the Infestation. Using these newly engineered "hive" organisms, the Infestation is able to corrupt a new ship or colony almost instantly. There are also disturbing reports coming in that the virus has evolved. It is now capable of absorbing and corrupting non-organic beings. Not even the robotic soldiers of the Corpus are safe now. The only way to stop the spread is to destroy these hives.


This to me sounds like Alad V unlocking the protections put in place when the Orokin designed the Infestation from the raw material of the Dark-Sector technocyte Virus.

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What of the Lephantis, and the Ancients? Also the models from the infested pod things that showed up on ships even before Salad unlocked them. I've done a bit of looking into the textures of several other infested (namely the Charger and Phorid), and they have parts that appear as twisted metal as well, though that could be attributed to the ferrite in their armor, as Infested based on Corpus don't show this. (Again, the Infested that aren't based on another faction also show an organic/metalic look)


Also, the suit, as suggested by functions similar to Nadia's, is suggested to be made from, or at least inspired by, infested material. If any normal person could use it, anyone with the clearance to get into the area could try it out. That the suit remains in the building unused suggests that the researchers that knew of it didn't want to put it on, even though the defenses it offers would have likely saved them.

Either that or lazy writing. Considering the game's budget, it's entirely possible.


Agreed, likely I'm overthinking it, and the connections between the games are tenuous at best. All I can really do before they release the lore properly is speculate, and thanks again for helping me refine it. ^w^

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What of the Lephantis, and the Ancients? Also the models from the infested pod things that showed up on ships even before Salad unlocked them. I've done a bit of looking into the textures of several other infested (namely the Charger and Phorid), and they have parts that appear as twisted metal as well, though that could be attributed to the ferrite in their armor, as Infested based on Corpus don't show this. (Again, the Infested that aren't based on another faction also show an organic/metalic look)


Also, the suit, as suggested by functions similar to Nadia's, is suggested to be made from, or at least inspired by, infested material. If any normal person could use it, anyone with the clearance to get into the area could try it out. That the suit remains in the building unused suggests that the researchers that knew of it didn't want to put it on, even though the defenses it offers would have likely saved them.

Either that or lazy writing. Considering the game's budget, it's entirely possible.


Agreed, likely I'm overthinking it, and the connections between the games are tenuous at best. All I can really do before they release the lore properly is speculate, and thanks again for helping me refine it. ^w^


What about Lephantis? I don't see anything there that isn't organic. Some of the shapes are suggestive, but that has no meaning IMHO.

The Infested Mutalist Osprey was included _just_ before Alad V's Breeding ground event as a forrunner to indicate something was going on. We only noticed Alad V doing something when he was actually shipping already-infested material indicating that his experiments were very much in-progress by that point.


Regardless, we have-word-of-Lotus that tell us at what point the Infestation started being able to consume metal and tech. Hence before this point it couldn't.


RE. Dark Sector: Who said that anyone was working on that suit at that point? It could have been in storage, waiting for Hayden to turn to his side before Mezner gave it to him. I don't think that "nobody else took it" is a reason to assume it required technocyte infection to use.

Edited by SilentMobius
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I wasn't talking about the mutalist ospreys, I was talking about the growths on the walls, cieling and floor, that have been around for a long time. >w>


I never said it was consuming metal and tech, but there are bits that latched onto the metal anyway, perhaps consuming detritus, or just nanite groups huddling together waiting for something to get close that it was compatible with. -shrug-


As for the suit, again, the area was full of infected researchers. And personally, if I saw an awesome-and-useful-looking suit and the world around me was falling apart? I'd grab that. Also, Mezner wasn't in charge of the lab, he was the lab rat. They wouldn't obey his orders unless they were infected already, in which case his mental enhancements would let him control them like a remote-control puppet.

Besides the point, the front of the suit, even before Hayden modified it, had the rippled, metallic look that is characteristic of the Infested at the time. Had to do a bit of digging through texture work again, and found energy vents similar in structure to the natural ones on the Infested, also the ones on 'modern' Tenno, on the back of the head. And then there is the nub structure on the front of the helmet, characteristic of the infested of the time (Including Nadia, when she let it show), and also characteristic of modern Tenno. There are also areas of the suit (his back, between the back nubs, the wavy boundary between suit and chest) which would wave out or fall off were they not actually stuck to him. That's all I got on the suit.


I've already said that some connections are tenuous, and I admit that readily, but the connections and patterns do exist, and I'm busily looking for them as I play... what can I say? I'm a sucker for good lore, always have been. True research discards nothing, after all. I'm just finding almost nothing against the Tenno being energy beings, most of which can be easily routed around, and quite a few things that point toward it, though some of these tangled strands are quite roundabout and can be ignored. You're doing a very good job poking at the ones that are less strong, and I thank you, I'm learning more and improving my timeline ideas as we go. ^w^ And again, I'm eagerly awaiting when the actual lore gets some lids taken off, or at least when they let more gameplay elements and hints within slip out.

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