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Sprinting Tenno Should Auto-Vault Waist-High Obstacles


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As the topic says.


There is a vault move in the game, but pulling it off is finicky at best and rarely happens. Most of the time you just jump all the way over the obstacle in question, which is adequate but it's kind of sad that it can't be automatically triggered. So I suggest that while sprinting, Tenno should automatically vault lower obstacles (waist-high or below) that would impede normal movement.


The rationale for this is:


1. The animation exists, and the current system makes the animation nearly impossible to trigger. Wasting an animation makes me sad, especially when it's a good animation.


2. There is no 'skill' involved in jumping those obstacles. There is no tight timing, Warframe isn't a platforming game, and thus if you didn't need to press space there wouldn't be any reduction in difficulty.


3. It provides more fluid sprinting movement, allowing graceful negotiation of broken terrain, which is cool.

Edited by MJ12
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Fantastic idea! Although I realize you probably were inspired by the other thread. (╹◡╹) Still, though, really, this needs to happen.


2. There is no 'skill' involved in jumping those obstacles. There is no tight timing, Warframe isn't a platforming game, and thus if you didn't need to press space there wouldn't be any reduction in difficulty.

You're absolutely right. However, the game could really stand to take some cues from other 3D platform games -- like Mirror's Edge.

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Fantastic idea! Although I realize you probably were inspired by the other thread. (╹◡╹) Still, though, really, this needs to happen.


You're absolutely right. However, the game could really stand to take some cues from other 3D platform games -- like Mirror's Edge.


Actually this came from the problem that as of right now, there are a few obstacles which stop you from jumping over them (and thus you get stuck) which you should be able to vault but cannot.


Also, because parkour is awesome.

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Actually this came from the problem that as of right now, there are a few obstacles which stop you from jumping over them (and thus you get stuck) which you should be able to vault but cannot.


Also, because parkour is awesome.

You're dang right it is.


I actually have a problem in a few rooms where vaulting over the obstacle to keep moving at speed causes me to fall in a hole. DERP. (´Д⊂ヽ

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Yes! Love this idea, streamlining movement would be great. At the moment to negotiate waist-high objects I like to front-flip over them, but at times this can be a bit touchy, if I accidentally hit shift at the wrong time I just roll right into the obstacle which can be annoying if I'm trying to get somewhere in a hurry. Having a system whereby you can automatically vault would be awesome.

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Although i like the idea of putting the animation to use, sticky movement is really annoying, and could be detrimental to fast-paced gameplay. The problem that arises from this is getting stuck in animations, and we all know about getting stuck in the knocked down animation.


This is also a big problem that can be seen in big titles like Farcry 3. Sticky movement animations makes it extremely hard to be flexible in a players approach without getting screwed over by getting put into animations they don't want to be in.

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Although i like the idea of putting the animation to use, sticky movement is really annoying, and could be detrimental to fast-paced gameplay. The problem that arises from this is getting stuck in animations, and we all know about getting stuck in the knocked down animation.


This is also a big problem that can be seen in big titles like Farcry 3. Sticky movement animations makes it extremely hard to be flexible in a players approach without getting screwed over by getting put into animations they don't want to be in.


The thing is the vault animation is actually faster than the jump animation (which is its advantage). So it actually reduces your window of vulnerability.


I mean, if you're running into a waist-high object either you want to move through/over it (in which case the vault animation is better in all respects) or you want to get stuck on it, in which case you're either an idiot who wants to troll by making an angry post about how FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT is now gone because you can't keep banging your thighs on a waist-high crate/exploiting some weird game bug and I don't see why the devs should make it easier for you.

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The thing is the vault animation is actually faster than the jump animation (which is its advantage). So it actually reduces your window of vulnerability.


I mean, if you're running into a waist-high object either you want to move through/over it (in which case the vault animation is better in all respects) or you want to get stuck on it, in which case you're either an idiot who wants to troll by making an angry post about how FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT is now gone because you can't keep banging your thighs on a waist-high crate/exploiting some weird game bug and I don't see why the devs should make it easier for you.


Just because I didn't like the idea doesn't mean i'm a troll or angry about it. I stated why sticky movement like this COULD be detrimental to it's current fast paced gameplay. It really depends on how the devs implement it. If you get stuck in animations or get forced into a maneuver you wouldn't otherwise do then it's bad. If it can be used and canceled into/out of it will be good.


Look at games like Gears of War and the Uncharted series. Both of those games have really great gameplay, because the maps and gameplay mechanics revolve around the movement system, which involves a lot of sticky movement and cover systems. I've never played GOW, but I know moving around in that game feels great and extremely responsive. Same with the Uncharted series.


But look at it this way. Vaulting over stuff is as effective as wallrunning. In other words, why would it need to be included for maneuvering in Warframe? The only reason anyone would ever want to vault over stuff is to get to cover. You don't really need any cover in Warframe. Plus, why would you ever want to vault over things vs jump over things? Again, this would put you in a more vulerable state vs jumping over things because you lose control over shooting baddies at all angles.


If you think vaulting should be put in because you couldn't make a small jump, you were probably in a bad position in the first place.

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This is also a big problem that can be seen in big titles like Farcry 3. Sticky movement animations makes it extremely hard to be flexible in a players approach without getting screwed over by getting put into animations they don't want to be in.

Here here! (Mass Effect 2/3 player)

I would suggest giving the option to vault over objects by interacting with them with the Interact/Action button (I believe it's normally E) while sprinting (or even while not sprinting, with different animations for each). I don't see many situations where you can end up vaulting when you don't want to with this setup, because it's rather uncommon to be wanting to open a container while sprinting and also near a vaultable object.

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I'd love to see the movement mirror brink, not that there is much wrong at present but playing Brink the movement seemed very fluid and while there are times where it is present here it's not what i'd expect from a space ninja from the future

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It all boils down to skill now.


No skill required = no fun.


Vaulting doesn't boil down to skill, though, that's precisely the problem. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's not completely predictable or reliable (part of that is probably the generally sticky/unreliable jumping/dodging in Warframe).

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Oooh, if pressing jump while vaulting the rail made you leap from the rail, that'd make it less inconvenient if you accidentally trigger it while just trying to jump over the rail.


On top of, yaknow, it looking cool.

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Anything like this that removes control from the player and autoplays an animation that is out of the players control is a nono for me. The only exception is being the freerunning moves like wall climbing and strafing, but this isnt one of them and beyond adding an animation that seems pointless serves no practical purpose - you can already jump over obstacles just fine and vault over objects if you are hiding behind them, all without loosing control of your character or playing an unnecessary animation for what you are already doing anyway.


Or, in short, autovaulting is a pointless gimmick straight out of console tpp shooters that serves no practical purpose.

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