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Bring Back The Old Blade Storm!


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- I understand your concerns about our current Bladestorm being OP. I was fairly skeptical about it when the change hit, and I still feel rather overpowered when casting BS today.


- However, BS killing enemies was slow. And I'm not talking slow in the enemies-will-shoot-at-the-pod-while-you-pick-them-off sense, I'm talking slow in the you-might-as-well-not-have-even-cast-the-ability-since-you-can-shoot-them-to-death-at-the-same-rate sense. I wasn't arguing that the old BS had low defensive capabilities (although, of course, we all agree that it did), I was arguing that the old BS, one-hit-kill or not, had poor offensive capabilities. The only time Blade Storm could out-kill its own armed-to-the-teeth caster or a nearby armed-to-the-teeth teammate was when used against enemies so distant from the squad that picking up their drops would be a horrendous chore for everyone.




I'm not arguing about the current state of BS; I'm disagreeing with your notion that the old BS was in any way okay.

It wasn't the best, but it had it uses. One of the things I love about it is that it seeks out anything within range, even when they are all peeking behind covers and using guns would take more time and place you in a dangerous position when you try to get to a better spot for a clearer shot. The thing is, those people that run into mobs are likely to get dropped. One of Ash's strong points was that he was a survivor. He could outlive other frames with Smoke Screen and Blade Storm. The damage was lacking, so Blade Storm was good for a panic button at higher level games. Now that the damage is buffed, it's no longer just as a panic button. It can do real damage now. It's just that having the clones to speed up the process just kill everything in seconds.

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Pick the right times to use Blade Storm. I want to put an emphasis on this, there were right and wrong times to use the old Blade Storm. I used it to kill things that are way out reach. The old Blade Storm was useful in clearing out areas that were hard to reach in exterminate missions, so my teammates wouldn't have to get all the way over there. I used it to back up my teammates in interception when my area is clear. I used it when i was in trouble outside of defense missions. The point is, although it was slow, it had it uses. Adding the clones makes the game easy because it's so capable.

Exterminates don't need bladestorm at all, limited enemy spawns are the easiest handled mission in the game. Interception assistance could be handled faster with a rifle, or even a fairly accurate pistol, without leaving your console vulnerable for an extended period of time, in which an enemy might sneak up on it and activate it, undoing your efforts. And when you're in trouble Smokescreen is a superior skill to use. 

You have been using Bladestorm in cases that it works, but is inferior to doing it other ways, they are not 'right' times. All its uses were overshadowed by other, better, tools. It needed its own set of uses, it had to be faster than guns at killing, particularly against heavy units. 

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Exterminates don't need bladestorm at all, limited enemy spawns are the easiest handled mission in the game. Interception assistance could be handled faster with a rifle, or even a fairly accurate pistol, without leaving your console vulnerable for an extended period of time, in which an enemy might sneak up on it and activate it, undoing your efforts. And when you're in trouble Smokescreen is a superior skill to use. 

You have been using Bladestorm in cases that it works, but is inferior to doing it other ways, they are not 'right' times. All its uses were overshadowed by other, better, tools. It needed its own set of uses, it had to be faster than guns at killing, particularly against heavy units. 

Exterminates doesn't really need any ability at all then. It's just that they are times when Blade Storm seeks out hidden units and make quick work of it- quicker than trying to find, aim, then shoot them. It's just convenient.


Interception assistance can be handled faster with a rifle? There are some maps that the distance between points are very far and shooting with a rifle, say a soma, takes a whole lot of time when they are all scattered out when you also have to deal with the spread, recoil, and the obstacles. I experienced this firsthand and enjoyed using the old Blade Storm back then, so i would know. Unless you are skilled, well-modded and geared for accurate, long-range shooting at multiple enemies, Blade Storm is a much better choice.


Smoke Screen is a superior skill to use when in trouble? Have you ever been in imminent danger that you need to get out of there ASAP? Like when you're poisoned, on fire, getting rocket shot at you? Smoke Screen would not save you in these situations. The difference between Smoke Screen and Blade Storm is that one ability just hides you, leaving you to subsceptile to attacks, while the other is takes you out of the game instantly.


But it's true that the old Blade Storm was inferior in many ways in some things.  Like, when you wanted to rez a teammate, it was too slow to remove the threats, so Smoke Screen would come to the rescue. Or when the speed at which Blade Storm killed wouldn't be fast or strong enough to eliminate threats from a distance to protect the Cryopod or whatever, you could Teleport in to kill them faster with your guns or melee. Or when you were way behind from using Blade Storm, you could use Teleport to catch up and get back into the action. Blade Storm wasn't too OP because it just didn't wipe everything out. This gave his other abilities meaning.

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warframe has been "press 4 to win" since closed beta (back then volt was the king, then it switched to mag for a bit then to rhino, and then nova picked up the crown)


but basically DE has done nothing to deal with frame ability spam, they apparently encourage it, even tho it trivializes 99% of the game content


for whatever reason they dont want to overhaul the frame power system and give us cooldowns and innate energy regen, but instead we have to deal with clunky mods and stupid orbs


it blows my mind how they dont get how the current environment of 75% power efficiency means most frames can just bring their ULT and just spam it all day, with no reason to ever use another ability, its just lame and make me sad that DE doesnt see a problem with this game design-wise

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Did you even read my first post? 2 reasons why clones should be removed. 1) because it's unique. 2) because it's OP. I am saying the speed needs to be nerfed so it wouldn't be so OP. I used it up to T4 and it still kills and it kills fast for a while there.


Stop trying so hard. You are the one that went full retard.

It would only be canceled in emergencies. Besides, they can have a new energy formula for it. For example, 20 energy to cast and 5 energy for every unit attacked, so 16 targets for 100 energy.


See you still are just getting uber butthurt because no one is agreeing with you 


for you opinionated reason that i could give to craps about


1) "because its unique" ok maybe to YOU but youre the minority everyone else things other wise, I personanlyy think that its looks sexy as fluff and makes it more awesome (there not going to change that soooooo give that up already)


2) "because its OP" I still cant figure out why you would want to nerf what seem like your favorite frame but besides that if its op dont put on str mods and hinder your self if you long to be weak be my guest but dont force it on to other people and heck yea i want to press 4 to win AND look good doing it thank very much. i dont feel its OP 


you should probably stick with reason seeing how that's a way better argument then your first reason even thought its unlikely people will like the idea of nerfing BS 


or you know you can just.......


( •_•)>⌐■-■



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warframe has been "press 4 to win" since closed beta (back then volt was the king, then it switched to mag for a bit then to rhino, and then nova picked up the crown)


but basically DE has done nothing to deal with frame ability spam, they apparently encourage it, even tho it trivializes 99% of the game content


for whatever reason they dont want to overhaul the frame power system and give us cooldowns and innate energy regen, but instead we have to deal with clunky mods and stupid orbs


it blows my mind how they dont get how the current environment of 75% power efficiency means most frames can just bring their ULT and just spam it all day, with no reason to ever use another ability, its just lame and make me sad that DE doesnt see a problem with this game design-wise

Yeah... Energy is a given in this game since there are so many ways to get it. That and 75% efficiency cap, it makes the game pretty crappy. I wouldn't be so annoyed by the fact that Blade Storm is so good now if there was a better ability/energy system. Like it would be okay if Blade Storm had a super long cooldown, then it would be fair to be OP. Now an ultimate ability can be used anytime, all the time, without any penalty, aside from the little energy cost, and some people are happy with that. I call for a nerf to this ability because it's broken in this system, and people get all mad. Everyone seems to be happy to go around and press 4 to win.


Started a new account last month,  I went through like 90% of the solar map because Blade Storm. I used it for any and all situations, and it got me far. Took it to PvP and T4, and it wrecked. The game is too easy now, especially with Blade Storm. I get bored out quick leveling these weak weapons when I know my Blade Storm can pack atleast 4k damage anytime and many times. There needs to be restrictions and more challenges. I pretty much accomplish all there is to do in Warframe from just playing a month. I did like everything, and it was easy. Blade Storm, hahahahaha.. Honestly, I don't even know why I cared enough to create this thread. I am B-O-A-R-D of this game. It must be because of the nostalgia of using Ash last year that I put so much effort in these writings.


Oh well, all good things don't last. Thanks for your time, people. peace!

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You want old bladestorm and I want it to be christmas everday. Old bladestorm was not worth slotting under any circumstances, and if we ever go back to that bladestorm MUST target the enemies with the most HP first, and I mean the top 15 exclusively and since it's duration will be ridiculous, a great deal of enemies need to start to panic. Running away, running in circles or running straight to the objective. Does this list sound ridiculous in light of the buff's Ash's ultimate has recently gotten? It tells you how god-awful old bladestorm used to be. Even suggesting going back to that shows you must not have used it, or have a skewed perception of the game.

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