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How About Instead Of Changing Excalibers Abilities You Just Change Which Is Which


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There is no way this will work. Excal gonnabe "fixed". You wont trick DE.



I want to start topic about mag, her pull v2 was awesome, good CC, it was eveen better than Vauban vortex, pull, shoot a clip of bronco with puncture, done. But it seems like DE dont want good utility, only reason i can think of it is too comlicated for newbies?

Edited by GCoda
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but it makes radial blinds original power have a reason: its his ult

it also puts javs in a place that makes sense for the amount of damage it does.

as for slash dash well its not a fabulous ability in the first place. if anything this is the ability that should b replaced by a melee passive boost. (movement speed boost, attack speed boost, damage boost?)

.don't touch super jump.

Edited by dukelego
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I don't know how much you guys play excalibur, but he's my go to guy.

And, that being what it is, I'm completely debilitating to any team comp that wants to do something past level 35.


That by its self tells me a lot about the problem of this particular warframe.


He's the iconic representation of this game, yet he's the weakest frame of them all. It's completely contradictory to the point of something being the idol mark.


He needs a rework. I'm not saying something like gutting him out and restuffing him full of goodies, but he needs to be re-established as what he is; a go in, get in their face and get out kind of frame.


This is what I perceive to be a good fix for him:


1 "Slash Dash" needs to be able to also utilize his melee's damage for each person it passes through. That way he's able to keep up with the big damage dealers if you build him properly. The range of his hit can perceivably vary depending on which martial weapon you're currently holding, but that's something for you guys to decide. Personally, I think that's a bit much--for everyone's just going to run around and carry a scythe for the most range and damage with slash dash.


2. Get rid of his "Super Jump". It is completely and utterly useless. Most of the maps are ceiling bound and hinder him from even being able to use the power. And, when he does, it accomplishes nothing unless you equip "Heavy Impact" on to make him CC his area. However, one should not have to waste an entire mod slot for a power to be even slightly feesible.

I recommend giving him something that benefits his theme. He is known to be a melee kind of frame, so give him something that boosts that. Allow him to have greater attackspeed/movement speed/damage or some other sort. This is a mere whim of a thought, none of these need to be credited for a viable substitute but just ideas.


3. His "Radial Blind" is really his only genuine move that can actually be of use no matter what level of creatures you're fighting. This move is great. I don't think it needs to be changed at all.


4. "Radial Javelin"; just like "Slash Dash", a move that is lost between levels 20-30. Its damage is not nearly great enough for the casting time. He is left vulnerable for a good 2-3 seconds by all around him. Something meant to be used in the middle of a crowd shouldn't have such a delay. The risk isn't even worth the reward in the entire aspect, for it is quite conditional and you can almost hear the drop off in its potency once you go into any place with level 25 enemies and above.


He has a great look to him and has lots of potential.

I do hope the moderators consider this post quite highly and collaborate something for this poor frame.



Edited by Urente
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Urente, i talked w/ you in council chat.

I dig excal and play him a lot, and i mostly agree with you.

I don think he is the weakest frame by any stretch, but it does fell like he is starting to fall behind a bit. He is the icon and the standard by which others are compared, and should reflect that as well as his role.

The first fix to this is armor. It should be increased. i wont give a number yet, but its to low for a fella who wades slams into the front line like he does.

Of course it should be less than rhino, frost, or valkyr, but it should go up.

mobility is one of the key aspects of this frame and to get rid of super jump would be a shame. its practical and useful, and works no matter the enemy level. its a good dodge ability. its also fun as can be, jumpin and dashin round, in an out of the fight. he wouldn't be the same without the jump, and you can take it off when you dont need it. An ability doesn't have to do damage to be good, and using an weapon with an area slam is a great sub for heavy impact, then you can put a better card on your frame (if you just gotta have a comic style slam landing). but you really don't need it. One thing i would like to see is just a little more smoothness with this ability as far as mixing its animations with the rest of the other mobility actions. Still feels stiff, but i have no doubt DE will get there.

My vote is keep the jump, i use it all the time, a great and role defining tool. There is nothing like jumping a hellion in mid air and drop pinning him to the ground.

I'm mostly fine with slash dash, but it could use a little somethin. i have an idea that relates to the beast mode, melee 3.0, focus deal. but its way too in-depth for here. i think a simple fix would be to allow the use of the slide-spin while dashing as a booster to the attack. Just tack on the the channeling cost and stamina cost to the use cost. And of course you have to be in melee mode to activate the slash dash boost. i have other ideas and im sure y'all do to.

Slash dash: again a great role defining ability, but your right it needs some spice, just not sure what kind.

Radial javelin. wow i hardly even use this anymore. it takes way to long to activate. once upon a time you could jump in the air an execute this before you hit the ground. ahh those were the days. the simple change in activation timing made this skill almost useless. You are right, i think if the activation sequence was shorter you would fix half its problem. It still has a potency problem once you go up levels, but all the damage abilities do. That's how the risk game of pushing long missions works though. we all know you can push a survival till you just cant kill anything. tThat's the challenge there, and we all must asses the risk. That being said, this ability could use some proc's or knockback or somethin.

Radial javelin: aoe attack. nuthin special, could be fixed or replaced, it does not feel definitive for excaliburs role, but that fine. im fine with keeping it, just give it some penetration and knockback or somethin.

Radial blind. obvious i like this ability and my opinion is weighted. i notice that in this same post we have different opinion on this. we have some one complaining its to op and it needs to be nerfed. there is someone always complaining about op this or that in this game. I call them nerf herders and occasionally join their ranks(not here). Others think it needs more. You use excal as your go to guy, but think he is underpowered. So here we have a case of not being able to separate the frame from its abilities. ALL warframes are OP. this game wouldnt be the same without that. This game is OP characters battling overwhelming odds (and weird feet). That's what makes it fun! RB is a powerful ability and should remain so. its not the be all end all ability. it wont win a 40 min survival on its own. or maintain complete control during interception. it will give you the seconds you need to res a fellow tenno, escape, or hack a few guys up.

radial blind: keep it, and though everything in this game is subject to constant tweaking, it should mostly remain the same. its a powerful and role defining ability for excal but it doesn't make Excalibur the only guy worth playin either.

interested in hearin more and hope they don't butcher their own flagship character.


Edited by mayhemzen
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I just had an idea to maybe get his jump to be slightly more useful.


How about doing a jump creates a small AoE that knocks down nearby enemies, giving it some CC and allowing easy getaways.


Maybe also give it the ability to multiply slam attack damage and range on melee weapons.

Edited by Cyborger1
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but it makes radial blinds original power have a reason: its his ult

it also puts javs in a place that makes sense for the amount of damage it does.

as for slash dash well its not a fabulous ability in the first place. if anything this is the ability that should b replaced by a melee passive boost. (movement speed boost, attack speed boost, damage boost?)

.don't touch super jump.

yeah i get that, but the issue is not and never has been, that his abilitys aren´t performing good enough relative to their energy cost! They just don´t perform good enough overall!!! Except the pre-changed Radial Blind, everything just falls off too hard. Sure he´s got some decent mobiltiy, but 1. what good is mobility if you can only use it to run away and not actually fight the enemys and 2. his mobility is vastly outclassed by a lot of other frames: Nova, Loki, Ash...heck even freaking Rhino is more mobile then Excal.


We need an Excalibur overhaul, not an pseudo Ability buff/swap, to shut us Excal lovers up! 

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