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In-Game Models Quality


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As with update 14 i noticed that textures on warframes are slighty better and sharper.


The game itself is definitely next-gen because of Nvidia PhysX but i'd like to see an option for models quality.


I would like to have stuff smoother.


Some parts in game have visible big edges, as do warframes also.

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A good while ago, I made a thread questioning why the only options in the game were lighting-related and suggested more options for model quality and things like that. However, the answer(s) that I got basically said that the engine doesn't do 'set' model qualities, but rather acts a bit like tessellation and just adds or removes polygons based on general render settings (or something along those lines). The low-end results are just muddy, blurry models and the high-end results leave a bit to be desired, though I assume that's mostly because the older frames have lower quality meshes than newer ones (look at Banshee compared to...any other frame, really). DE should really consider updating the older models.


To add to it, the anti-aliasing in this game is horrendous (FXAA blurs everything and MSAA looks like no AA), which accentuates the funky areas on Warframes (Vauban's default helmet is a good example). I messed with my Nvidia settings for about an hour in an attempt to get non-jagged anything, but Warframe seems to reject any external AA settings (32x CSAA did nothing). Setting Negative LOD Bias to 'Clamp' stopped most of the flickering on aliased objects, but that's about it.

Edited by Ailith
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