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So You Can Pay To Be Twice As Powerful?


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Because competition. Competition is one of the two largest factors in the hate against P2W trends, and good faith competitive spirit is really big in a number of gaming circles (though it's debatable just how important it is among the gaming community at large). If you want to see a game taken seriously by the community in the eSports arena, then it won't have any compromising features/mechanics/items that can only be obtained by cash purchases. This is mostly seen in FPSs/TPSs/RPGs/MOBAs/etc., and there are clear tells when a game has gone P2W; say, in a FPS, an automatic rifle gets released for cash/IRL currency conversion, and it turns out to perform better than all the other automatic rifles currently in the game. It doesn't even have to be better under all conditions, just the ones that matter. Not only that, but it also starts to edge out other specialized weapons in other classes, such as semi-auto rifles, burst-fire rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, whatever. Because this "overpowered" weapon invalidates such a large number of other weapons (or hypothetically, every other weapon in the game) on paper, every player who wants to game on a hardcore competitive level (read: official/unofficial leagues, ladders, scrims, tournaments) will want to use or be put under the impression that they need to use that weapon in order to have a chance at winning, all other things being equal. In this situation, the moniker "Pay to Win" is somewhat facetious, since buying the weapon itself doesn't automatically win you a match, you still have to use it. But it came to be known for lampooning the balancing issues of various video games, in accordance with internet humor.


On the other side of the spectrum, you can have a game like League of Legends, which, while not without its own balancing issues, has no such "P2W" item for IRL currency sale. All of the game's critical content can be accessed without paying a cent, and is generally well balanced for competitive play. Thus, you see the extremely large eSport fascination with LoL worldwide. Do note that the two games I just mentioned (our hypothetical FPS and League) are both online F2P non-retail games so as to draw parallels with Warframe.


Obviously, competition doesn't apply to Warframe since there is no direct PvP element. However, that's where the second largest factor comes into play: overall gameplay balance. There are a number of arguments for why balance matters big-time in PvE gamemodes; we had this discussion a lot in Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, and I wouldn't mind going back to pull up some of those arguments and adjusting them for WF's circumstance. I figured your post was more generalized across all P2W arguments in gaming, not just those made for WF.


Also, you really need to back off Habataki; if you read his posts, his first language is clearly not English, and is in no way trying to troll you. Just cool down.

The funny thing about forums is that they are supposed to be a place where people discuss, but in reality nobody does 'cause everyone is busy posting his awesome statements ignoring all previous arguments. This guy here said something interesting about balance in pve games. I think we should focus on this instead of saying for the millionth time that it is @(*()$ possible to get everything for free by the first week if you play 40 hours a day.

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The funny thing about forums is that they are supposed to be a place where people discuss, but in reality nobody does 'cause everyone is busy posting his awesome statements ignoring all previous arguments. This guy here said something interesting about balance in pve games. I think we should focus on this instead of saying for the millionth time that it is @(*()$ possible to get everything for free by the first week if you play 40 hours a day.



 QQ more. I read the post a bit ago. I didn't have anything to add to what he said so I didn't respond.



 Also - there is only 24 hours in a day. It is actually impossible to play 40 hours a day.


 On top of that - I barely play two hours a day most days and have three catalyst BP and a Reactor sitting in my foundry. So you hardly need to play at all.

Edited by Blatantfool
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People paid for years to play that crap WoW monthly subs and didnt whine on about it, what the heck is so wrong with paying a tiny ammount of your wage to a game you support via the cash shop there is no difference.


FTP games will never get rid of this sort of topic as there is always some green eyed monster out there to busy wondering what the other guy has instead of focusing on his/her own progression toward end game.

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Since many people commented on pay2win, I'll just answer without quoting anyone specific:


I define pay2win pretty loosely. Any way to gain an advantage with real money is pay2win. Whether its saving time a little time or gaining convenience, or an item that makes you unkillable and able to oneshot everything. It doesn't matter if its PvP, PvE. You can still compete in a coop game. You can even compete in a single player game, against yourself.

Then your definition of pay2win is rather odd and very much a minority view.

Edited by GhostlightX
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 Also - there is only 24 hours in a day. It is actually impossible to play 40 hours a day.

Irony: an expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.

Edited by Ulchishi
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Irony: an expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.


  It would have been a fine example of irony if you where actually being as clever as you seem to figure you are. In this case you just come off as a dolt.

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Then your definition of pay2win is rather odd and very much a minority view.

Yeah, I guess you're right, the definition on the universal dictionary of videogamers gives a much more stiff explanation.

Since you guys have the mental elasticity of a wooden spoon, I'll give you a quick reference chart to help you orient yourselves.

1) If it's a MMORPG, then it's Pay to Win

2) If it's a RTS game, it's Pay to Dominate

3) If it's a FPS pvp game, it's Pay to Oneshot

4) If it's a Browser game, it's Pay to Own

5) If it's an e-Sport game, it's Pay to Subdue

6) If it's a Coop game, it's Pay to Get Things Faster, or P2GTF.

So, you're right guys, actually Warframe is a type 6 model.

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