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About The Event Mods...


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They're really only useful on very limited specific builds that would need to be evaluated by a case by case basis even for slash heavy weapons like the dread and miter, most builds and the most common builds on these weapons won't actually benefit from giving something up for bonus slash damage. The only reason Buzzkill is even worth considering on melee weapons is because many of the standard elemental mods for melee only hit 60% damage, and not 90% like all the others. 
For what value they could have in a build, it's not worth the time considering them and figuring it out. 

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My issue with them is that the way IPS mods work is still obnoxious. By scaling off of only part of the base damage, even these mods are only useful on a handful of non-melee weapons; unless the weapon has more than 75% slash damage by default, a 90% elemental is better. And the original IPS mods are still 100% garbage.

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Just personal opinion.


I think the pre-existing mods should have been boosted to 120%, with these mods giving either +90% damage and a bonus (maybe percent chance that a proc is slash, letting you bias your procs?) or 60-80% slash, 60% proc to start a cycle of physical proc mods.


But just making a strictly better version of an already available mod is the definition of power creep, and it has exclusivity power on top of that.


Or De could fix the whole desbalanced mod system fixing all the stuff and buffing underpowered/uselss mods ? Nah better release stronger mods !

Edited by Dasmir
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Physical mods give less effect because they don't recognize the entire base damage of the weapons.


They offer smaller enemy type bonuses than elemental combinations, compounding their already relatively small benefit.


The mods are fairly expensive in power at 11.


Do slash mods add to the damage counted for the slash status effect? If not, I can't imagine a practical situation where there isn't an obviously better option. Even then, they will only be better on the weakest unarmored units that die quickly no matter what you do.

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I wonder if they'll replace existing slash mods....has it occured to you guys? That maybe they're test releasing them to us?

DE is even less likely to go back and balance clearly broken mods than they are to produce a weapon that isn't simply mastery fodder.


IPS mods really should calculate off of the weapons total base damage, like the FECT elemental mods do, and all of the IPS mods should have been 90% to match.  The event mods should have been dual stats.


What we got is blatant power creep, and it still falls short of the elemental mods a majority of the time.


I'm not a programmer by any means, but I sincerely doubt mod stats are locked in at release and unmodifiable by any means, and I doubt even more that it takes a knowledge of programming to tweak the numbers.  In less than 5 minutes, mods like rifle aptitude could be buffed to +120% status chance or whatever might be balanced.  Yet they won't.  Instead, we have dead mods clogging up the mod pool and DE's attitude towards them seems to be "whatevs."  Mods like sawtooth clip might require being recreated to follow the same rules as hellfire for damage calculations, however I'd like to think they streamlined the process of creating mods to the point that someone without coding knowledge could it in minutes, tops.


If there's anything I hate more than a developer making a bad decision based on the lack of foresight, it's having the unwillingness to promptly address all of the little frustrations caused by those decisions.  This type of behavior usually leads to the downfall of a game.  I'd say Warframe is a fluke of sorts though, and this just makes the situation worse in the long run.

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