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Loki Prime Advice



So this is my "Dream" Loki Prime build. I'm wondering how it looks to everyone who's been around for a while, and if anyone has any tips or tricks to maximize in certain areas. Also I'm currently using Narrow minded 3 from the top not maxed yet. 




I don't know how to make the link look pretty. Sorry. 

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15 answers to this question

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Take off Flow, you'll never really need it unless you're a Nekros. Take off Stretch, your Disarm's range is really bad already so it's not worth trying to save it. Replace Fleeting with a rank 4 version. Add a rank 4 Streamline and Natural Talent (to minimize down time between Invis casts). You're now fully specialized for Invis.


I would make a separate build for Disarm; it's not worth it to try to compromise for both Disarm and Invis.

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Pretty solid build but take off flow and put on a defensive mod like vitality or redirection and you'll be just fine there, use it like that but put Narrow minded at rank 9, to max it is really hard, also i would forma 1 ability slot to give a D polarity for a defensive mod to be relaxed on energy drain

Edit: suggestion to decoy, put it on well placed cover or high ground and you got enemies shooting to a fly, also with a rank 4 fleeting expertise it is really spammable as a source of temporal Distraction/CC if well placed

Edited by (PS4)REFC1499
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I'd drop Fleeting it cuts into your Invis and Decoy times.  Just using Streamline is great due to having almost 45 secs of invis that allows you to sneak around or go to a corner and drop HP and EN restores. Maybe switch out constitution for Vigor for just in case moments.


Loki Prime all around build since you shouldn't be relying on using energy way too often Streamline is good enough along with Swindle giving your Disarm good enough range and looking sexy. Though it's either or when considering what skill you wanna use.


RD Focused  Mostly using RD with Invis just being there to help you run away.


Invis centered build  You notice I kept all the skills since you will have use from them all along with Disarm being slightly smaller it still works with the big group and helps for when being a scout for the group or LS jockey in survival.

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Yeah, I would also swap Flow for Redirection. It's okay to hybrid disarm and invis but it really doesn't work as well as focusing on one or the other. I would consider dropping Constitution for NT if you really want to keep RD effective.

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-34 meter disarm and 23 second invis is bad? I'm confused there please elaborate.

-I'll agree with Flow swapping for redirect or vitality because the more I play this build the more I realize I almost never drop below 300 energy. Even when spamming every ability.

-Natural Talent IMO isn't worth it. The cast time on lokis abilities are great as is and in high level stuff if you get caught out of cloak long enough to die with cloaks regular cast time you're prob ganna die with a .1 second faster cast anyway. 

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I'd drop Fleeting it cuts into your Invis and Decoy times.  Just using Streamline is great due to having almost 45 secs of invis that allows you to sneak around or go to a corner and drop HP and EN restores.


30.84s is the maximum amount of time possible on Invis. With a rank 4 Fleeting, that goes down to 24.84. For 50% more efficiency, you're only getting 20% less duration. So "Just using Streamline is great" is completely wrong.

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Nice Hybrid build. Though, I would rather swap Flow w/ NT instead of Vitality or Redirection since they don't scale well. NT is great for using your abilities in tough situations.


I also prefer to run a RD build instead of a Hybrid since it's more beneficial to the team. Here's my build (this also uses an Arcane Essence):




-34 meter disarm and 23 second invis is bad? I'm confused there please elaborate.

-I'll agree with Flow swapping for redirect or vitality because the more I play this build the more I realize I almost never drop below 300 energy. Even when spamming every ability.

-Natural Talent IMO isn't worth it. The cast time on lokis abilities are great as is and in high level stuff if you get caught out of cloak long enough to die with cloaks regular cast time you're prob ganna die with a .1 second faster cast anyway. 


1) Hybrid builds are good at both, but it's better to specialize in one or the other for better efficiency.

2) Already said why I don't use either Vit. or Red., and use NT instead.

3) It's pretty slow on RD, imo. I would still use it, but it's just me.

Edited by Yazeth
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-34 meter disarm and 23 second invis is bad? I'm confused there please elaborate.

-I'll agree with Flow swapping for redirect or vitality because the more I play this build the more I realize I almost never drop below 300 energy. Even when spamming every ability.

-Natural Talent IMO isn't worth it. The cast time on lokis abilities are great as is and in high level stuff if you get caught out of cloak long enough to die with cloaks regular cast time you're prob ganna die with a .1 second faster cast anyway.

A 24 sec invis is very good, you can drop it ti 30 without fleeting expertise, but i prefer to spam rather than be searching for energy when you lack it, 24 sec is solid. Also radial disarm is perfect the way it is, 30 meters is waaaaay excellent range, and you should be casting it when invisible, ana i say a defensive mod for extreme situations and merely precautions, natural talent also works for speeding up RD and invis cast, so you get less shot. Also you could do 2 forma, but decoy is good if you know how to use it correctly. Switch teleport is the less attractive ability there.

Edited by (PS4)REFC1499
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Yeah 34 meter RD is nailing everyone in almost every room in the void. I don't know why I would need to get it bigger.... I feel like you lose alot more than you gain maximizing for just one of Loki's abilities. I just ran through a low level survival to test the range on RD and the long room in grineer survivals with the two raised exits at either end. It hits enemies on both platforms easily(wasn't centered in the room and hit the further door.) I guess it's more a playstyle thing? I use loki to help the group so I cloak, position, and then clear rooms with RD. 


Thanks for all the input though plenty of stuff to think about now at least. 

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The 'limitation' to the 34 m range is that enemies begin to fire at about 30m away from targets. So you're stuck within a 4m ring of your teammates if you're priority CC. Extending the range beyond that allows you to venture a little farther from the group and still provide 100% coverage. If the group is mobile, it means you have to cast more often than new spawns require.


But it's really only relevant when playing the primary CC at very high levels where a few stray shots can take someone out.

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this is my loki p build



i went for max duration for invis and had decoy and switch teleport, the forma isn't needed unless you want to use a 1 from the top vigor or quick thinknig. (but helps if you want to move the polaties since i like them neat)


decoy helps with mobs as you already know, but the other reason i run it is so many times when i've solo ran missions and thers no enermies around i tend to get stuck in the most random of places so it gives me something to switch with, hence why i use switch tele too, also comes in handly when friends get stuck too.

Invis well thats a given for loki no real need to explain.

and helmet well i like the stock loki p helm, just never liked the look of the others on him

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So this is my "Dream" Loki Prime build. I'm wondering how it looks to everyone who's been around for a while, and if anyone has any tips or tricks to maximize in certain areas. Also I'm currently using Narrow minded 3 from the top not maxed yet. 




I don't know how to make the link look pretty. Sorry. 

use the regular loki and equip a arcane essence loki helmet for maximized 75% power efficiency * cuz loki prime with that arcane helmet looks 'amaezeen'... and may be take out that flow for something else mat be a redirection for some survivalbility or may be putting back the switch teleport cuz now you get punished really hard for using flow *silent energy leech aura and a total energy and shield annihilation aura* so the floor will be your 'flow' for keeping energy now..

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I use this build with Arcane Essence because with 525 energy and the 15%+30% efficiency just by passive energy regeneration I can basically refill what I spend on invisibility. 


Natural Talent is great no matter what anyone says because later into endless missions the less time you spend recasting, the less of the chance you get shot in that time and die.


Stretch and Overextended basically is 34m Disarm and R9 Narrow Minded (I plan on doing R10 eventually) results in something like 22 second invis.

That and I don't place very high value in Decoy and Switch Teleport.

Edited by Arabaxus
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