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How To Perfect The Buzlok


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Make the secondary tracker shot a charge shot.

25% normal tracker. 1 Round

50% 5x the speed of a normal tracker. 5 Rounds

75%+ Hitscan 10 Rounds


This was not my idea. It was a friend of mines. Renocraft is his name.


When you zoom it goes to charge mode. 




Added Ammo consumption values.

Edited by Olivionic
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I like this idea, but I would prefer it if I could use the scope to kill things as well. Enemies like Ballistas, Sniper Crewmen and Elite Crewmen can wreck you from a considerable distance. They are easy to kill, so there is no need to use a tracking shot on them. A single bullet fired from a safe distance is usually all it takes to kill them.


The charge system for the tracking round is an excellent idea. However, if just tapping the trigger fired a single semi automatic round(without tracking and doing damage) and a 1 second charge launched the tracking bullet, that would be perfect.

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at the moment this gun feels too clunky to use effectively in pve and impossible in pvp. the idea proposes that with a charge time marker mechanic it can still achieve hitscan speed at the cost of a bit of time to charge up while zooming. this would increase effectiveness in pve to improve on the already near terribad tracker mechanic that the buzlok currently has. to allow more accurate tracker shots on big targets. and it would also allow it to be used somewhat in pvp. at the cost of some time charging up while in zoom to get that hitscan speed projectile. the charge mechanic I feel is better than just a basic." click mouse once for hitscan bullet" mechanic because that could indeed be a bit OP in pvp games. the charge time leaves a bit of vulnerability time as to even this out. as somebody up top said. it would be like some kind of blade storm. point . click. fire. and they are dead wherever they run to. with the charge mechanic it gives the person you are fighting "ins". vulnerable times of aiming and charging so that the person using the buzlok can be shot at or sniped with whatever weapons you may feel the need to bring to bear. making this a bit more fair for all parties involved. and for people who have used this gun in pve. how many times have we shot a tracker at a target just for it to move 1 inch out of the way and the tracker to get stuck to a wall/tree/team mate/ different enemy. the whole point of this gun is to hit a target with a tracker dart and spray bullets that home in at it. if the main point of the gun. "tracker dart system", doesn't work effectively. then I would say the gun as a whole is a failure. even though it sounds awesome. looks awesome. and feels awesome. if it cant hit its targets. it will probably just be thrown in the corner to gather dust. and people will lvl it to 30. maybe take it out for lulz sometimes. and go back to their main weapons of choice.

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No.  The tracker shot idea is fundamentally flawed and clumsy for a game like Warframe.  The action is too fast, and there are too many enemies, for it to be practical even with the proposed changes.  Whatever is done to the Buzlok, it  1.) must restore normal aiming functionality 2.) must not cost so much time and ammunition as to be made pointless by regular firing.

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