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Attica Wont Hit Enemy In Close-Range


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I'm really fun playing with Attica but just notice something wrong with this crossbow

Sometimes the Attica can't deal any damage / won't hit enemies if they near the owner around 1-4m, first i think this because Shred (+PunchT) but after remove that mod out of the build i try again but still nothing change


No screenshot or the proof to show (forget to take that) the bug but you can try this with yourself DE :( .

Edited by Shafilp
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It's the same S#&$ with all the projectile weapons in this game

When trying to hit enemies at very close range you need to actually aim your crosshairs to the side of the enemy opposite of your weapon (so if your camera is over your frames right shoulder you should aim to the right of your enemy as well)


The way I understand:

This stuff happens because projectiles come out from the gun and then converge where the crosshair is but that doesn't happen immediatelly

On the other hand hitscan bullets automatically hit wherever your crosshair is (with some deviation based on accuracy stat)



Here's a video to ilustrate my point (ignore the sound sync):


Edited by WhisperByte
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You can test it pretty easily how this works. Get to a glass-sheet with rooms on both sides (corpus maps here and there tend to have such rooms, for example on Jupiter), stand close and aim at an enemy on the other side (better if further away). Of course use some amount of Punch Through (or a bow, since they have it innately already).

You aim at the guy, yet your projectile goes to appliable side in a sharp angle since the game looks at the point your crosshair looks, at the closest obstruction (which in this case is the glass).

From close up, the angles are just so sharp (and I guess there is a maximum too) that it just can't hit properly. This simply hails from the way you look and aim as your character is not in the center.

My all-time-favourite-example-that-did-similar-things-just-usually-better had a simple way to fix this - it showed the crosshairs (yep, multiple!) in 3d, forming a line so whatever happened, you knew where your character will shoot. In Warframe on the other hand, you don't see where your character points, you only see where you yourself try to look and aim which the char just tries to mimic. If it fails, you have no indication of that and can get yourself killed pretty fast.

Edited by K_Shiro
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