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September 26Th: Community Hot Topics!


September 26th Community Hot Topics  

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the problem with events i my opinion is that that the variation become less and less the more you repeat.

in some cases, such as cryotic front, operation breeding grounds or the informer event, players were simply told to complete a objective specific to a tileset, but the way they went about it was a little varied.

however, in an event like the hunt for alad v simply had us running in the same tileset over, and over and over again.

events can be improved by one of two ways.

in a more lore driven narrative, such as "operation sling stone" or "Gate crash", the event should be grounded, more like a quest, with tiers that feel like players have an impact, rather than killing two grineer sisters over again because somehow they got deadpool's healing factor.


in and event introducing new gamemodes, enemies ect, simply intergrate them into existing enviroments like what was done with the gradivus dilemma.


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I think mastery rank should be displayed in the chats :D


idk why but zhe number is also behind the name in the squad so...



mastery rank influences:

- should give slots for warframes and weapons

- maybe for the bigger ones: Novice Syandana (MR 4); Disciple Syandana (MR 7); Seeker Syandana (MR 10); Hunter Syandana (MR 13); Eagle Syandana (MR 16); {Tiger Syandana (MR 19); Dragon Syandana (MR 22); Sage Syandana (MR 25); Master Syandana (MR 28); [Grandmaster Syandana (MR 30)] }




EDIT: Mastery Rank names taken from: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank

Edited by Mampfi
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Mastery rank is something I take pride in. Although I would like something that shows off my experience a little better(aka, badge orsyandana that changes with rank, or even an exclusive color picker that has sparkly bits) I would much prefer to be better geared to help newer players with farming. Implementing graduated drop chances for mastery rank AND conclaive would make this possible give a reason for farming for hours upon hours. Some players only want to get that one dream loadout, others have bigger dreams and could use that little bit of help.

There is a sigil coming out that changes with your Mastery Rank.
That is partly what I was indirectly reffering to. However, until I see it in game, I can't say for sure if it will make me happy. Not to be greedy or anything, just because I do want something that shows off the 1300 hours I've put into the game.
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On events I chose other because so far with the events I have played the lag was really major I would hope later events it runs a bit smoother. I lagged in walls ontop of the map there was even a point where I was lagged at the beginning of the mission but every thing else proceeded. To make sure it was just the event and nothing else I played some regular maps publically and it was totally fine.

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Just something to consider again about the "We shouldn't get what we already have" mentality in regards to Login Rewards.


So, you don't experience because it is useless past 30. Well, it will become important again once the overflowing experience is going to be recorded in the Focus system. But even if we disregard and expand that and keep it strictly to "you don't get what you already have" ... the following scenario would appear;


No experience because you're already max everything.

No blueprint if you already have it.

No platinum discount because there is already one running

No Forma because you have more than 1 in your material list

No Forma BP for the same reason.

No Void Key because you already have at least 1 of each kind

No potato BP because you either already have it or have more than 1 of the finished product.


And that is even the halfway smart approach about it, which is still pretty dumb. I mean by that logic you wouldn't even get credits if you had more credits already than the value given to you. Do you see how easily exploitable this system would be? Suddenly the so called "very rare" Orokin React / Catalyst blueprints are something you get every day.


I am often amazed by how certain people forget, what kind of blessing the login reward system actually is. You don't need to play the game for half an hour or more to get this reward. You log in, bam, log out. And apart the affinity, everything still is worth something, as you can even sell the blueprints you don't need for money. If DE feels like we deserve a treat, then they might consider spread out the time it requires to get to the next login reward tier, and perhaps add more brackets. But eliminating affinity is just a short-sighted measure.


There was a time when I did nothing but log in to the game for 2 months straight, because I simply wasn't able to play due to time constraints. I had low-level weapons equipped. Other than the Forma I've grabbed, I was able to gain a few levels on these weapons. By doing NOTHING but logging in.


Seriously, I feel sad for the people who seem to just want the elimination process for nothing else but reaping more free benefits from the game.

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Mastery Rank Improvements


Mastery Rank should be a way to promote or highlight dedicated players. Skill advances as players learn and master game play, and Mastery Rank needs to award those who take the time to become better at the game overall and not singly focused on one way to play. As you Rank up and pass the Mastery Skills test, players should be rewarded for their time and dedication. Unique Warframe/weapon/companion skins or color pallets, animations and badges are all examples of rewards that could be used. Higher ranked clan leaders could provide access to better Dojo rooms and decorations.


 What is the difference between someone who can shoot a gun and a marksman, or someone who can throw a punch and a martial artist?


Mastery of their respective skills. Someone who can shoot a gun, understands to aim at your target, marksmen hit their target, lethal difference


Allow mastery rank to influence a weapons stat or stats, for exp:


Mastery Rank 0, Rank 0 Boltor = Base Accuracy or Damage

Mastery Rank 5, Rank 30 Boltor = +8% Accuracy or Damage

Master Rank 6, Rank 30 Boltor = +9% Accuracy or Damage


As you continue to rank up, and rank up weapons, you get an increase to weapon stats for that weapon category, for exp.;


Mastery Rank 0, Rank 0 Rifle = Base Accuracy or Damage

Master Rank 5, 3 Ranked 30 Rifles = +10% Accuracy or Damage

Master Rank 5, Rank 0 Shotgun = +5% Accuracy or Damage


In the above example the more rifles I rank up, the bigger overall boost they get to stats, whereas if I switch to shotguns, my Mastery rank will increase my weapons stats by a smaller percentage.


A Rank 5 Player, using a Rank 30 Boltor and has 2 other rifles ranked to level 30 would get an overall increase in accuracy or damage to the Boltor of 10%


Rank 5 + Rank 30 Bolter + 2 Other Rank 30 Rifles


5% + 3% + 2% = 10%


In my examples above I used 1% per Mastery Rank and 1% per 10 ranks of a weapon and 1% per each other rank 30 weapon of the same type to keep the math simple


This example could be done across all rank-able items. This would encourage players to level multiple frames/weapons/companions as they would increase the overall stats of their favorite frame/weapon/companion. Obviously the numbers would need to be modified to keep it from becoming overpowered, but the concept is what I wanted to present, not actual figures.

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Mastery Rank Improvements

Sounds like a good idea to me. This way, there would be a point in the achievements, too, other than just "gotta get 'em all".

As bad as that game was in some parts, I really liked that in Dead Island: Riptide you leveled a certain category of weapons just (and only) by using them, unlocking minor bonuses each level. It gave you a reason to specialise and not just go for the weapons with most DPS.

However, seeing how many weapons Warframe offers by now, we might need to fine-tune this a bit. It's pretty easy to e.g. get 3 rifles maxed. (If you're actively pushing for Mastery, it's pretty easy to unlock all weapon achievements and not master any of them.) If we differentiate between automatic rifles, semi-auto DMRs, burst-action rifles (granted, we only have three of those so far) and so on, we can tailor the bonuses you gain more to the weapon, either by improving them in a field they're lacking in or pushing even further in their already good areas.

In general, I like the idea of "passively" (just and only by spending playing time with it) mastering a certain weapon category and thus unlocking minor bonuses. It might bring up the problem of "but that's already a mod" or "$game did it before", though ...

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right now there are just a few weapons wich are unlocked with mastery ranks but for a lot of prime stuff u dont need a rank at all

for example

rhino needs a mastery rank of 2 but no mastery rank is needed for rhino prime sounds wrong to me

and talking about rhino i think rhino should be locked till rank 5 or 6 since he is a frame wich teaches newbies not to move or dodge

sounds nice but as they switch to a different frame they cant move or dodge because they never learned how to do so


and we have 174 weapons in the game but only 47 are exp locked if u ask me it should be 70+


apart from that i think void should be exp locked too

rank 1 for T1 rank 2 for T2 rank 3 for T3 and rank 4 for T4 but even better would be rank 2 for t1 rank 3 for t2 rank 4 for t3 and rank 5 for t4

sounds hard but a lot of ppl think they just need the prime parts and nothing else to play the game and then they start to complain that there is only void and its boring and its all the same ...


if mastery ranks get more important to unlock or improve things in the game the more players will care about them and will try to reach higher ranks

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apart from that i think void should be exp locked too

rank 1 for T1 rank 2 for T2 rank 3 for T3 and rank 4 for T4 but even better would be rank 2 for t1 rank 3 for t2 rank 4 for t3 and rank 5 for t4

sounds hard but a lot of ppl think they just need the prime parts and nothing else to play the game and then they start to complain that there is only void and its boring and its all the same ...


so.... if you then find a void key before you are lvl 1 or 3 what should happen?

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