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Mastery Test Need To Be Removed From This Game Or Remove The 24 Hour Wait That Is Flat Out Wrong


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The only problem with the mastery tests is maybe the game crash issue before you get to take it. The wait time is fair and fine as is. And most people aren't going to take your "suggestions" seriously when your ranting like a 10 year old who didn't get a toy with his happy meal. Especially when you're responding to everyone that disagrees as a fan boy. You failed a test which is there to make sure you're learning al the mechanics, if you have they are easy. So take a nap calm down and try again after you've learned how to play nice with others or just how to play in general.

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I am a horrible gamer.


This is, in fact, my very first shooter. At (almost) 50 years old, I have never been a "gamer" until now. The Mastery tests, to me, are AWESOME. They represent a progression in my skills and ability. I have never yet been put down or otherwise discriminated against because of my Mastery Rank or the number of times I have had to take a given test (8 for the Parkour test).


If you are, or have been discriminated against, maybe it is not you Mastery level, but your personality or attittude.

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I for one LOVE the mastery tests and wish there was a way to repeat past ones just for fun....what i really hate though is the 24 hour CD.....YES, I can do other stuff during that time frame of waiting...but what if I had technical issues that prevented me from doing the test correctly? for example, I'm doing test 13....for whatever reason, it wouldn't allow me to wall run or wall climb to the other platforms, thereby causing me to fall and fail that attempt....all 3 times that happened...watching a video on how to do the test and actually doing the test are 2 completely different things...so i would much rather see a 12 hour CD than a 24 hour CD.


I would like to be able to practice the test in a practice session as many times as I want to before it actually is taken.....for example...you dont go into a self defense class not knowing anything and expected to do the right fighting styles right off the bat...you take the class and learn it, then practice it to improve...THEN you take the test for what you learned.


Choosing a mastery test to practice (up to the current one you can take) or just for fun after you have passed them would be great.

Edited by xcynderx
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"no other company ever forces you to pass a test in order too rank up but if they did they sure as heck wouldn't be dumb  enough to make u wait 24 hours"


ever heard of the military? they make you wait years.


dude, you must be making this as a troll tread!

just because you failed a test you think the system is flawed?


honestly, these test are there for a reason. so i know if you get to rank13 you know what you're doing.

hell, i failed the rank 7 to 8 test 7 times, it took me 10 days to be victorious. but it was a learning experience.

these test teach you about game mechanics and hone your reaction time and accuracy.


TL;DR? get gud scrub


Protip, someone has gotten that MR before you.just look at the video on youtube to see how it's done and that will help you know what gear to bring.

That protip contradicted what you said. The only thing you learn from youtube is how to pass it...  Once you watch, you can complete it.

Edited by Jinryusai
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It wouldn't be 'Mastery' if it let you just blitz your way to completion. You're supposed to go out and really practice the test if you fail and reflect on where you went wrong.


Feel free to stop playing the game. Nobody will miss you.

Or watch youtube before each test and always pass mastering absolutely nothing...

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Free to play game. Easy way to extend the life, add wait times. The waiting 24 hours isn't bad. One must wait a single day? Oh, no! Just do something else while you wait and don't fixate on it.

That would be assuming they ca complete it the next day or it becomes VERY tedious. All the wait does is encourage them to watch youtube rather than go for it blindly.


Mastery means nothing if you watch youtube.

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Mastery Ranks ranks 24h restriction forces you to think about watching the challenge on youtube and watch how to do it instead of mindlessly zerg rushing while obliviously ignoring game mechanics that easily would get the challenge done.


The Tests force you to actually think and to make youself better by acknowledging youtube mastery videos and watch people use all of the game's mechanics effectively to pass making you no better a player.


I think the mastery tests, if anything, they should be more than simple youtube fodder.

WHy learn when you can watch.


Much like extreme tracks in Trials Fusion, you don't need to wait 24 hours to learn the mechanics of the tracks or the game.

See how easy he makes it look, that is pretty damn hard but he learned it by pressing reset constantly to continue right before each difficult part, he may have blitzed through it but he learned anyway. He still learned, he did not have to wait 24 hours to learn


So in the end, 24 hour wait does absolutely nothing and is overrated, you people are only deluding yourselves.

Edited by Jinryusai
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As a person who failed 0 -> 1 three times and 1 -> 2 once, I can definitely understand the struggle.

I started off with Loki and my problem was both managing to kill the enemies (I hate Corpus with a passion because of this test), and surviving long enough (I hate Corpus lasers)


I had the most random mods on my weapons, none of which increased my damage at all really; and the map itself was really blinding and difficult to see in. Luckily I had a friend who introduced me to the game and also gave me the 'basic' mods and a recommendation for weapons (Burston), and I was soon flying through the tests.


I made it through the 0 -> 1 with a Burston with Serration and Cryo Rounds from my friend

1 -> 2 was with a Lato and Heated Charge (I died the first time around because I was stupid)


After that it was a piece of cake. The first few tests are the most difficult because even though they're extremely basic (Kill enemies), you have to keep in mind of the very limited resources and knowledge that a new player has. On the other hand, it was definitely the most heart-pounding and intense moment I've ever had in Warframe, next to fighting Lephantis for the first time.

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