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Devs; I Will Buy Founder If


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You can adequately explain the 'value' system that the founder buy page touts.


Let's look at the first tier. I get 370 platinum, alleged at a $20 value, and a cute little forum badge so that I may proclaim my greatness over other players. Then, at the bottom, it says this is a $25 value, for only $19.99... But wait. Where does that extra $5 come from? I get $20 of credits and... a badge? Is the badge worth $5 somehow? Last I checked, it's just an image that confers no value at all.


Next tier pls! A $60 value of platinum, another cute little badge (which we can assume is worth $5, based on previous estimates), and a reskin of a starter class. Somehow, this is a $90 value for $49.99. Again, where is the extra $25 coming from? We have $60 of platinum, a $5 badge, and... the reskin is worth $25? Are you kidding me? I can buy whole packages of reskins in other games for $5, if not less, and here a starter class reskin is $25. Alright, whatever, let's move on.


Tier #3, up for assessment. $150 in platinum, another assumed $5 badge, a $25 reskin (lol), and now a starter sword reskin, valued at $225. Maybe I am bad at math, but $150 + $5 + $25 = $180. So, where does the extra $45 come from? Oh wait, the one extra item we get; a starter sword reskin. So the starter class reskin is worth $25, and the starter sword reskin is worth $45?! That's almost double the price of the earlier reskin!

Alright, final tier. A $600 value, whoa! We have $400 platinum, a $5 badge, a $25 reskin, and a $45 reskin (I am seeing a pattern here), totaling $475. That's a huge jump to $600, we are missing $125 of value! Oh, wait a second, we get... (drumroll, please)... A starter gun reskin! A $125 reskin! I can reskin game assets in a few hours of spare time, and you have the audacity to value an infinitely reproducible image file at $125 -per purchase-?!

Anyways, devs, go for it. You justify the blatantly false 'value' claims beside each purchase price, explaining how you came up to the exact totals you did with a breakdown of every item, and I will buy into your 'founder' program and feel superior that I somehow helped to actually found something.


I'm sure this will prove very valuable to anyone curious about the true value of your founder nonsense and gratuitously overpriced platinum system.

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Frame, melee and Gun with an extra polarity slot. You gain access to the design team at tier 3, your name on a map at tier 4. But yes, expensive (if all you think about is what you get "right now")

Edited by Lactamid
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baseline price for platinum with no bonus is 75/5 = 15 plat = 1 dollar


25 x 15 = 375


so you are getting 370 plat and the forum badge is worth 5 plat apparently so a 25 dollar value

the next tiers i am pretty sure work similarly but i forget what they are since I can't see the default prices and plat anymore

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I'm sure this will prove very valuable to anyone curious about the true value of your founder nonsense and gratuitously overpriced platinum system.

I forgot you work at DE and actually know everything behind this stuff. I mean. It seems you really think you know what youre talking about......

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Play a bit more and see if you like the game enough to support it.


Played 20 hours, and I do like it, but I'd much rather pay full-game price to access the content of the game. As it stands the bang-for-buck is incredibly low no matter which way you swing it. Drop $60 as you would for an off-the-shelf game, and you barely get access to two new classes. That's pricey, right there! Having more classes open for a bit less would be nice, then I'd have incentive to replay the levels many times over, leveling every class and getting them all unique mods and weapons. As it stands though, it's far too expensive and/or too much of a time sink to see even small results.


Someone suggested the Founder program as an alternative, and then I saw the value vs cost on their buy page and was like "what is this nonsense?" None of the values match up, and I'd really like an explanation as to why.

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They aren't reskins. They have different stats, and polarities. Nice presentation though. Had me excited.


Okay so, a slight change in shield/armor ratio for the class is worth $25, one new sword is worth $45, and one new gun is worth $125. Is that what we're getting at here? I'm still not convinced.

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I forgot you work at DE and actually know everything behind this stuff. I mean. It seems you really think you know what youre talking about......


You also forgot that I'm asking people at DE to clarify the pricing structure here and where the alleged 'value' numbers come from. I'm calling it as I see it, and waiting for someone who -does- know to explain it to me.

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You also forgot that a founders program is not supposed to be somehow a "Win" value. It is an option for individuals who feel the future of the game is worth investing in. Some founders programs don't give jack, or nothing to amazing. I did not become a GM founder because I was getting the "best stuff in the game for paying $250" I became a GM founder because I enjoy this game that much and wanted to contribute to the future of Warframe. 


If you need DE to come hold your hand and beg you to fund their game go somewhere else because I sure as heck don't want you with a "$5 value" founder tag under your name because you "Bought it". 

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Played 20 hours, and I do like it, but I'd much rather pay full-game price to access the content of the game. As it stands the bang-for-buck is incredibly low no matter which way you swing it. Drop $60 as you would for an off-the-shelf game, and you barely get access to two new classes. That's pricey, right there! Having more classes open for a bit less would be nice, then I'd have incentive to replay the levels many times over, leveling every class and getting them all unique mods and weapons. As it stands though, it's far too expensive and/or too much of a time sink to see even small results.


Someone suggested the Founder program as an alternative, and then I saw the value vs cost on their buy page and was like "what is this nonsense?" None of the values match up, and I'd really like an explanation as to why.


You get a larger bonus for each larger package.  It's pretty clear.

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You also forgot that a founders program is not supposed to be somehow a "Win" value. It is an option for individuals who feel the future of the game is worth investing in. Some founders programs don't give jack, or nothing to amazing. I did not become a GM founder because I was getting the "best stuff in the game for paying $250" I became a GM founder because I enjoy this game that much and wanted to contribute to the future of Warframe. 


If you need DE to come hold your hand and beg you to fund their game go somewhere else because I sure as heck don't want you with a "$5 value" founder tag under your name because you "Bought it". 


They directly state a monetary price value of the package under the actual purchase price. Yelling at the top of your lungs that it's a donation doesn't mean that they're not just making up big numbers and downright lying to make it look like a 'deal'.

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Your math is off, your making too many assumptions and your forgetting some key factors.


1. Your assuming the "reskins" are "reskins" and not their own unique items. So comparing them to the cost of "reskins" in other games is incorrect.

2. Your not putting dollar values on access to the design council or having your username plastered somewhere in the game.

3. Your not taking into account the taxes on some of these things. You buy 20 dollars worth of plat you are actually spending $22.50(depending on where you are) but if you buy 25 dollars worth of plat at the same rate then you are spending $28.35. Not a huge difference but from your original post you don't include these values at all and then use the full "Value" to estimate the values of other items included in founders.


I'm not saying your wrong for questioning it, its a good thing to not take everything you see at face value, but if your going to put this much thought into it you need to make sure you think of every factor before you create a thread like this or else you just make yourself look ignorant.

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You could compare this to an off the shelf game at $60 or you can compare it to a subscription based online game at $15 a month. Some games charge for both. But almost all the content is available without paying anything(although admittedly some of the stuff is uber rare). This game is anything but a ripoff in my opinion. The high values on some of the founder content is like a Collectors edition of a product. Is it actually worth what it costs? To most, no, and they won't buy it. But to that collector it's worth every penny. I guess what I'm getting at is that value is subjective. Obviously there are people who believe they are getting their money's worth or they wouldn't buy it.

Edited by Nic_the_Burner
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Ok so basic math time again 5 dollars buys you 75 platinum. If instead of buying the founders you where to buy platinum at the standard rate then 20 dollars would buy you 300 platinum; instead  for 20 bucks you get 370 plat and a forum badge a 25 dollar value. The next tier is an even better deal, 50 dollars standard value gets you 750 platinum but the founders package gets you 1,220 platinum plus a forum badge and a free Excalibur prime warframe, which is a standalone warframe not a reskin. The other 2 tiers are even better deals and include being involved in the design council and having a landmark option that tells the entire community where you are.

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At least for me the Hunter package was worth the money.


The Platinum alone was "cheaper" than buying the same platinum from the normal shop. Also the Excalibur Prime is nice (even tho the normal Excalibur is better due to polarities).


And the Forum badge, well i dont care about that. Also i kinda feel sorry for the hightier Founders whose names you see on the Map. Translates to: "OMG that guy there wasted so much cash on this game!" and you can't even toggle it off so all players can see your name and know exactly where ingame you are and when you are online. Creeeepy!

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