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Petition To Bring Back The Original Moa Design.


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This game is supposed to be happening thousands of years in the future and the technologically advanced Corpus should be showing some of that advancement. The new boxy jointy designs makes it looks like there are


This thing was a perfect design because it didnt look like anything that will be seen soon. It does look like something from a different era.







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Why can't we have both?

I seriously like both designs.


I'm guessing because it would require extra loading and they want the game to have the least amount of drain. But thinking along those lines my idea was that the original ones are the main troops while the new boxy ones that come out of their closets as rapid response.


And they look like this




Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Both would be pretty cool. The original "Organic" models COULD be used for simple MOA's, since the chunky and detailed design is a little lost on them.. Shockwave and Railgun MOA's could benefit from the new model, since they both need more "Oomph" in their legs, what with the stomping, and supporting the Railgun kickback.

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I want both MOAs! What about simply making two different types of MOAs? Make some MOAs weaker and use the old model, then make a "Reinforced MOA" or whatever that uses the new model.


Or make a certain mission have a small building with poor old discarded MOA series. Would be a nice heartwarming callback.


The original model looks weird, but nice. If I had to choose between both I'd choose the new one, but it's sad to have the first one go to waste.

Edited by CaligoIllioneus
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Yeah the new models definitely are more detailed and more "badass," but the old ones' organic look is what makes the entire Corpus fraction so unique.  We already have a fairly heavy-armor faction in the Grineer, the fact that the old models for the moas looked like some weird scifi vision where the machines imitate life so well that they appear lifelike was what made the faction so interesting: you don't know if they're organic, machines or both.


If keeping both designs is too much for loading into a single mission, they should definitely consider having different levels load with different models.  Perhaps certain systems will have the old models, while other planets, being the systems that are reinforced with newer Corpus forces, sport the new models.

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I liked it both too. The design could be mixed, as the more organic-like parts of the old design could be applied as a 'skin' or cover to vulnerable and more complex parts like joints, and the new futuristic boxy design could be used as the outer frame/shield, just like what Labors' design on Patlabor.

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To me, the new Moa's look so much better, as they much better reflect the Corpus image. In my eyes anyway.


Old Moa's simply look like a downgrade, as they aren't as detailed and without the joints and exposed workings- the old ones look like something you'd pick up at the Corpus gift shop for five quid.


They're cuddly...AND they can burn your flesh with lasers!

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I see the merit in keeping both designs as well as mixing them. A previous post also mentioned keeping load times down, which is also an important concern when taking functionality into account. Once again, like another previous post, I will agree on mixing them BETWEEN levels. After all, if you consider the "new moa" to be "ver 2" that doesn't mean every station/fortress/mining facility has gotten the new model and some will still be using the older model, which is still (in the sense of lore) an effective means of defense till upgrade arrive.

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I was just thinkig, MOA boss Ambulas looks great (black color etc.), maybe it could use 2 lasers or 2 rail guns or something.

Slight redesign etc. ?


I'm sure they're going to get around to redesigning the highest level boss in the game.  Like how they're redesigning Golem. 


Multiple weapons on the little bird would rock, combining shockwave/railgun and regular lasers.

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