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(Tiberon Change) You Might Want To Change This.


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It seems like DE giving people options, it takes 2 seconds. If people can't pay attention for two seconds then it is their own fault :/

Newer players might get the idea that Tiberon can become Tiberon Wraith if they are to use Latron Wraith. I just feel that this was not an intentional option.

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Or better yet, make it BETTER than a Latron, rather than slightly weaker.

How is it weapon that dose 180 dmg per trigger pull weaker then a weapon that dose about 54 dmg per trigger pull along with having better almost pin point accuracy Latron has a 10% crit chance But fires a single shot maby 2 with multi shot . Tiburon has a 5% crit chance Each Bullet per Trigger pull so it has a 15% chance to crit each burst you fire. Correct me if my math is off or i lack understanding in the mechanics.

Edited by LurkenLurker
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Yeah I did a bit of a double take when the wraith was an option when building this, it really shouldn't be imo. One misclick and that's one unique weapon gone forever.



Or better yet, make it BETTER than a Latron, rather than slightly weaker.

Er...you did look at the stats of this thing yes? It's burst fire and does higher base damage than the Latron. I don't even know how many shots are in its burst but even if it's only two that's still more than double the damage of the Latron per trigger pull. How is that worse?

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Newer players might get the idea that Tiberon can become Tiberon Wraith if they are to use Latron Wraith. I just feel that this was not an intentional option.

Although I see several reasons why it doesn't work this way I can't help but feel that it should.

If you're scrapping your uber-latron for components then your tibby's performance should reflect those uber-components. From a mechanical perspective I'd expect catalysts to carry over too. Maybe even forma; though my impression is that they optimize a mechanism rather than directly upgrade, so a significant redesign could easily negate their effect.

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Or better yet, make it BETTER than a Latron, rather than slightly weaker.

ermm...... huhwhat?


The Tiggeron has basically the same burst/fire rate as the latron, but does much more damage per burst. Its basically the latrons mirror image.



Although I see several reasons why it doesn't work this way I can't help but feel that it should.

If you're scrapping your uber-latron for components then your tibby's performance should reflect those uber-components. From a mechanical perspective I'd expect catalysts to carry over too. Maybe even forma; though my impression is that they optimize a mechanism rather than directly upgrade, so a significant redesign could easily negate their effect.

While I would hesitate to throw away my Latwriath, it would be a very interesting mix. Better crit? Faster firing?


Im intrigued.... 

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How is it weapon that dose 180 dmg per trigger pull weaker then a weapon that dose about 54 dmg per trigger pull along with having better almost pin point accuracy Latron has a 10% crit chance But fires a single shot maby 2 with multi shot . Tiburon has a 5% crit chance Each Bullet per Trigger pull so it has a 15% chance to crit each burst you fire. Correct me if my math is off or i lack understanding in the mechanics.

Dude I hate to break it to you but your math is completely off. You dont have a 15% chance if you roll a 5% chance 3 times. You would have a 7% or 9% chance for a crit. If you want me to do the math and show you I can. but it is not under ANY circumstances if you do that actual real life math 15%.

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