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The Imminent Proto-Armor Return

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I'm almost positive that something else will accompany the re-release. I have no idea how OP thinks that what was said implies otherwise. Even last anniversary it was released alongside something - the dex furis.

might be a new dex weapon. maybe a dex melee unless dex is another prefix for dual secondary weapons

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I know why they are whining, but i dont see any reason behind it.


Selfishness and a really, really, REALLY misplaced sense of pride and/or entitlement, or maybe to transcript as another put it, the fear of becoming less of a "special flower" and more of being another member of the mundane masses - as though anyone really cared whom else had the "exclusive" item, unless they were concerned to be among the exclusives.




 If I get worked up over it, I'm sure others will.

It is unfair to respond via edit reason text.


Anyway, whether or not people will get angry over it is for DE to be concerned over.  No developer really lets community outcry get to them unless they have a valid complaint.  The unique flower syndrome isn't really a valid complaint, especially with potential profits involved.


Speaking of potential profits, there isn't nearly as much to be gained from re-releasing a limited time skin than creating a whole new one.  So it's not like they'll re-release JUST the Proto-Excalibur skin for the next anniversary anyway.

Edited by Littleman88
If I get worked up over it, I'm sure others will. Removed inflammatory text.
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Its been a year already?


Jeesh, time flies!

i was thinking "ps4 has had warframe for a year already? huh?" then i remember it would be available on launch for the ps4 and was very bitter because stupid family crap ended up taking all the money i was gonna use to buy a ps4 and to this day unnecessary family crap keeps taking my money -_-

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I knew that EVERY kind of weapon/skin/warframe could return from the vault, except for the ones from Founders packs and only for legal matters. 

So, what's the problem? 


Ah, he's a Snipetron Vandal owner the one who's writings. One of the few. 

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last anniv we also got a weapon... So a special Glaive that fits this is not out of the question... But I'm not all that hyped about the Nemesis skin...I think Proto Exca is as far as you can take it without breaking the 4th wall too hard or having something weird/generic.

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